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Assign apps to install them on school devices

Applies to:

  • iOS
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Windows 11 SE

To install an app on a school device, you have to first assign it to a group. After you assign an app, the app is sent to the appropriate device. App installation is initiated when the device checks in to Intune for Education.

This article describes how to assign apps to students and teachers in Intune for Education.

Add apps to Intune for Education inventory

Popular apps are available by default in Intune for Education for immediate assignment. If the app you want to assign isn't in your inventory, see the following articles:

Assign apps with Express Configuration

Go to express configuration to assign multiple apps to a single group.

Assign apps to a single group

Select a group and install one or more apps to the devices in that group.

  1. From the Intune for Education dashboard, go to Groups.

  2. Choose the group you want to assign the apps to.

  3. Select Apps and then choose the type of app you want to assign: web apps, Windows apps, or iOS apps.

  4. Select Edit apps.

  5. Expand the app categories to see apps that are available to assign. Select one or more apps.

  6. Select Save to deploy the selected apps to that group. App installation begins the next time the device checks in to Intune for Education.

Assign apps to multiple groups

Select an app and assign it to one or more groups for installation.

  1. Go to Apps.
  2. From the list of apps, choose the app you want to assign. Select the app name.
  3. Select Group assignments.
  4. Select Add groups.
  5. Select every group you want to add.
  6. Choose Save group assignments.

Windows 11 SE compatible apps

Windows 11 SE supports apps that are essential to education and fall into one of these categories:

  • Content filtering apps
  • Test-taking solutions
  • Accessibility tools
  • Classroom communication apps
  • Essential diagnostics, management, and supportability apps

For a list of compatible apps, or to request an app that's not supported, see available apps. If there are specific apps you want to assign that aren't compatible or included with Windows 11 SE, request to have them reviewed and added to an exception list.

0x87D300D9 error

If you assign an app to a device running Windows 11 SE and receive 0x87D300D9 error code with a Failed state, then:

  • Make sure the app is on the available apps list, or add your own app.

  • If you submitted an application request to add your own app, and it was approved, check that the app meets package requirements.

  • If the app isn't approved, then it won't run on Windows 11 SE. Add your own app or use an app that runs in a web browser, such as a web app or PWA.