Set up meeting dial-out confirmation for your users in Microsoft Teams

Sending meeting invitations through dial outs and Call me calls is an effective way to invite participants to join a meeting, whether they're new or existing participants, using either a traditional or mobile phone. However, if the person being called doesn't pick up and a voicemail system answers instead, the voicemail system joins the meeting. This results in participants having to listen to the voicemail until someone removes it from the meeting.

To prevent this, you can configure Teams to request a confirmation from the called person before they join the meeting. When a meeting dial out goes to a phone number and the person can't answer, the voicemail system can't connect because it can't provide the required confirmation.

This policy requires anyone receiving dial outs or Call me calls to accept the meeting invitation by pressing 1 on their phone keypad or saying "Okay." This confirmation step ensures that voicemail systems don't join the meeting.

Set up meeting dial-out confirmation for your users with PowerShell

To enable this policy for all meetings in your organization, set the -EnableDialOutJoinConfirmation parameter of the Set-CsOnlineDialInConferencingTenantSettings cmdlet to true. To set this parameter, run the following command:

Set-CsOnlineDialInConferencingTenantSettings -EnableDialOutJoinConfirmation $true