This article lists and describes all Windows device settings in Intune for Education. To view and edit these settings in the portal:
Go to Groups.
Select a group.
Go to Settings > Windows Device Settings.
Apply settings
Apply group settings to establish access and security boundaries on the devices in your school. You can assign the same settings across all groups in your school; or you can customize the classroom experience and apply settings to individual groups.
Configuration options
Many settings in Intune for Education are configured to Block or Allow. For some settings, Not configured is an option. When toggled to Not Configured, the device will either:
Use the default setting.
Allow the device user (student or teacher) to customize the setting from their device.
User, app, and device settings differ from tenant settings. Tenant settings address the subscription and management settings for your organization.
Accounts and sign-in
Configure how users sign in to school devices.
What it does
Block adding and signing in with personal Microsoft accounts
Block users from signing in with their Microsoft account.
Block adding and signing in with non-Microsoft accounts
Block users from adding any account other than their Microsoft account. Use this setting if you want to force users to only use their Microsoft accounts for email.
Configure preferred Microsoft Entra tenant domain
Enables users to sign in to Windows without typing the domain name. If you configure this setting, the tenant domain name will prepopulate, but is still editable.
Configure settings such as how users install and access apps on their devices.
What it does
Remove built-in Windows 10 apps
Uninstall certain built-in Windows apps. For more information, see Shared devices.
Block access to administrative apps
Block students from opening apps that require administrative privileges.
Block installing apps from the Microsoft Store for Education
Block users from installing apps from unauthorized locations.
Require Microsoft Store for Education apps to be installed from the private store
Only allow users to install apps from the Microsoft Store for Education that your organization has set up.
Trusted apps
Allow or block users from installing trusted apps that have signed certificates from Microsoft.
Untrusted apps
Allow or block users from installing apps with certificates that are unsigned, or signed by sources not trusted by Microsoft.
Block installing apps from places other than the Microsoft Store for Education
Block users from installing apps from other sources and app stores.
Block automatic updates for Microsoft Store for Education apps
Block Microsoft Store for Education apps from being updated automatically.
Enable students on shared devices to share app data
Enable students using the same app on the same device to share data.
Configure settings related to Intune for Education device enrollment.
What it does
Block manual unenrollment
Block users from manually unenrolling devices from management.
Block adding provisioning packages
Block users from adding new provisioning packages that have device settings.
Block removing provisioning packages
Block users from removing provisioning packages that have device settings.
Enable local Autopilot Reset
Enable users with administrative rights to press CTRL + Win + R on the device lock screen to trigger Autopilot Reset. Autopilot Reset removes all user data, including user-installed apps and personal settings, and keeps the device enrolled in Intune. As a result, the device is kept up-to-date with all of the latest apps, policies, and settings.
Configure settings that affect the browser experience and user data.
Browser customization
What it does
Configure homepages
Choose what page opens every time someone begins a new Microsoft Edge browser session.
Configure new tab page
Choose what page opens every time someone opens a new tab in Microsoft Edge.
Configure home button behavior
Choose what page appears when users click the home button in Microsoft Edge. You can also hide the home button.
Default search engine
Select Bing, Yahoo, or Google as the default search engine for Microsoft Edge.
Configure blocked URLs list
Define a list of sites that your users can't load.
Browser restrictions
What it does
Block editing favorites
Block users from adding, importing, sorting, or editing the Favorites list.
Block browser extensions
Block users from using extensions to customize Microsoft Edge with added functionality from Microsoft and other sources.
Block untrusted browser extensions
Block users from sideloading extensions to their Microsoft Edge browser. These extensions are installed from untrusted sources–not the Microsoft Store–and could be malware.
Block search suggestions
Block Microsoft Edge from suggesting possible websites as you type a URL or search term.
Require SafeSearch
Require a filtered search for Bing and Google. Not applicable for Microsoft Edge version 45 and earlier.
Require YouTube restricted mode
Require YouTube restricted mode, which screens out potentially mature content on YouTube. Not applicable for Microsoft Edge, version 45 and earlier.
Block InPrivate browsing
Block users from using InPrivate browsing, which stops Microsoft Edge from saving data like browsing history and cookies.
Block Developer Tools
Block users from accessing Developer Tools. Microsoft Edge Developer Tools enable users to build and debug webpages
Block access to about:flags page
Block access to the about:flags page, which contains experimental settings and features.
Block printing from browser
Block users from printing browser content.
Block First Run page
Block users from seeing the First Run page. Microsoft Edge First Run page appears when a user opens Microsoft Edge for the first time and after browser updates.
Block pop-ups
Block websites from opening new windows.
Block overriding security warnings
Block users from clicking "Go on to the webpage" on sites that show an SSL/TLS certificate error.
Block password manager
Block users from using the password manager to save passwords.
Block automatically filling form entries
Block saving data entered in a form field online.
Require intranet sites to be viewed in Internet Explorer
When set to Block, internal traffic is sent to Microsoft Edge instead of Internet Explorer.
Enable faster start-up for Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge Start-up boost and Microsoft Edge Prelaunch improves the performance of Edge, but also causes Edge to always be running, potentially making a device noncompliant for secure assessments.
Enable translation
Enable this feature to integrate translation functionality in the browser. Not applicable for Microsoft Edge, version 45 and earlier.
User data
What it does
Sync favorites between browsers
Sync all favorites from Microsoft Edge to Internet Explorer.
Clear browsing data upon exit
Automatically erase history, cookies, and cached files after closing Microsoft Edge.
Use cookies
Cookies can store website settings or track user’s browsing behavior.
Network and connectivity
Configure network and connectivity settings for:
Internet connectivity restrictions
Wi-Fi profiles
What it does
Block Bluetooth
Block devices from using Bluetooth.
Block Bluetooth discoverability
Block devices from being set as discoverable using Bluetooth.
Block receiving advertisements over Bluetooth
Block devices from receiving marketing messages and advertisements over Bluetooth.
Block Bluetooth Swift Pair notifications
Block users from getting notifications about Bluetooth device pairing. Swift Pair lets users know when Bluetooth devices are nearby and able to connect to Windows 10.
Internet connectivity restrictions
What it does
Block Internet Connection Sharing
Block users from using Internet Connection Sharing to share the device’s Internet connection with other devices.
Block using Wi-Fi Sense to automatically connect to open hotspots
Choose if you want to block devices from automatically connecting to Wi-Fi hotspots.
Block cellular data while roaming
Block the use of cellular data when device is roaming.
What it does
Block automatic detection of proxy settings
If you've set up a proxy to handle device network traffic, you can choose whether devices automatically detect the proxy settings when connected.
Use proxy script
Enable the use of a proxy script for your devices. If you Allow this setting, you need to provide a Setup script address.
Use manual proxy server configuration
If you've set up a manual proxy, you can define settings for it here. If you Allow this setting, you need to provide the Proxy server address, Port, Proxy exceptions, and whether to Use proxy server for local (intranet) connections.
Wi-Fi profiles
What it does
Select Windows Wi-Fi profiles to assign them to this group.
A list of Wi-Fi profiles that you've created appear within this section, and are ready to assign. Details visible include the Profile name, Network name (SSID), Security type, and Description.
Configure Microsoft OneDrive and storage settings.
What it does
Silently move Windows Known Folders to OneDrive
Moves and redirects Windows known folders (Documents, Desktop, and Pictures) to Microsoft OneDrive. The move happens without any user interaction. When enabled, you also have the option to notify users that their files were moved. This setting is automatically enabled on devices running Windows 11 SE.
Silently sign-in users to OneDrive sync
Use to silently configure user accounts when deploying the OneDrive sync app (OneDrive.exe) to Windows computers. Lets users signed in on a PC that's joined to Microsoft Entra ID set up the sync app without entering their account credentials. The primary user of the device is signed in, so this setting works best on devices that are used by a single user.
Prevent users from redirecting their Known Folders to their PC
Forces users to keep their known folders directed to OneDrive.
Use OneDrive files On-Demand
Lets users get to all of their files in OneDrive or SharePoint Online, without having to download it all and use storage space on the device.
Days files remain unopened before file becomes online only (0-365)
Turns on Storage Sense, a silent assistant that works with OneDrive to automatically free up space. Any files not used within the set period of time are set to online-only when the device runs low on free space. When connected to the Internet, users can continue using their online-only files just like any other file.
Block OneDrive file sync
Block the device from syncing files to OneDrive.
Power and sleep
Configure settings that affect when a device powers off or goes to sleep.
What it does
Turn off device display after
Choose how many minutes of inactivity before device display turns off. Applies to devices plugged in and on battery.
Put device to sleep after
Choose how many minutes of inactivity before device transitions to sleep. Applies to devices plugged in and on battery.
Put device in hibernation after
Choose how many minutes of inactivity before device transitions to hibernate. Applies to devices plugged in and on battery.
Power button action
Select what happens when someone pushes the power button.
Lid close action
Select what happens when someone closes the device lid.
Block changing power and sleep settings
Block users from changing power and sleep settings.
Configure settings to allow printer access from school devices.
What it does
Printer list
Create a list of printers that you want to make available to student devices. Enter the printer hostname. An example of a formatted hostname is
Specify default printer
Make a printer available as the default printer option on devices. Enter the printer hostname as it appears in your Printer list.
Block adding new printers
Block groups from connecting new printers to their devices.
Configure security settings for Windows Defender and Windows SmartScreen.
Windows Defender
Some Windows Defender settings are available only at the tenant level and are not shown in the portal.
What it does
Block user access to Windows Defender settings
Block users from modifying Windows Defender settings on the device.
Enable real-time monitoring
Enable always-on scanning for malware, spyware, and other threats.
Enable behavior monitoring
Enable Windows Defender to check for certain known patterns of suspicious activity.
Prompt users to submit suspicious files to Microsoft
Choose to automatically send files to Microsoft for further analysis.
Type of system scan to perform
Choose if Windows Defender does a quick scan, a full scan, or no scan of devices.
Daily quick scan time
Choose what hour of the day Windows Defender runs a daily quick scan.
Scan all downloaded files
Automatically scan all downloaded files for malware.
Scan scripts run in Microsoft web browsers
Scan all scripts a website attempts to run in Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer.
Scan removable drives during full scan
Include removable drives, such as USB sticks, during full scans.
Scan files opened over the network
Scan all files that are opened by users from websites while using the network.
Scan remote folders during full scan
Scan any folders on remote locations during full scans.
Scan archive files
Scan archive files, like .zip or .rar.
Scan incoming emails
Scan all emails received over the network.
Scan for malware when files or programs are opened
Scan for malware when a file or program opens and alert users about suspicious activity.
Days before quarantined malware is deleted (0-90)
Set the number of days an affected file is saved. After this number of days, the file is deleted. For example, if set to 0, the file is immediately deleted.
Set anti-malware update frequency
Select how frequently Windows Defender should check for and download anti-malware updates.
Potentially unwanted applications protection
Windows Defender alerts the user, and blocks potentially unwanted software that attempts to install itself on devices.
Block suspicious files
If this setting is configured, Windows Defender Antivirus will be more aggressive about identifying suspicious files to block and scan. When not configured, it will block and scan less frequently. You can select Not configured, High, High plus, and Zero tolerance. High aggressively blocks unknown files while minimizing impact to device performance. High plus aggressively blocks unknown files, but may negatively impact device performance. Zero tolerance blocks all unknown files from running.
Enable cloud-delivered protection
Get real-time protection when Windows Defender sends info to Microsoft about potential security threats. This feature works best with Prompt users to submit suspicious files to Microsoft set to automatically send files.
Actions on detected malware threats
Windows Defender automatically quarantines detected malware.
Enable Network Inspection Service
Helps protect devices against network-based exploits. Uses the signatures of known vulnerabilities from the Microsoft Endpoint Protection Center to help detect and block malicious traffic.
Exclude files with these extensions from scans and real-time protection
Define the types of files that users can open without scanning for security threats.
Exclude processes from scans and real-time protection
Define the types of processes that users can run without scanning for security threats.
Exclude directories from scans and real-time protection
Define the file locations that users can access without scanning for security threats.
Windows Encryption
What it does
Encrypt devices
Enable Windows Encryption on devices.
Windows SmartScreen
What it does
Block users from overriding SmartScreen warnings about websites
Block users from ignoring and accessing websites blocked by the SmartScreen Filter.
Block users from overriding SmartScreen warnings about downloads from the web
Block students from ignoring and downloading unverified files that SmartScreen Filter warns about.
Enable SmartScreen to check for unrecognized apps and files
Enables SmartScreen to protect devices by checking for unrecognized apps.
Block users from overriding SmartScreen warnings about apps and files
Block students from dismissing SmartScreen warnings about potentially malicious files and apps.
Shared devices
Configure settings that control how teachers and students share devices.
What it does
Optimize devices for shared use
Configures recommended settings for shared devices, such as power and update management. Allows multiple students or teachers to sign in to the same device.
Block guest users
This option is only available when you enable Optimize devices for shared use. Block guest users from signing in to shared devices. When blocked, only domain users can sign in.
Block access to local storage
This option is only available when you enable Optimize devices for shared use. Block users from saving files to the device. When blocked, users can only save to the cloud.
Block fast user switching
Allow users to quickly switch between user accounts from the Start menu.
When you select to optimize devices for shared use, these apps are removed from teacher and student computers:
Mixed Reality Viewer
Desktop App Installer
My Office
Solitaire Collection
Mobile Plans
Windows Feedback Hub
Groove Music
Take a Test profiles
Select the Take a Test profiles you want to assign to the group.
Updates and upgrade
Configure how devices receive updates and upgrades.
What it does
Stay on a version of Windows 10
If you configure this policy, then the device will stay on the version of Windows 10 you specify until that version of Windows 10 reaches end of service or until this policy is removed or reconfigured. This policy cannot be used to downgrade a device.
Configure how and when updates are installed
Set the updates and maintenance period for the installation of updates.
Days to defer feature updates after they become available (0-365)
Set how many days to wait to apply a feature update after it becomes available. For example, if set to 0 days, a feature update that's just become available will be immediately applied to your devices.
Days to defer quality updates after they become available (0-30)
Set how many days to wait to apply a quality update after it becomes available. For example, if set to 0 days, a quality update that's just become available will be immediately applied to your devices.
Days before deleting uninstall files (2-60)
After installing feature updates, Windows keeps the files necessary to uninstall the new build and revert to your previous one. Set how many days to wait to uninstall these files.
Windows Update notifications
Choose the type of notifications shown when an update becomes available.
Block manual Windows Update
Block users from initiating an update on their own.
Block user from pausing Windows Update
Block user access to the Pause updates feature.
Allow students to see Windows pre-release features
Choose if students can see pre-release features for settings, pre-release features for settings and experimentation, or no pre-release features.
Delivery Optimization mode
Select how you want to deliver updates to devices. Delivery Optimization reduces the bandwidth needed to download Windows updates and apps by sharing the work of downloading packages among multiple devices.
Pause feature updates for 35 days
Paused Updates resume automatically 35 days after the specified start date. Change the value of this setting to Not configured to resume updates manually.
Pause quality updates for 35 days
Paused Updates resume automatically 35 days after the specified start date. Change the value of this setting to Not configured to resume updates manually.
Edition upgrade
Select Assign new Edition Upgrade profile to configure and assign a new profile that's not already listed.
What it does
Profile name
Enter a name for the profile. Example: Contoso School edition upgrade
Windows Edition to upgrade to
Upgrade the devices in this group to a different edition of Windows 10. Select the Edition to upgrade to and enter the Product key. This setting is not supported on devices running Windows 11 SE.
Switch devices out of S Mode
Previously referred to as Windows 10 S, S Mode is a more secure version of Windows 10. This setting lets users switch their devices out of S Mode. Keep in S Mode prevents them from making the switch. When in S mode, teachers and students can only browse with Microsoft Edge, and download apps from Microsoft Store.
Select Create and assign profile to save profile changes.
User experience
Configure the user experience settings for:
Device restrictions
Lock screen and desktop
Settings app
Start menu
Device restrictions
What it does
Block camera
Block use of the device camera.
Block removable storage
Block the use of removable storage such as USB drives, SD cards, and external hard drives.
Block Cortana
Block Cortana, the digital assistant built into Windows 10 that can answer questions and perform tasks.
Block location services
Block apps from using location services to access the device's location.
Block ending tasks in Task Manager
Block users from using Task Manager to force a program, process, or task to close.
Configure time zone
Choose what time zone to apply to devices.
Block changing date and time settings
Block users from changing the device date and time settings.
Block changing language settings
Block users from changing the device language.
Block changing device region settings
Block users from changing settings, such as country/region and language.
Send diagnostic data
Define whether to collect and send anonymous usage data to Microsoft to help improve Windows.
Lock screen and desktop
What it does
Set custom lock screen image
Configure a custom background image on the sign-in screen. You can choose a .jpg or .png less than 20 MB in size.
Set custom desktop image
Configure a custom background image on the desktop. You can choose a .jpg or .png less than 20 MB in size.
Configure desktop shortcuts for website and web apps
To configure desktop shortcuts, enter the URL for each website or web app. Each website you list will appear as a desktop shortcut and in the app list in the start menu. If a website has progressive web app (PWA) capabilities, this setting installs the progressive web app. This setting applies to Microsoft Edge version 77 and later.
Block Windows Spotlight
Block all Windows Spotlight features on these devices.
Block notifications on lock screen
Block notifications from appearing on the screen of a locked device.
Block Cortana on lock screen
Prevent users from accessing Cortana from the lock screen.
Settings app
What it does
Block access to the Settings app
Block user access to the entire Settings app. To block only parts of the app, select from the other settings in this section.
System settings
Block display, notifications, apps, power settings.
Block Bluetooth, printers, and more.
Network & Internet
Block Wi-Fi, airplane mode, and VPN.
Block background, lock screen, and color modifications.
Block user accounts, email, sync, work, and other people.
Time & language
Block size, region, and date.
Ease of Access
Block Narrator, magnifier, and high contrast.
Block location and camera.
Update & security
Block Windows Update, recovery, and backup.
Block uninstall, defaults, and optional features.
Block game bar, DVR, broadcasting, and Game Mode.
Start menu
What it does
Force Start menu size
Define whether to force the Start menu to appear full screen.
Block Jump Lists in Start menu from showing recently opened programs
Block Jump Lists from appearing on Start menu, and disable the corresponding toggle in the Settings app.
Block showing recently added apps in Start menu
Block recently added apps from showing in the Start menu.
Block showing the most used apps in Start menu
Block the most used apps from showing in the Start menu.
Block app list in Start menu
Block the list of all apps on the device from showing in the Start menu.
Block power menu in Start menu
Block the power menu (for example, Restart, Shut down) from showing in the Start menu.
Block user tile in Start menu
Block the current user’s information from being shown in the Start menu.
Block options from appearing on the user tile in Start menu
You can choose Change account settings, Lock, and Sign out.
Choose folders that appear in Start menu
You can choose File Explorer, Settings, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Videos, HomeGroup, Network, and Personal Folder.
Apply custom Start menu layout
Apply a custom Start menu layout using an XML file. You can upload an .xml file less than 2 MB in size. This setting is not supported on devices running Windows 11 SE. To change the default pinned apps for Windows 11 SE, customize the layout using the ConfigureStartPins policy in Microsoft Intune.
Pin websites as tiles in Start menu
Pin websites as tiles in the Start menu using an XML file. You can upload an .xml file less than 2 MB in size.
Next steps
Configure your group, app, and device settings in the Intune for Education portal. If you haven't yet done it, go to express configuration and set up your school with Microsoft-recommended settings.
Plan and execute an endpoint deployment strategy, using essential elements of modern management, co-management approaches, and Microsoft Intune integration.