Welcome to Microsoft Graph REST API reference for the v1.0 endpoint.
API sets on the v1.0 endpoint (https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0) have reached general availability (GA), and have gone through a rigorous review-and-feedback process with customers to meet practical, production needs. Updates to APIs on this endpoint are additive in nature and don't break existing app scenarios.
Common use cases
The power of Microsoft Graph lies in easy navigation of entities and relationships across different services exposed on a single Microsoft Graph REST endpoint.
Some of these services are designed to enable rich scenarios around a user and around a group.
APIs in preview status are subject to change, and might break existing scenarios without notice. Don't take a production dependency on APIs in the beta endpoint.
New to Microsoft Graph? Microsoft Graph Fundamentals is a multi-part series that teaches you basic concepts of Microsoft Graph. It will guide you with hands-on exercises on how to use Microsoft Graph API requests to start developing or enhancing your applications with Microsoft 365 data.
Plan and execute an endpoint deployment strategy, using essential elements of modern management, co-management approaches, and Microsoft Intune integration.