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Windows Media Player 11 SDK External.NavigateTaskPaneURL 

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Note This topic describes functionality designed for use by online stores. Use of this functionality outside the context of an online store is not supported.

The NavigateTaskPaneURL method opens a Web page in the specified task pane, and changes focus to the specified pane.


  bstrKeyName ,


bstrKeyName (required)

String containing the key name for the online store.

bstrTaskPane (required)

String containing the name of the task pane in which the Web page opens.

bstrParams (optional)

String containing the query string parameters to append to the URL specified by the Navigate element of the ServiceInfo document.

Return Value

This method does not return a value.


Navigating to a pane that your online store does not support may cause the current online store to change.

The value specified for bstrParams is valid only when NavigateTaskPaneURL is called from Web pages provided by the online store.

The following table lists of valid values for bstrTaskPane and the associated task pane for each.

Value Task Pane
ServiceTask1 First online store task pane.
ServiceTask2 Second online store task pane.
ServiceTask3 Third online store task pane.

Your Web page code should specify a value for External.SelectedTaskPane when loading to ensure that the correct task pane button is highlighted after navigation is completed.

Example Code

The following example code shows how NavigateTaskPaneURL creates the URL of the Web page to display for ServiceTask1.

Example of the Navigate element:

    BaseURL = " store/html/navigate.asp">

Example call to the NavigateTaskPaneURL method:

external.NavigateTaskPaneURL("Proseware", "ServiceTask1", "Pane=Store");

Example of resulting URL used for the Web page displayed in ServiceTask1: store/html/navigate.asp?Pane=Store


Version: Windows Media Player 10 or later.

Library: Use wmp.dll.

See Also

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