Add the rich text editor control to a model-driven app

The rich text editor control is a lightweight, HTML-based editor built on the popular CKEditor. It lets you create, paste, and edit formatted text in your model-driven apps. To format text in the editor, you can use the editor toolbar, insert HTML tags, or paste formatted text from other applications, like a web browser or Word.

You can customize the editor's appearance, features, and behavior. The control's modern text experience is shown in the following screenshot.

Screenshot of the default rich text editor in a model-driven app.

Currently, the rich text editor is available as two different experiences:

  • Modern text editor: New experience you can enable
  • Classic text editor: Default experience

Modern text editor enhancements

The modern text editor is designed to align with the familiar and intuitive interfaces of Microsoft applications such as Outlook, Word, and OneNote. This update introduces a modern design, dark mode, high contrast themes, and a new copilot feature to enhance your text editing capabilities.


Certain functionalities that are available in the classic rich text editor experience aren't yet available in the modern experience. Such functionalities include:

  • Configuration options, as described in this article for the classic experience
  • Mentions

Enable the modern rich text editor experience

The classic rich text editor experience is enabled by default. Complete the following steps to switch to the modern rich text editor experience.

  1. In Dynamics 365, right-click the app for which you want to enable the modern rich text editor experience, and then select OPEN IN APP DESIGNER. Power Apps opens the App Designer.
  2. On the command bar, select Settings. The settings page is displayed.
  3. In the left pane, in Settings, select Features. The features page is displayed.
  4. Set the toggle to Yes for any or all of the following options, depending on your needs:
    • Enable a modern RichTextEditor control experience and email descriptions: Enables the modern rich text editor control experience for email descriptions. This setting overrides any customizations you previously made on the rich text editor's classic (default) email experience.
    • Enable a modern RichTextEditor control experience for default controls: Enables the modern rich text editor experience for default, non-configured instances.
    • Enable a modern RichTextEditor control experience for notes authoring: Enables the modern rich text editor experience for notes. This setting overrides any customizations you previously mad on the rich text editor's classic (default) notes authoring experience.
  5. Select Save.
  6. In the App Designer, select Publish.

Revert from the modern rich text editor experience to the classic experience

If you need to revert to the classic rich text editor experience, follow the same steps in Enable the modern rich text editor experience, but deselect the options you selected in Step 4.

Add the rich text editor control to a text column

The following configuration is available in the classic rich text editor experience.

When you format a text column as rich text, the default rich text editor control is added automatically.

  1. Sign in to Power Apps.

  2. In the left navigation pane, select Solutions.

  3. Open a solution and a table in the solution.

  4. In the Columns and data area, select a text column.

    If the table doesn't contain a text column, select + (New column) and enter a name for the column.

  5. In Data type, select > to the right of Text, and then select the appropriate Rich text option based on whether the column contains a single line of text or multiple lines.

  6. Save the column, and then add it to a form.

Add the rich text editor control to a text column in a form

The following configuration is available in the classic rich text editor experience.

  1. Sign in to Power Apps.

  2. In the left navigation pane, select Solutions.

  3. Open a solution and a table in the solution.

  4. In the Data experiences area, select Forms, and then find the form that contains the text column you want to add the rich text editor to.

  5. Select > Edit > Edit in new tab.

  6. On the form designer canvas, select, add, or create a text column.

  7. In the column properties pane, expand the Components list, select + Component, and then select Rich Text Editor Control.

  8. In the Add Rich Text Editor Control pane, select Web, Phone, and Tablet to allow apps running on any device to use the editor.

    If you want to customize the editor, enter the relative URL of its configuration file, a JavaScript web resource that contains the properties you want to change, in the Static value box. If you leave this field empty, the editor uses its default configuration.

  9. Select Done.

  10. Select Save and publish to apply your changes to the form.

Customize the rich text editor control

The following customizations are available in the classic rich text editor experience.

Power Apps allows you to change the properties of the rich text editor control to customize its appearance, features, and behavior. To customize a specific instance of the control, specify properties and their values in an individual JSON-formatted configuration file. To customize the control's global configuration, change the properties in the default configuration file.

Levels of customization

Up to three levels, or layers, of configuration can be applied to customize the rich text editor:

  1. At the most fundamental level, every instance of the control takes its configuration from the file RTEGlobalConfiguration_Readonly.json. The file is read-only, so you can't change these properties directly.
  2. At the next level, every instance of the control takes its configuration from the properties in the file RTEGlobalConfiguration.json, if any are present. This configuration is layered on top of the previous one, so the properties in this file replace the same named properties in the read-only file.
  3. Finally, at the highest level, a specific instance of the control takes its configuration from a specific configuration file, if one exists. This configuration is layered on top of the previous one, so the properties in this file replace the same named properties in the two lower-level files.

We have to add a slight qualification here. Not all properties are replaced by those in a higher-level configuration. The extraPlugins properties are merged to allow the use of a wide range of external and out-of-the-box plug-ins in the default configuration. That lets you activate and deactivate plug-ins as needed in the configuration file for specific instances of the control.

Customize a specific instance of the rich text editor

  1. In Visual Studio Code or other text editor, create a file and give it a meaningful name.

    The file RTEGlobalConfiguration.json contains the rich text editor's default, or global, configuration. If you're customizing the control in, say, a contact form, you might name the file something like RTEContactFormConfiguration.json.

  2. Copy and paste the following code snippet in the file:

    "defaultSupportedProps": {
      "propertyName": "value",
      "propertyName": "value",
      "propertyName": "value"

    The last propertyName:value pair doesn't end with a comma.

  3. Replace propertyName and value with the rich text editor control properties you want to change. String values must be enclosed in quotation marks.

    We provided a few example configurations for you, but you can define others to suit your needs.

  4. In Power Apps, create a JavaScript (JS) type web resource using the JSON file you created in step 1.

  5. Add the rich text editor control to a text column in a form, and in the Add Rich Text Editor Control pane > Static value, enter the relative URL of the JavaScript web resource.

    Although you may enter the absolute URL of the web resource, we recommend you enter the relative URL. That way, the web resource still works if you import it as a solution into a different environment, provided the relative path is the same.

    For example, if the URL of the web resource is, the relative URL is /WebResources/rtecontactform.

  6. Select Done.

  7. Select Save and publish to apply your changes to the form.

Customize the rich text editor globally

The editable global configuration file RTEGlobalConfiguration.json is the second level of customization you can apply. By default, the file is empty. That means that all instances of the rich text editor use the properties in the read-only file RTEGlobalConfiguration_Readonly.json, unless you create a configuration file for a specific instance of the control.

If your business needs require you to customize the control everywhere, specify the values you need in the RTEGlobalConfiguration.json file. Use the read-only file as an example to make sure you enter property-value pairs in the right format.

Use Copilot to refine text in the editor


  • This is an early access feature. You can opt in to use it for testing and adoption in your environments.
  • This feature is in early access only for new organizations. Existing organizations that are already using the feature can continue to use it, even if they haven't opted in for early access.
  • This feature is available for Dynamics 365 Sales, including custom sales apps that have lead and opportunity entities added to the site map.

Copilot uses natural language processing algorithms to help improve written content. You can add Copilot to the rich text editor and then get suggestions to improve the grammar, clarity, or overall quality of your text. Learn how to use Copilot in the rich text editor.

Rich text editor properties

The JSON file that determines the "look and feel" of an instance of the rich text editor contains two sets of properties:

Example configuration file

The following code is an example of a JSON file that contains both defaultSupportedProps properties and individual configuration properties. If a property has a default value, the default value is shown. If a property doesn't have a default value, a sample value is shown to illustrate the syntax. The properties are described in the two tables that follow.

"defaultSupportedProps": {
  "height": 185,
  "stickyStyle": {
    "font-size": "9pt",
    "font-family": "'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif"
  "stickyStyles_defaultTag": "div",
  "font_defaultLabel": "Segoe UI",
  "fontSize_defaultLabel": "9",
  "toolbarLocation": "bottom",
  "toolbar": [
  [ "CopyFormatting" ],
  [ "Font" ],
  [ "FontSize" ],
  [ "Bold" ],
  [ "Italic" ],
  [ "Underline" ],
  [ "BGColor" ],
  [ "TextColor" ],
  [ "BulletedList" ],
  [ "NumberedList" ],
  [ "Outdent" ],
  [ "Indent" ],
  [ "Blockquote" ],
  [ "JustifyLeft" ],
  [ "JustifyCenter" ],
  [ "JustifyRight" ],
  [ "Link" ],
  [ "Unlink" ],
  [ "Subscript" ],
  [ "Superscript" ],
  [ "Strike" ],
  [ "Image" ],
  [ "BidiLtr" ],
  [ "BidiRtl" ],
  [ "Undo" ],
  [ "Redo" ],
  [ "RemoveFormat" ],
  [ "Table" ]
  "plugins": [["button,toolbar,dialogui,dialog,autogrow,notification,clipboard,textmatch,fakeobjects,link,autolink,basicstyles,bidi,blockquote,panelbutton,panel,floatpanel,colorbutton,colordialog,listblock,richcombo,menu,contextmenu,copyformatting,enterkey,entities,popup,find,floatingspace,font,format,htmlwriter,horizontalrule,indent,indentblock,indentlist,justify,lineutils,openlink,list,liststyle,maximize,undo,menubutton,notificationaggregator,xml,ajax,pastetools,pastefromword,pastetext,preview,table,quicktable,removeformat,resize,selectall,showborders,sourcearea,specialchar,stylescombo,tab,tabletools,tableresize,tableselection,widgetselection,widget,wysiwygarea,textwatcher"]],
  "extraPlugins": "accessibilityhelp,autogrow,autolink,basicstyles,bidi,blockquote,button,collapser,colorbutton,colordialog,confighelper,contextmenu,copyformatting,dialog,editorplaceholder,filebrowser,filetools,find,floatpanel,font,iframerestrictor,indentblock,justify,notification,panel,panelbutton,pastefromword,quicktable,selectall,stickystyles,superimage,tableresize,tableselection,tabletools,uploadfile,uploadimage,uploadwidget",
  "removePlugins": "a11yhelp,codemirror,magicline,scayt,showborders",
  "superimageImageMaxSize": 5,
  "disallowedContent": "form[action]; *[formaction]; script; *[on*]",
  "linkTargets": ["notSet", "_blank"],
"attachmentEntity": {
  "name": "msdyn_richtextfiles",
  "fileAttributeName": "msdyn_fileblob"
"disableContentSanitization": true,
"disableDefaultImageProcessing": false,
"disableImages": false,
"externalPlugins": [
    "name": "EmbedMedia",
    "path": "/WebResources/msdyncrm_/myplugins/embedmedia/"
"imageEntity": {
  "imageEntityName": "msdyn_richtextfiles",
  "imageFileAttributeName": "msdyn_imageblob"
"readOnlySettings": {
  "height": 500,
  "showFullScreenExpander": true
"sanitizerAllowlist": {
  "attributes": [],
  "cssProperties": [],
  "domains": [],
  "protocols": [],
  "tags": []
"showAsTabControl": false,
"showFullScreenExpander": false,
"showHtml": false,
"showPreview": false,
"showPreviewHeaderWarning": false,
"allowSameOriginSandbox": false


The following table describes the most commonly used properties, but you can configure all the properties that CKEditor supports. The rich text editor control uses CKEditor 4.

Property Description Default value
height Sets the initial height of the content area, in pixels. "185"
stickyStyle Sets the editor font and size. See defaultSupportedProps
stickyStyles_defaultTag Creates a wrapper around the text in the editor content area. It's initially set to "div," but you can change it to "p" or any alternate tag. "div"
font_defaultLabel Sets the font label displayed in the toolbar. The label is for appearance only and isn't functional. The stickyStyle property determines the editor font and size. "Segoe UI"
fontSize_defaultLabel Sets the font size label displayed in the toolbar. The label is for appearance only and isn't functional. The stickyStyle property determines the editor font and size. "9"
toolbarLocation Sets the location of the toolbar in the editor content area. Supported values are "top" and "bottom." "bottom"
toolbar Lists the toolbar buttons to display. See defaultSupportedProps
plugins Lists preset plug-ins that the editor can use. The plug-ins in this list might be different from the plug-ins that are loaded, if extraPlugins and removePlugins are given a value. If you set this property to an empty string, the editor loads without the toolbar. See defaultSupportedProps
extraPlugins Appends plug-ins to the plugins list to load more plug-ins.
Many plug-ins require other plug-ins to work. The rich text editor automatically adds them, and you can't use this property to override them. Use removePlugins instead.
See defaultSupportedProps
removePlugins Lists plug-ins not to load. Use it to change which plug-ins are loaded without changing the plugins and extraPlugins lists. See defaultSupportedProps
superimageImageMaxSize Sets the maximum size in megabytes (MB) allowed for embedded images when using the superimage plug-in. "5"
disallowedContent Lets you prevent users from inserting elements that you don't want to have in your content. You can disallow entire elements or by attributes, classes, and styles. See defaultSupportedProps
linkTargets Allows you to configure which link target options are available for users when they create links:
- "notSet": No target set
- "frame": Opens the document in the specified frame
- popupWindow": Opens the document in a popup window
- "_blank": Opens the document in a new window or tab
- "_top": Opens the document in the full body of the window
- "_self": Opens the document in the same window or tab where the link is activated
- "_parent": Opens the document in the parent frame
"notSet", "_blank"

Individual properties

The following table describes more properties you can use to customize the rich text editor control.

Property Description Default value
attachmentEntity To enforce more security on uploaded files by using a table other than the default, set this property and specify a different table.
Syntax: "name": "tableName", "fileAttributeName": "attributeNameofBlobReference"
See defaultSupportedProps
disableContentSanitization Content sanitization removes some custom attributes or tags from rich text content. It's disabled by default to allow copying and pasting of rich text content from external sources. This property applies only to edit mode. When the editor control is read-only or disabled, content is always sanitized. true
disableDefaultImageProcessing By default, images that are inserted in the editor are uploaded to the attachmentEntity defined in the configuration. External users might lack privileges to view the content in the table. Instead, set this property to true to store images as base64 strings directly in the column configured to use the rich text editor control. false
disableImages Determines whether images can be inserted in the editor. This property has highest priority. When this property is set to true, images are disabled, regardless of the value of the imageEntity property. false
externalPlugins Lists external plug-ins or plug-ins that you create that can be used in the rich text editor control.
Syntax: "name": "pluginName", "path": "pathToPlugin" (the path value can be an absolute or relative URL)
None; see defaultSupportedProps for an example
imageEntity To enforce more security on images by using a table other than the default, set this property and specify a different table.
Syntax: "imageEntityName": "tableName", "imageFileAttributeName": "attributeNameofBlobReference"
See defaultSupportedProps
readOnlySettings These properties determine the behavior of the column when viewed in a read-only or disabled state. You can specify any supported property. None; see defaultSupportedProps for an example
sanitizerAllowlist Lists other kinds of content that can be displayed in the editor. See defaultSupportedProps
showAsTabControl Allows you to display more commands above the content area. Must be set to true to use the following properties: showFullScreenExpander, showHtml, showPreview, showPreviewHeaderWarning false
showFullScreenExpander Determines whether the editor can be used in full-screen mode. showAsTabControl must be set to true. false
showHtml Allows users to display and edit the HTML content directly. showAsTabControl must be set to true. false
showPreview Allows users to preview the editor content rendered as HTML. showAsTabControl must be set to true. false
showPreviewHeaderWarning Allows you to show or hide the warning message displayed when previewing content. showAsTabControl and showPreview must be set to true. false
allowSameOriginSandbox Allows the content in the editor to be treated as from the same origin as the rendering app.
Use this property with caution. Only use trusted external content. When this property is set to true, any external content could have access to internal resources.

Example configurations

The following sample configurations create specific customizations of the rich text editor in the classic experience. You can use them as-is or as a jumping-off point to customize a specific instance of the rich text editor or globally.

Set the default font to 11-point Calibri

Set these defaultSupportedProps properties in your configuration file. Each value except the last one should be followed by a comma (,).

"font_defaultLabel": "Calibri",
"fontSize_defaultLabel": "11",
"stickyStyle": {
  "font-size": "11pt",
  "font-family": "Calibri/Calibri, Helvetica, sans-serif;"

Make the Enter key insert a new line instead of a paragraph block

By default, pressing the Enter key creates a paragraph block with the <p> HTML tag. HTML uses paragraph blocks to group information, like paragraphs in a Word document. Browsers can format the <p> tag slightly different, so for visual consistency, you might want to use the new line or line break tag <br\> tag instead.

Set this defaultSupportedProps property in your configuration file. Follow this value with a comma (,) unless it's the last property in the file.

"enterMode": 2,

Paste or create HTML 5 content only

Although the rich text editor control works best with HTML 5 content, you can use HTML 4 tags. In some cases, however, mixing HTML 4 and HTML 5 tags can create usability challenges. To make sure all content is HTML 5, provide all the supported HTML 5 tags in the allowedContent property. The editor control converts any noncompliant tags to their HTML 5 equivalent.

Set this defaultSupportedProps property in your configuration file. Follow this value with a comma (,) unless it's the last property in the file.

"allowedContent": "a(*)[*]{*};abbr(*)[*]{*};address(*)[*]{*};area(*)[*]{*};article(*)[*]{*};aside(*)[*]{*};audio(*)[*]{*};b(*)[*]{*};base(*)[*]{*};bdi(*)[*]{*};bdo(*)[*]{*};blockquote(*)[*]{*};body(*)[*]{*};br(*)[*]{*};button(*)[*]{*};canvas(*)[*]{*};caption(*)[*]{*};cite(*)[*]{*};code(*)[*]{*};col(*)[*]{*};colgroup(*)[*]{*};data(*)[*]{*};datalist(*)[*]{*};dd(*)[*]{*};del(*)[*]{*};details(*)[*]{*};dfn(*)[*]{*};dialog(*)[*]{*};div(*)[*]{*};dl(*)[*]{*};dt(*)[*]{*};em(*)[*]{*};embed(*)[*]{*};fieldset(*)[*]{*};figcaption(*)[*]{*};figure(*)[*]{*};footer(*)[*]{*};form(*)[*]{*};h1(*)[*]{*};h2(*)[*]{*};h3(*)[*]{*};h4(*)[*]{*};h5(*)[*]{*};h6(*)[*]{*};head(*)[*]{*};header(*)[*]{*};hr(*)[*]{*};html(*)[*]{*};i(*)[*]{*};iframe(*)[*]{*};img(*)[*]{*};input(*)[*]{*};ins(*)[*]{*};kbd(*)[*]{*};label(*)[*]{*};legend(*)[*]{*};li(*)[*]{*};link(*)[*]{*};main(*)[*]{*};map(*)[*]{*};mark(*)[*]{*};meta(*)[*]{*};meter(*)[*]{*};nav(*)[*]{*};noscript(*)[*]{*};object(*)[*]{*};ol(*)[*]{*};optgroup(*)[*]{*};option(*)[*]{*};output(*)[*]{*};p(*)[*]{*};param(*)[*]{*};picture(*)[*]{*};pre(*)[*]{*};progress(*)[*]{*};q(*)[*]{*};rp(*)[*]{*};rt(*)[*]{*};ruby(*)[*]{*};s(*)[*]{*};samp(*)[*]{*};section(*)[*]{*};select(*)[*]{*};small(*)[*]{*};source(*)[*]{*};span(*)[*]{*};strong(*)[*]{*};style(*)[*]{*};sub(*)[*]{*};summary(*)[*]{*};sup(*)[*]{*};svg(*)[*]{*};table(*)[*]{*};tbody(*)[*]{*};td(*)[*]{*};template(*)[*]{*};textarea(*)[*]{*};tfoot(*)[*]{*};th(*)[*]{*};thead(*)[*]{*};time(*)[*]{*};title(*)[*]{*};tr(*)[*]{*};track(*)[*]{*};u(*)[*]{*};ul(*)[*]{*};var(*)[*]{*};video(*)[*]{*};wbr(*)[*]{*};",

Paste or create plain text only

Set these defaultSupportedProps properties in your configuration file. Each value except the last one should be followed by a comma (,).

"enterMode": 2,
"shiftEnterMode": 2,
"allowedContent": "*",
"disallowedContent": "*",
"forcePasteAsPlainText": true,
"toolbar": [],
"removePlugins": "contextmenu,liststyle,openlink,tableresize,tableselection,tabletools",

Set this individual property in your configuration file. Follow this value with a comma (,) unless it's the last property in the file.

"disableImages": true,

Allow the editor to use the full screen

Set these individual properties in your configuration file. Each value except the last one should be followed by a comma (,).

"showAsTabControl": true,
"showFullScreenExpander": true,

Screenshot of the rich text editor, with the full-screen expander control highlighted.

Allow viewing and editing HTML content

To allow users to view and edit the HTML of their content directly, show the HTML tab.

Set these individual properties in your configuration file. Each value except the last one should be followed by a comma (,).

"showAsTabControl": true,
"showHtml": true,

Screenshot of the rich text editor, with the HTML tab control highlighted.

Show a simplified toolbar or remove it entirely

By default, the editor toolbar contains all the available formatting tools. To provide a simplified toolbar, use the toolbar property and specify the tools that users can use to format their content.

Set this defaultSupportedProps property in your configuration file. Follow this value with a comma (,) unless it's the last property in the file.

"toolbar": [ { "items": [ "FontSize", "Bold", "Italic", "Underline", "BGColor" ] } ],

Screenshot of the rich text editor, with a simplified toolbar highlighted.

To remove the toolbar entirely, set the value of toolbar to '[]' (two square brackets).

Add a new font list and set 20-point Brush Script MT as the default font

Set these defaultSupportedProps properties in your configuration file. Each value except the last one should be followed by a comma (,).

"font_names": "Brush Script MT/'Brush Script MT', cursive;Calibri/Calibri, Helvetica, sans-serif;Calibri Light/'Calibri Light', 'Helvetica Light', sans-serif;"
"font_defaultLabel": "Brush Script MT"
"fontSize_sizes": "8/8pt;12/12pt;20/20pt;32/32pt"
"fontSize_defaultLabel": "20"
"stickyStyle": {
  "font-size": "20pt",
  "font-family": "'Brush Script MT', cursive"

Screenshot of the rich text editor with Brush Script as the default font and a new font list.

Position the toolbar at the top of the rich text editor

Set this defaultSupportedProps property in your configuration file. Follow this value with a comma (,) unless it's the last property in the file.

"toolbarLocation": "top",

Start the editor at 30 pixels high and grow to fit content

Set these defaultSupportedProps properties in your configuration file. Each value except the last one should be followed by a comma (,).

"autoGrow_onStartup": false,
"autoGrow_maxHeight": 0,
"autoGrow_minHeight": 30,
"height": 30,

Screenshot that illustrates that typing into the rich text area or pasting an image increases it to fit the content.

Fix the height of the editor at 500 pixels

Set these defaultSupportedProps properties in your configuration file. Each value except the last one should be followed by a comma (,).

"removePlugins": [ "autogrow" ],
"height": 500,

Screenshot that illustrates that with a fixed height, when enough content is added to the rich text area, a scroll bar appears.

Make the context (right-click) menu use the browser's default context menu

To replace the editor control's context menu with the browser's default context menu, remove the contextmenu plug-in.

Set this defaultSupportedProps property in your configuration file. Follow this value with a comma (,) unless it's the last property in the file.

"removePlugins": "contextmenu,liststyle,openlink,tableresize,tableselection,tabletools",

Find the configuration of a rich text editor control

If you're not sure where the configuration of an instance of the rich text editor is coming from, you can find it using your browser's developer tools.

  1. In Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, run your model-driven app and open a form that has the rich text editor control.
  2. Right-click the rich text editor content area and select Inspect.
  3. In the inspection pane, select the Console tab.
  4. Select the parent Main.aspx page in the list box on the command bar.

Screenshot of the browser developer tools, with the Console tab and main.aspx page highlighted.

  1. Select the Clear console icon on the inspection pane command bar, and then enter CKEDITOR.config. in the console.

Screenshot of the browser developer tools, with the Clear console icon highlighted.

  1. In the inspection pane console, enter CKEDITOR.config. to display the different configurations.

List of CK Editor configurations.

  1. Select a configuration, such as autoGrow_minHeight, to display the current setting.

The rich text editor toolbar

The following table describes the formatting tools that are available in the rich text editor by default.

Icon Name Shortcut key Description
Format Painter. Copy Formatting Ctrl+Shift+C, Ctrl+Shift+V Apply the look of a particular section to another section.
Font. Font Name Ctrl+Shift+F Select a font. The application considers the font that you select the default font. Segoe UI is the default font if you don't select one.

When you select formatted content, the name of the font applied to it is displayed. If your selection contains multiple fonts, the first one applied to the selection is displayed.
Font Size. Font Size Ctrl+Shift+P Change the size of your text. The application considers the font size that you select the default size. 12 is the default size if you don't select one.

When you select formatted content, the font size applied to it is displayed. If your selection contains multiple sizes, the first one applied to the selection is displayed.
Bold. Bold Ctrl+B Make your text bold.
Italic. Italic Ctrl+I Italicize your text.
Underline. Underline Ctrl+U Underline your text.
Text Highlight Color. Background Color Make your text stand out by highlighting it in a bright color.
Font Color. Text Color Change the color of your text.
Bullets. Insert/Remove Bulleted List Create a bulleted list.
Numbering. Insert/Remove Numbered List Create a numbered list.
Decrease Indent. Decrease Indent Move your paragraph closer to the margin.
Increase Indent. Increase Indent Move your paragraph farther away from the margin.
Block Quote. Block Quote Apply a block-level quotation format to your content.
Align Left. Align Left Ctrl+L Align your content with the left margin.
Align Center. Align Center Ctrl+E Center your content on the page.
Align Right. Align Right Ctrl+R Align your content with the right margin.
Link. Link Create a link in your document for quick access to web pages and other cloud resources. Enter or paste the anchor text in the Display Text box, and then enter or paste the URL in the URL box.

Optionally, select a Link Type and protocol if the link is to something other than a web page. To specify where a URL-type link should open, select the Target tab and then select a Target.

A pasted or typed URL is automatically converted into a link. For example, becomes <a href=""></a>.
Remove Link. Unlink Remove the link from an anchor and make it plain text.
Superscript. Superscript Type small letters just above the line of text.
Subscript. Subscript Type small letters just below the line of text.
Strikethrough. Strikethrough Cross out text by drawing a line through it.
Insert Image. Image To insert an image, paste it from your clipboard into the content area or drag an image file from a folder to the content area. Drag any corner of the image to resize it. The control supports .png, .jpg., and .gif images.

To have more control over the image's source, appearance, and behavior, select the Image button. Browse to the image file in a local folder or enter its URL. If the image is stored on an external server, enter the absolute path. If it's on a local server, you can enter a relative path. Optionally, enter a specific height and width to resize the image, and select an alignment. You should also enter alt text to describe the image for people who use screen readers.

If the image is also a link to a web page or other cloud resource, enter the URL of the resource in the Target URL box and, if needed, select the Target where the link should open.
Left to Right. Text direction from left to right Change the text to left-to-right. This setting is the default.
Right to Left. Text direction from right to left Change the text to right-to-left for bi-directional language content.
Undo. Undo Reverse the last change you made to the content.
Redo. Redo Undo your last undo, or reapply the last change you made to the content.
Clear All Formatting. Remove Format Remove all formatting from the select text.
Table. Table Insert a table with the number of rows and columns you select. To have more control over the table's size and appearance, select the Table button > More and change its properties. You can also right-click a table to view and change its properties.

To change the width of a column, drag its border. You can select one or more cells, rows, or columns and apply specific formatting, add a link to selected text, and cut, copy, and paste entire rows or columns.
Personalization Settings Set your default font and font size.
Accessibility Help Alt+0 Open the list of keyboard shortcuts you can use in the rich text editor.
Expand Toolbar. Expand Toolbar When the window is too narrow to show the entire toolbar, select to expand the toolbar to a second row.


To use your browser's built-in spell checker, press the Ctrl key as you right-click the text you want to check. Otherwise, the right-click (context) menu provides contextual formatting for the element you select.
An alternative to your browser's built-in spell checker is the Microsoft Editor browser extension. Microsoft Editor works seamlessly with the rich text editor control, and when enabled, provides fast and easy inline grammar and spell-check capabilities.

Use the rich text editor offline

The rich text editor control is available when you're working offline, although without some of the features and functionality you're used to. Images that you upload using the editor's default configuration aren't available when you're working offline.

The following plug-ins are available to the rich text editor when it's offline:

  • ajax, autogrow, basicstyles, bidi, blockquote, button, confighelper, contextmenu, dialog, dialogui, editorplaceholder, enterkey, entities, fakeobjects, floatingspace, floatpanel, format, horizontalrule, htmlwriter, indent, indentblock, indentlist, justify, lineutils, list, listblock, maximize, menu, menubutton, notification, notificationaggregator, panel, panelbutton, popup, preview, removeformat, resize, richcombo, selectall, showborders, sourcearea, specialchar, stylescombo, tab, textmatch, textwatcher, toolbar, undo, widgetselection, wysiwygarea, xml

The following formatting tools are available in the rich text editor when it's offline:

  • Bold, italic, underline, bulleted and numbered lists, decrease and increase indent, block quote, align left, align center, align right, strikethrough, bi-directional text, undo and redo, and remove formatting

Best practices for using the rich text editor

  • Rich text fields store HTML tags for formatting along with user-entered data. When you set the maximum size of rich text fields, make sure to allow for both the HTML tags and the user's data.

  • For the best performance, keep your HTML content to 1 MB or less. At larger sizes, you may notice slower response times for loading and editing.

  • In the default configuration, images don't negatively affect performance because they're stored separately from the HTML content. However, images are stored as base64 content in the text column when the user who uploads them doesn't have permissions on the msdyn_richtextfiles table. Base64 content is large, so you generally don't want to store images as part of the column content.

  • If you have a system administrator or basic user security role, the user personalization feature works by default. If you don't have these roles, you must have privileges to create, read, and write on the msdyn_customcontrolextendedsettings table for the user personalization plug-in to work.

Frequently asked questions

Why are typed characters slow to display?

If you have a lot of content in the editor, the response time can increase. Keep the content to 1 MB or less for the best performance. Spelling or grammar checks can also slow the typing performance.

Why can't I upload an image? Why does the image preview fail to load?

If the image file name, including the path, is long, the file may fail to upload or the preview might not be displayed. Try shortening the file name or moving it to a location with a shorter path, and then upload it again.

Why am I seeing HTML in my text?

If the rich text editor control is used in a column that isn't formatted for rich text, the content appears in the underlying HTML instead of as formatted text.

Screenshot of HTML appearing in the editor content area.

To resolve this issue, see make sure the format of the column is set to Rich text.

See also