Tutorial: Create a Power BI visual using React

As a developer you can create your own Power BI visuals. These visuals can be used by you, your organization or by third parties.

In this tutorial, you develop a Power BI visual using React. The visual displays a formatted measure value inside a circle. The visual has adaptive size and allows you to customize its settings.

In this tutorial, you learn how to:

  • Create a development project for your visual.
  • Develop your visual using React.
  • Configure your visual to process data.
  • Configure your visual to adapt to size changes.
  • Configure adaptive color and border settings for your visual.


For the full source code of this visual, see React circle card Power BI visual.


Before you start developing your Power BI visual, verify that you have everything listed in this section.

Create a development project

In this section, you create a project for the React circle card visual.

  1. Open PowerShell and navigate to the folder you want to create your project in.

  2. Enter the following command:

    pbiviz new ReactCircleCard
  3. Navigate to the project's folder.

    cd ReactCircleCard
  4. Start the React circle card visual. Your visual is now running while being hosted on your computer.

    pbiviz start


    To stop the visual from running, in PowerShell enter Ctrl+C and if prompted to terminate the batch job, enter Y, and press Enter.

View the React circle card in the Power BI service

To test the visual in Power BI service, we'll use the US Sales Analysis report. You can download this report and upload it to Power BI service.

You can also use your own report to test the visual.


Before you continue, verify that you enabled the visuals developer settings.

  1. Sign in to PowerBI.com and open the US Sales Analysis report.

  2. Select Edit.

    Screenshot of the edit option in Power B I service.

  3. Create a new page for testing, by clicking on the New page button at the bottom of the Power BI service interface.

    Screenshot of the new page button in Power B I service.

  4. From the Visualizations pane, select the Developer Visual.

    Screenshot of the developer visual in the visualizations pane.

    This visual represents the custom visual that you're running on your computer. It's only available when the custom visual debugging setting is enabled.

  5. Verify that a visual was added to the report canvas.

    Screenshot of the new visual added to the report.

    This is a simple visual that displays the number of times its update method has been called. At this stage, the visual does not retrieve any data.


    If the visual displays a connection error message, open a new tab in your browser, navigate to https://localhost:8080/assets, and authorize your browser to use this address.

    Screenshot of the new visual displaying a connection error.

  6. While the new visual is selected, go to the Data pane, expand Sales, and select Quantity.

    Screenshot of the Power B I service quantity field in the sales table in the U S sales analysis report.

  7. To test how the visual is responding, resize it and notice that the Update count value increments every time you resize the visual.

    Screenshot of the new visual displaying a different update count number, after being resized.

Set up React in your project

In this section, you learn how to set up React for your Power BI visual project.

Open PowerShell and stop the visual from running by entering Ctrl+C. If prompted to terminate the batch job, enter Y, and press Enter.

Install React

To install the required React dependencies, open PowerShell in your ReactCircleCard folder, and run the following command:

npm i react react-dom

Install React type definitions

To install type definitions for React, open PowerShell in your reactCircleCard folder and run the following command:

npm i @types/react @types/react-dom

Create a React component class

Follow these steps to create a React component class.

  1. Open VS Code and navigate to the reactCircleCard folder.

  2. Create a new file by selecting File > New File.

  3. Copy the following code into the new file.

    import * as React from "react";
    export class ReactCircleCard extends React.Component<{}>{
            return (
                <div className="circleCard">
                    Hello, React!
    export default ReactCircleCard;
  4. Select Save As and navigate to the src folder.

  5. Save the file as follows:

    • In the File name field, enter component.
    • From the Save as type drop-down menu, select TypeScript React.

Add React to the visual file

Replace the code in the visual.ts file with code that enables using React.

  1. In the src folder, open visual.ts and replace the code in the file with the following code:

    "use strict";
    import powerbi from "powerbi-visuals-api";
    import DataView = powerbi.DataView;
    import VisualConstructorOptions = powerbi.extensibility.visual.VisualConstructorOptions;
    import VisualUpdateOptions = powerbi.extensibility.visual.VisualUpdateOptions;
    import IVisual = powerbi.extensibility.visual.IVisual;
    // Import React dependencies and the added component
    import * as React from "react";
    import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
    import ReactCircleCard from "./component";
    import "./../style/visual.less";
    export class Visual implements IVisual {
        constructor(options: VisualConstructorOptions) {
        public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {


    As default Power BI TypeScript settings don't recognize React tsx files, VS Code highlights component as an error.

  2. To render the component, add the target HTML element to visual.ts. This element is HTMLElement in VisualConstructorOptions, which is passed into the constructor.

    1. In the src folder, open visual.ts.

    2. Add the following code to the Visual class:

    private target: HTMLElement;
    private reactRoot: React.ComponentElement<any, any>;
    1. Add the following lines to the VisualConstructorOptions constructor:
    this.reactRoot = React.createElement(ReactCircleCard, {});
    this.target = options.element;
    ReactDOM.render(this.reactRoot, this.target);

    Your visual.ts file should now look like this:

    "use strict";
    import powerbi from "powerbi-visuals-api";
    import DataView = powerbi.DataView;
    import VisualConstructorOptions = powerbi.extensibility.visual.VisualConstructorOptions;
    import VisualUpdateOptions = powerbi.extensibility.visual.VisualUpdateOptions;
    import IVisual = powerbi.extensibility.visual.IVisual;
    import * as React from "react";
    import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
    import ReactCircleCard from "./component";    
    import "./../style/visual.less";
    export class Visual implements IVisual {
        private target: HTMLElement;
        private reactRoot: React.ComponentElement<any, any>;
        constructor(options: VisualConstructorOptions) {
            this.reactRoot = React.createElement(ReactCircleCard, {});
            this.target = options.element;
            ReactDOM.render(this.reactRoot, this.target);
        public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
  3. Save visual.ts.

Edit the tsconfig file

Edit the tsconfig.json to work with React.

  1. In the reactCircleCard folder, open tsconfig.json and add two lines to the beginning of the compilerOptions item.

    "jsx": "react",
    "types": ["react", "react-dom"],

    Your tsconfig.json file should now look like this, and the component error in visual.ts should be gone.

        "compilerOptions": {
            "jsx": "react",
            "types": ["react", "react-dom"],
            "allowJs": false,
            "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
            "experimentalDecorators": true,
            "target": "es6",
            "sourceMap": true,
            "outDir": "./.tmp/build/",
            "moduleResolution": "node",
            "declaration": true,
            "lib": [
        "files": [
  2. Save tsconfig.json.

Test your visual

Open PowerShell in the CircleCardVisual folder, and run your project:

pbiviz start

When you add a new Developer Visual to your report in the Power BI service, it looks like this:

Screenshot showing the hello React message in the newly created developer visual in Power B I service.

Configure your visual's data field

Configure your visual's capabilities file so that only one data field can be submitted to the visual's Measure data field.

  1. In VS Code, from the reactCircleCard folder, open capabilities.json.

  2. The ReactCircleCard displays a single value, Measure Data. Remove the Category Data object from dataRoles.

    After removing the Category Data object, the dataRoles key looks like this:

    "dataRoles": [
            "displayName": "Measure Data",
            "name": "measure",
            "kind": "Measure"
  3. Remove all the content of the objects key (you'll fill it in later).

    After you remove its content, the objects key looks like this:

    "objects": {},
  4. Replace the dataViewMappings property with the following code. max: 1 in measure specifies that only one data field can be submitted to the visual's Measure data field.

    "dataViewMappings": [
            "conditions": [
                    "measure": {
                        "max": 1
            "single": {
                "role": "measure"
  5. Save the changes you made to capabilities.json.

  6. Verify that pbiviz start is running and in Power BI service, refresh your React Circle Card visual. The Measure data field can accept only one data field, as specified by max: 1.

    Screenshot showing the measure Data field in the react circle card in Power B I service.

Update the visual's style

In this section, you turn the visual's shape into a circle. Use the visual.less file to control the style of your visual.

  1. From the style folder, open visual.less.

  2. Replace the content of visual.less with the following code.

    .circleCard {
        position: relative;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        border: 1px solid #000;
        border-radius: 50%;
        width: 200px;
        height: 200px;
    p {
        text-align: center;
        line-height: 30px;
        font-size: 20px;
        font-weight: bold;
        position: relative;
        top: -30px;
        margin: 50% 0 0 0;
  3. Save visual.less.

Set your visual to receive properties from Power BI

In this section you configure the visual to receive data from Power BI, and send updates to the instances in the component.tsx file.

Render data using React

You can render data using React. The component can display data from its own state.

  1. In VS Code, from the reactCircleCard folder, open component.tsx.

  2. Replace the content of component.tsx with the following code.

    import * as React from "react";
    export interface State {
        textLabel: string,
        textValue: string
    export const initialState: State = {
        textLabel: "",
        textValue: ""
    export class ReactCircleCard extends React.Component<{}, State>{
        constructor(props: any){
            this.state = initialState;
            const { textLabel, textValue } = this.state;
            return (
                <div className="circleCard">
  3. Save component.tsx.

Set your visual to receive data

Visuals receive data as an argument of the update method. In this section, you update this method to receive data.

The following code selects textLabel and textValue from DataView, and if the data exists, updates the component state.

  1. In VS Code, from the src folder, open visual.ts.

  2. Replace the line import ReactCircleCard from "./component"; with the following code:

    import { ReactCircleCard, initialState } from "./component";
  3. Add the following code to the update method.

    if(options.dataViews && options.dataViews[0]){
        const dataView: DataView = options.dataViews[0];
            textLabel: dataView.metadata.columns[0].displayName,
            textValue: dataView.single.value.toString()
    } else {
  4. Create a clear method by adding the following code below the update method.

    private clear() {
  5. Save visual.ts

Set your visual to send data

In this section, you update the visual to send updates to instances in the component file.

  1. In VS Code, from the src folder, open component.tsx.

  2. Add the following code to the ReactCircleCard class:

    private static updateCallback: (data: object) => void = null;
    public static update(newState: State) {
        if(typeof ReactCircleCard.updateCallback === 'function'){
    public state: State = initialState;
    public componentWillMount() {
            ReactCircleCard.updateCallback = (newState: State): void => { this.setState(newState); };
    public componentWillUnmount() {
        ReactCircleCard.updateCallback = null;
  3. Save component.tsx.

View the changes to the visual

Test your React Circle Card visual to view the changes you made.

  1. Verify that pbiviz start is running, and in the Power BI service, refresh your React Circle Card visual.

  2. Add Sales to the visual's Measure data field.

Screenshot of the sales value displayed in the react circle card visual in the Power BI service.

Make your visual resizable

Currently, your visual has fixed width and height. To make the visual resizable you need to define the size variable in both the visual.ts and component.tsx files. In this section, you make the visual resizable.

After you complete the steps outlined in this section, the circle diameter in your visual will correspond to the minimal width or height size, and you'll be able to resize it in Power BI service.

Configure the visual.ts file

Get the current size of the visual viewport from the options object.

  1. In VS Code, from the src folder, open visual.ts.

  2. Insert this code to import the IViewport interface.

    import IViewport = powerbi.IViewport;
  3. Add the viewport property to the visual class.

    private viewport: IViewport;
  4. In the update method, before ReactCircleCard.update, add the following code.

    this.viewport = options.viewport;
    const { width, height } = this.viewport;
    const size = Math.min(width, height);
  5. In the update method, in ReactCircleCard.update, add size.

  6. Save visual.ts.

Configure the component.tsx file

  1. In VS Code, from the src folder, open component.tsx.

  2. Add the following code to export interface State.

    size: number
  3. Add the following code to export const initialState: State.

    size: 200
  4. In the render method, make the following changes to the code:

    1. Add size to const { textLabel, textValue, size } = this.state;. This declaration should now look like this:

      const { textLabel, textValue, size } = this.state;
    2. Add the following code above return.

      const style: React.CSSProperties = { width: size, height: size };
    3. Replace the first return line <div className="circleCard"> with:

      <div className="circleCard" style={style}>
  5. Save component.tsx.

Configure the visual file

  1. In VS Code, from the style folder, open visual.less.

  2. In .circleCard, replace width and height with min-width and min-height.

    min-width: 200px;
    min-height: 200px;
  3. Save visual.less.

Make your Power BI visual customizable

In this section, you add the ability to customize your visual, allowing users to make changes to its color and border thickness.

Add color and thickness to the capabilities file

Add the color and border thickness to the object property in capabilities.json.

  1. In VS Code, from the reactCircleCard folder, open capabilities.json.

  2. Add the following settings to the objects property.

    "circle": {
        "properties": {
           "circleColor": {
                "type": {
                    "fill": {
                        "solid": {
                            "color": true
            "circleThickness": {
                "type": {
                    "numeric": true
  3. Save capabilities.json.

Add a circle formatting settings class to the settings file

Add the Circle formatting settings to settings.ts. For more information how to build formatting model settings, see formatting utils.

  1. In VS Code, from the src folder, open settings.ts.

  2. Replace the code in settings.ts with the following code:

    "use strict";
    import { formattingSettings } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-formattingmodel";
    import FormattingSettingsCard = formattingSettings.SimpleCard;
    import FormattingSettingsSlice = formattingSettings.Slice;
    import FormattingSettingsModel = formattingSettings.Model;
    * Circle Formatting Card
    class CircleCardSettings extends FormattingSettingsCard {
        circleColor = new formattingSettings.ColorPicker({
            name: "circleColor", // circle color name should match circle color property name in capabilities.json
            displayName: "Color",
            description: "The fill color of the circle.",
            show: true,
            value: { value: "white" }
        circleThickness = new formattingSettings.NumUpDown({
            name: "circleThickness", // circle thickness name should match circle color property name in capabilities.json
            displayName: "Thickness",
            description: "The circle thickness.",
            show: true,
            value: 2
        name: string = "circle"; // circle card name should match circle object name in capabilities.json
        displayName: string = "Circle";
        show: boolean = true;
        slices: Array<FormattingSettingsSlice> = [this.circleColor, this.circleThickness];
    * visual settings model class
    export class VisualFormattingSettingsModel extends FormattingSettingsModel {
        // Create formatting settings model circle formatting card
        circleCard = new CircleCardSettings();
        cards = [this.circleCard];
  3. Save settings.ts.

Add a method to apply visual settings

Add the getFormattingModel method used to apply visual settings and required imports to the visual.ts file.

  1. In VS Code, from the src folder, open visual.ts.

  2. Add these import statements at the top of visual.ts.

    import { FormattingSettingsService } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-formattingmodel";
    import { VisualFormattingSettingsModel } from "./settings";
  3. Add the following declaration to Visual.

    private formattingSettings: VisualFormattingSettingsModel;
    private formattingSettingsService: FormattingSettingsService;
  4. Add the getFormattingModel method to Visual.

    public getFormattingModel(): powerbi.visuals.FormattingModel {
        return this.formattingSettingsService.buildFormattingModel(this.formattingSettings);
  5. In the Visual class, add the following code line to constructor to initialize formattingSettingsService

        this.formattingSettingsService = new FormattingSettingsService();
  6. In the Visual class, add the following code to update to update the visual formatting settings to the latest formatting properties values.

    1. Add this code to the if statement after const size = Math.min(width, height);.

      this.formattingSettings = this.formattingSettingsService.populateFormattingSettingsModel(VisualFormattingSettingsModel, options.dataViews[0]);
      const circleSettings = this.formattingSettings.circleCard;
    2. Add this code to ReactCircleCard.update after size:

      borderWidth: circleSettings.circleThickness.value,
      background: circleSettings.circleColor.value.value,
  7. Save visual.ts.

Edit the component file

Edit the component file so that it can render the changes to the visual's color and border thickness.

  1. In VS Code, from the src folder, open component.tsx.

  2. Add these values to State:

    background?: string,
    borderWidth?: number
  3. In the render method, replace the following code lines:

    1. const { textLabel, textValue, size } = this.state; with:

      const { textLabel, textValue, size, background, borderWidth } = this.state;
    2. const style: React.CSSProperties = { width: size, height: size }; with:

      const style: React.CSSProperties = { width: size, height: size, background, borderWidth };
  4. Save component.tsx.

Review your changes

Experiment with the visual's color and border thickness, which you can now control.

  1. Verify that pbiviz start is running, and in the Power BI service, refresh your React Circle Card visual.

  2. Select the Format tab and expand Circle.

  3. Adjust the visual's Color and Thickness settings, and review their effect on the visual.

A screenshot of the react circle card visual in Power B I service, showing the color and border thickness format options.