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Windows Media Player 11 SDK External.SelectedTaskPane 

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Note This topic describes functionality designed for use by online stores. Use of this functionality outside the context of an online store is not supported.

The SelectedTaskPane property specifies or retrieves the currently selected task pane.


  window.external.SelectedTaskPane = 

Possible Values

This property is a read/write String. Possible values are "ServiceTask1", "ServiceTask2", and "ServiceTask3".


Specifying a value for this property highlights the button for that pane. It does not make the specified task pane active. You should specify a value for this property to set the current task pane button for your Web page when the page loads to ensure that the correct task pane button is active.

To make a particular task pane the active one, use the NavigateTaskPaneURL method.


Version: Windows Media Player 10 or later.

Library: Use wmp.dll.

See Also

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