shiftPreferences resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Represents a user's availability to be assigned shifts in the schedule.


Method Return Type Description
Get shiftPreferences Read the properties and relationships of a shiftPreferences object.
Update shiftPreferences Update a shiftPreferences object.


Property Type Description
availability shiftAvailability collection Availability of the user to be scheduled for work and its recurrence pattern.
createdDateTime Edm.DateTimeOffset Timestamp corresponding to when the entity was created.
id Edm.String The identifier of the entity.
lastModifiedBy identitySet Identity of the person who last modified the entity.
lastModifiedDateTime Edm.DateTimeOffset Timestamp corresponding to when the entity was last modified.
@odata.etag Edm.String The change key for the entity.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "availability": [{"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.shiftAvailability"}]