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Core OS Services Product Reference Guide

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The following table shows improvements to core OS services.

Item Description
General Navigation Performance on Smartphone

(Smartphone Only)

Provides the following performance improvements.
  • During and after synchronization, the device can be used without noticeable performance degradation.
  • Music playing on Windows Media Player in the background is not interrupted when an end user navigates through the user interface.
Managed Code Wrappers

(Pocket PC and Smartphone)

Supports application development using managed code and the .NET Compact Framework in some areas that previously required the use of native code. For example, managed code can be used in application development for POOM, MAPI, TAPI, and Config.

(Pocket PC and Smartphone)

Provides an end user of a Windows Mobile–based device with the capability to use standard Secure Digital I/O (SDIO) accessories.
DirectX Graphics

(Pocket PC and Smartphone)

Supports the DirectDraw and Direct3D Mobile libraries, which can be implemented in an application, for example a game to 3D-modeling application, to provide rich graphics.
Device Emulator

(Pocket PC and Smartphone)

Emulates the behavior of a run-time image on a target device. Use of the emulator can reduce application build time and test time by providing a software environment that mimics the behavior of a target device. The emulator does not require developer tools and supports multiple development environments.
Enterprise-Class Code Samples in SDK

(Pocket PC and Smartphone)

Provides additional enterprise-class sample applications for Windows Mobile-based devices.
Persistent Data Storage

(Pocket PC Only)

Supports storing all registry settings, user data, and third-party applications in nonvolatile memory. Storing data in nonvolatile memory prevents data loss when there is no battery power and eliminates previous requirements to save some data in volatile memory.
MultiBin System File System

(Pocket PC and Smartphone)

Replaces the MultiXIP mechanism for managing SKUs and aggregations of functionality.
Device Update Mechanism

(Pocket PC and Smartphone)

Updates Windows Mobile–based devices without loss of user data.
File-Based Digital Rights Management

(Pocket PC and Smartphone)

Provides the Windows Mobile File-based Digital Rights Management (FDRM) API to support DRM in Windows Mobile applications. The FDRM API defines the interface to FDRM-managed content for Windows Mobile Version 5.0-based Pocket PCs and Smartphones. An original equipment manufacturer (OEM) must provide the implementation of the FDRM engine, for example an OMA DRM v1 engine.
Getting Started Disc Installation

(Pocket PC and Smartphone)

Getting Started Disc installation, which replaces Companion CD installation, provides the following improvements:
  • Steps the user through the installation process for ActiveSync, Outlook, and other applications.
  • Detects and determines which applications must be installed by the wizard.
  • Provides the ability for an OEM to add applications to the installation process.
FIPS 140-2 Certification

(Pocket PC and Smartphone)

Provides compliance with Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140.
Managed Configuration

(Pocket PC and Smartphone)

Provides a .NET Compact Framework developer with the ability to use C# to access Configuration Manager to make settings changes or modify the home screen.
Unified Installer

(Pocket PC and Smartphone)

Provides a unified installer for Pocket PC and Smartphone.
Unique Device Identification Provides a GetDeviceUniqueID function for applications that require a device to have a unique identifier. By using this function, an application developer can protect intellectual property by licensing a specific device.
OMA Device Management

(Pocket PC and Smartphone)

Supports device management through one-way and two-way communications. OMA Client Provisioning provides a one-way Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) push. The OMA Device Management (DM) protocol provides two-way communications between the server and the device. A server that supports the OMA DM protocol can manage a device because Windows Mobile-based devices accept standard OMA DM task requests. For more information, see OMA Device Management.
Remote Query for Device Configuration Settings

(Pocket PC and Smartphone)

Supports remote queries by a mobile operator to verify that device settings are correctly specified.
Operator Initiation of a DM Request to Device

(Pocket PC and Smartphone)

Provides a mobile operator with the capability to send a signed Short Message Service (SMS) notification to a Windows Mobile–based device to accomplish a device management (DM) task. The DM client on the device processes the notification and sets up an HTTPS connection with the DM server. The server sends DM commands to the device over the HTTPS channel.
Secure DM Transport

(Pocket PC and Smartphone)

Encrypts every message transported between the DM server and the client. This provides a higher level of data security integrity and checks for data integrity. The DM server initiates the DM session by sending a notification to the Windows Mobile–based device, which sets up an SSL channel with the server.
Remotely Manage OMA DM Server Access Information Provides the capability for a mobile operator or organization to remotely modify, query, or delete OMA DM server access information stored on a Windows Mobile–based device.
OMA DM Configuration of Microsoft-specific Settings

(Pocket PC and Smartphone)

Provides a mobile operator with the capability to send XML files that comply with the OMA DM standard and configure Microsoft-specific settings, for example certificates, registry settings, security policies, e-mail settings, server synchronization settings, virtual private network (VPN) settings, and so on. On Smartphone only, locale settings, audio settings, home screen settings, and clock settings can also be remotely configured. Also provides a mobile operator with the capability to remotely revoke a certificate.
Remotely Bootstrap the Device with OMA DM Server Access Information

(Pocket PC and Smartphone)

Provides a mobile operator with the capability to send WAP Push client provisioning messages over the air to a Windows Mobile–based device that contains OMA DM server access information. The DM client on the device accepts the message and then configures the device.
DirectX Mobile, DirectDraw, and Direct3D Mobile .NET Managed API

(Pocket PC and Smartphone)

Provides managed code access to Direct3D functionality.
Managed Wrappers for Configuration API

(Pocket PC and Smartphone)

Provides an application developer who writes applications using managed code with the capability to send provisioning XML from within an application.
More-efficient RAM Use on Smartphone

(Smartphone Only)

Increases the amount of RAM available after boot on Windows Mobile 5.0 compared to the amount available on Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition.

See Also

Product Reference Guide for Windows Mobile Version 5.0

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