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Product Reference Guide for Windows Mobile Version 5.0

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This section describes services and technologies provided by Windows Mobile software that are new or improved with Windows Mobile Version 5.0.

In This Section

  • ActiveSync Product Reference Guide
    Describes improvements to Microsoft ActiveSync features, for example improvements to setup, security, Bluetooth, user interface, and RAPI.
  • CellCore Product Reference Guide
    Describes improvements to CellCore features, for example Radio, Wi-Fi, and Pocket Watson Support for Radio Data.
  • Core OS Services Product Reference Guide
    Describes improvements to core OS services, for example improvements to general navigation, SDIO, DirectX Graphics, and device management.
  • International Product Reference Guide
    Describes improvements to international features, for example improvements to Language Pack and MUI Architecture, and Japanese and Chinese Input Method Editors.
  • Internet Explorer Mobile Product Reference Guide
    Describes improvements to Internet Explorer Mobile features, for example improvements to security, Web page display, Favorites, and browsing.
  • Messaging Product Reference Guide
    Describes improvements to messaging services features, for example improvements to functionality with Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 SP2, Direct Push technology, security, and e-mail.
  • Personal Applications Product Reference Guide
    Describes improvements to personal applications features, for example improvements to Outlook Mobile; picture, image, and video viewing and picking; contacts; and file-based digital rights management.
  • Phone Product Reference Guide
    Describes improvements to phone features, for example improvements to picture caller ID, user interface, Bluetooth profile support, and polyphonic MIDI ring tones.
  • Productivity Applications Product Reference Guide
    Describes improvements to productivity applications features, for example improvements to Powerpoint Mobile Viewer, Excel Mobile, and Word Mobile.
  • Shell Product Reference Guide
    Describes improvements to shell and user interface features, for example improvements to Bluetooth, WAP support, Wi-Fi, and WAN.
  • User Interface Product Reference Guide
    Describes improvements to the user interface features, for example improvements to Soft Keys, System font, file-based digital rights management, Smartphone setting optimization, and Start menu.
  • Miscellaneous Functionality Added to Windows Mobile Version 5.0
    Describes improvements to miscellaneous functionality features, for example improvements to AT Command Interface, GPS Intermediate Driver, OMA DM Protocol, and ARM Emulator Support.
  • Windows Media Player 10 Mobile Product Reference Guide
    Describes improvements to Windows Media Player features, for example improvements to synchronization of edited end user ratings, Now Playing, Direct Draw rendering, DirectShow streaming support, default skin branding, and hard disk drive support.

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