Windows Media Player 11 SDK External Object for Type 2 Online StoresĀ 

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External Object for Type 2 Online Stores

Note This section describes functionality designed for use by online stores. Use of this functionality outside the context of an online store is not supported.

The External object can provide functionality to Web pages that are provided by a type 2 online store and hosted in Windows Media Player.

The External object exposes the following properties.

Property Description
appColorButtonHighlight Retrieves the current button highlight color for the Windows Media Player user interface.
appColorButtonHoverFace Retrieves the current button hover color for the Windows Media Player user interface.
appColorButtonShadow Retrieves the current button shadow color for the Windows Media Player user interface.
appColorDark Retrieves the current dark shaded color of the Windows Media Player user interface.
appColorLight Retrieves the current light shaded color of the Windows Media Player user interface.
appColorMedium Retrieves the current medium shaded color of the Windows Media Player user interface.
DownloadManager Retrieves the DownloadManager object.
SelectedTaskPane Specifies or retrieves the currently selected task pane.
version Retrieves the current version of Windows Media Player.

The External object exposes the following methods.

Method Description
NavigateTaskPaneURL Opens a Web page in the specified task pane, and changes focus to the specified pane.
playMedia (deprecated) Specifies the URL of a digital media item to play.

The External object exposes the following event.

Event Description
OnColorChange Occurs when the color of the Windows Media Player user interface changes.

See Also

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