sensitivityLabel resource type



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Describes the information protection label that details how to properly apply a sensitivity label to information. The informationProtectionLabel resource describes the configuration of sensitivity labels that apply to a user or tenant.


Method Return type Description
List collection Get a list of the objects and their properties.
Get Read the properties and relationships of a object.
Evaluate application collection Given an input of contentInfo and labelingOptions, compute the set of actions required to apply the label.
Evaluate classification result collection Given an input of contentInfo and classification results, compute the set of actions required to apply the label.
Evaluate removal collection Given an input of contentInfo and downgradeJustification, compute the actions that should be taken to remove the label.
Extract content label Given an input of contentInfo, return details on the informationProtectionLabel that the metadata represents.


Property Type Description
color String The color that the UI should display for the label, if configured.
contentFormats String collection Returns the supported content formats for the label.
description String The admin-defined description for the label.
hasProtection Boolean Indicates whether the label has protection actions configured.
id String The label ID is a globally unique identifier (GUID).
isActive Boolean Indicates whether the label is active or not. Active labels should be hidden or disabled in the UI.
isAppliable Boolean Indicates whether the label can be applied to content. False if the label is a parent with child labels.
name String The plaintext name of the label.
sensitivity Int32 The sensitivity value of the label, where lower is less sensitive.
tooltip String The tooltip that should be displayed for the label in a UI.


Relationship Type Description
parent The parent label associated with a child label. Null if the label has no parent.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "",
  "color": "String",
  "contentFormats": [
  "description": "String",
  "hasProtection": "Boolean",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "isActive": "Boolean",
  "isAppliable": "Boolean",
  "name": "String",
  "sensitivity": "Integer",
  "tooltip": "String"