deviceManagementExportJob resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Entity representing a job to export a report


Method Return Type Description
List deviceManagementExportJobs deviceManagementExportJob collection List properties and relationships of the deviceManagementExportJob objects.
Get deviceManagementExportJob deviceManagementExportJob Read properties and relationships of the deviceManagementExportJob object.
Create deviceManagementExportJob deviceManagementExportJob Create a new deviceManagementExportJob object.
Delete deviceManagementExportJob None Deletes a deviceManagementExportJob.
Update deviceManagementExportJob deviceManagementExportJob Update the properties of a deviceManagementExportJob object.


Property Type Description
id String Unique identifier for this entity
reportName String Name of the report
filter String Filters applied on the report
select String collection Columns selected from the report
format deviceManagementReportFileFormat Format of the exported report. Possible values are: csv, pdf, json, unknownFutureValue.
snapshotId String A snapshot is an identifiable subset of the dataset represented by the ReportName. A sessionId or CachedReportConfiguration id can be used here. If a sessionId is specified, Filter, Select, and OrderBy are applied to the data represented by the sessionId. Filter, Select, and OrderBy cannot be specified together with a CachedReportConfiguration id.
localizationType deviceManagementExportJobLocalizationType Configures how the requested export job is localized. Possible values are: localizedValuesAsAdditionalColumn, replaceLocalizableValues.
status deviceManagementReportStatus Status of the export job. Possible values are: unknown, notStarted, inProgress, completed, failed.
url String Temporary location of the exported report
requestDateTime DateTimeOffset Time that the exported report was requested
expirationDateTime DateTimeOffset Time that the exported report expires



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementExportJob",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "reportName": "String",
  "filter": "String",
  "select": [
  "format": "String",
  "snapshotId": "String",
  "localizationType": "String",
  "status": "String",
  "url": "String",
  "requestDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "expirationDateTime": "String (timestamp)"