Build Java apps with Microsoft Graph and app-only authentication

List users

In this section you will add the ability to list all users in your Azure Active Directory using app-only authentication.

  1. Open and add the following function to the Graph class.

    public static UserCollectionResponse getUsers() throws Exception {
        // Ensure client isn't null
        if (_appClient == null) {
            throw new Exception("Graph has not been initialized for app-only auth");
        return _appClient.users().get(requestConfig -> {
   = new String[] { "displayName", "id", "mail" };
   = 25;
            requestConfig.queryParameters.orderby = new String[] { "displayName" };
  2. Replace the empty listUsers function in with the following.

    private static void listUsers() {
        try {
            final UserCollectionResponse users = Graph.getUsers();
            // Output each user's details
            for (User user: users.getValue()) {
                System.out.println("User: " + user.getDisplayName());
                System.out.println("  ID: " + user.getId());
                System.out.println("  Email: " + user.getMail());
            final Boolean moreUsersAvailable = users.getOdataNextLink() != null;
            System.out.println("\nMore users available? " + moreUsersAvailable);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Error getting users");
  3. Run the app, sign in, and choose option 4 to list users.

    Please choose one of the following options:
    0. Exit
    1. Display access token
    2. List users
    3. Make a Graph call
    User: Adele Vance
      ID: 05fb57bf-2653-4396-846d-2f210a91d9cf
    User: Alex Wilber
      ID: a36fe267-a437-4d24-b39e-7344774d606c
    User: Allan Deyoung
      ID: 54cebbaa-2c56-47ec-b878-c8ff309746b0
    User: Bianca Pisani
      ID: 9a7dcbd0-72f0-48a9-a9fa-03cd46641d49
      Email: NO EMAIL
    User: Brian Johnson (TAILSPIN)
      ID: a8989e40-be57-4c2e-bf0b-7cdc471e9cc4
    More users available? True

Code explained

Consider the code in the getUsers function.

Accessing a collection

This method returns a collection of users. Most APIs in Microsoft Graph that return a collection do not return all available results in a single response. Instead, they use paging to return a portion of the results while providing a method for clients to request the next "page".

Default page sizes

APIs that use paging implement a default page size. For users, the default value is 10. Clients can request more (or less) by using the $top query parameter. In getUsers, this is accomplished with the top property in the request configuration.


The value set in top is an upper-bound, not an explicit number. The API returns a number of users up to the specified value.

Getting subsequent pages

If there are more results available on the server, collection responses include an @odata.nextLink property with an API URL to access the next page. The Java client library exposes this as the getOdataNextLink method on collection response objects. If this method returns non-null, there are more results available.

Sorting collections

The function uses the orderBy property on the request configuration to request results sorted by the users' display names. This adds the $orderby query parameter to the API call.