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Pipeline Component Reference

This section contains the reference material for the following pipeline components supplied with Commerce Server.

Pipeline Component Name Description
AddAttachments Adds attachments to a direct mail message.
AdvertisingNeedOfDelivery Ensures advertisements are selected often enough to meet business commitments.
ComposeDMLMessage Creates the body of a direct mail message.
CreateUPMCookie Collects cookie data to pass to an Active Server Pages (ASP) page creating a personalized direct mail message.
CSFLoadAdvertisements Loads advertising data for the Content Selection Framework through the CacheManager object.
CSFLoadDiscounts Loads discount data for the Content Selection Framework through the CacheManager object.
CSFWriteEvents Used with the CacheManager object to log Content Selection Framework events.
DBOrderPromoADO Retrieves data about price promotions from the database and adjusts item prices accordingly.
DefaultHandlingCy, DefaultHandling Used as placeholder handling components. They initialize the total handling for the order to zero (0).
DefaultItemPriceCy, DefaultItemPrice Set the regular price of an item to the list price returned by components such as QueryCatalogInfo or QueryProdInfoADO.
DefaultOrderSubTotalCy,DefaultOrderSubTotal Calculates the subtotal for the order.
DefaultPayment Assigns a default value to the payment authorization code. This component is usually replaced by a third-party payment component.
DefaultShippingCy,DefaultShipping Placeholder shipping components. They set the shipping cost to zero (0).
DefaultShopperInfo Moves information from the Shopper dictionary in the Context dictionary of the pipeline to the OrderForm object.
DefaultTaxCy, DefaultTax Set the tax fields of the order to zero (0). These components are usually replaced by third-party tax components.
DefaultTotalCy, DefaultTotal Calculates the order total from the subtotals.
EvalTargetGroups Used to target particular groups for advertising, content selection, and discounts. This component evaluates a list of expressions for each item in a list and adjusts item selection scores.
ExecuteProcess Runs an external executable file.
FilterContent Applies provided filters to a content list in a Content Selection pipeline (CSP).
FixedHandling Adds a fixed handling charge to the order.
FixedShipping Applies a fixed shipping charge to the order.
FlagInventory Determines whether any items on the order form are out of stock.
FormatTemplate Merges data from selected items and their associated templates to form formatted strings. These are usually Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) strings ready for display on the page.
HistoryPenalty Applies penalties to content items based on how recently they have been selected.
IISAppendToLog Records information about content selection results in the QueryString field of the Internet Information Service (IIS) log file.
InitCSFPipeline Used at the beginning of a Content Selection pipeline (CSP) to initialize the values needed in the rest of the pipeline.
ItemPromo Applies a promotional price adjustment to an item on the order form.
LinearHandling Sets the handling total on the order by multiplying a field on the order form by a fixed rate.
LinearShipping Calculates the shipping total on the order form using a fixed rate.
LoadHistory Retrieves a history string from a user profile, an item in the ASP session collection, or a cookie.
LocalInventory Sets the number of items backordered on the order form.
MakePO Produces a formatted purchase order (PO) text string by merging information from the order form with a purchase order template.
MoneyConverter Converts OrderForm keys and values from integers to the new currency type, or from the new currency type to integer.
OrderDiscount Applies discounts scheduled in the Campaign Manager module in Commerce Server Business Desk to the shopping basket.
POtoFile Sends a purchase order or other textual data to a file.
QueryCatalogInfo Retrieves catalog information for every item in the order form.
QueryProdInfoADO Retrieves product information from a database.
RecordEvent Records event delta counts for the selected content items (the winners) in the Performance dictionary.
RecordHistory Records the identifiers of the winning content items in the history list string.
RequiredHandlingCy,RequiredHandling Verifies that the handling total is present in the order.
RequiredItemAdjustPriceCy,RequiredItemAdjustPrice Ensures that the current price for each item in the order is set and that it has not been changed since the last time the basket was viewed.
RequiredItemPriceCy,RequiredItemPrice Verifies that each item in the order form has a regular price assigned to it. Regular prices are assigned by the DefaultItemPrice component and similar components.
RequiredOrderAdjustPriceCy,RequiredOrderAdjustPrice Adjusts the total cost of each item in the order after applying any discounts.
RequiredOrderCheck Verifies that the order form contains at least one item.
RequiredOrderInitCy,RequiredOrderInit Initializes the payment authorization code, order ID, totals, and subtotals in the order form.
RequiredOrderSubtotalCy,RequiredOrderSubtotal Ensures that a subtotal exists on the order form.
RequiredPayment Verifies that the payment authorization code exists in the order form (is not NULL).
RequiredProdInfo Deletes items flagged for deletion by a previous Product Info stage component.
RequiredShippingCy,RequiredShipping Verifies that the shipping total has been set.
RequiredTaxCy,RequiredTax Verifies that the total tax and tax included appear in the order form.
RequiredTotalCy,RequiredTotal Verifies that values on a page have not been tampered with or reset. The components compare values in the order against values in the _Verify_With dictionary.
SaleAdjust Applies a sale price to an item.

This pipeline component is used for backward compatability only. This pipeline component has been replaced by the OrderDiscount component.

SampleRegionalTax Use this component for calculating taxes using the multiple shipment features of Commerce Server 2000.
SaveHistory Records the history string in one of three locations: the User Profile object, the ASP Session Collection, or the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Cookie.
SaveReceipt Saves the order in a database table.
ScoreDiscounts Adjusts scores of discount items to promote discounts most relevant to the current user.
Scriptor Executes a script in a Microsoft ActiveX scripting language.
SelectWinners Selects items based on their final scores in the Content Selection pipeline.
SendPrecomposedMessage Sends a direct mail message composed in earlier stages in the pipeline.
SendSMTP Sends an e-mail message to a specified recipient.
ShippingDiscountAdjust Applies shipping discounts to the order.
ShippingManagerCache Loads shipping data for the multiple shipments shipping architecture through the CacheManager object.
ShippingMethodRouter The ShippingMethodRouter component looks up and runs the components to calculate shipping costs for individual shipments, it then calculates the shipping total for the entire order.
SimpleCanadaTax Calculates the Canadian Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Provincial Sales Tax (PST).
SimpleJapanTax Computes taxes according to the Japanese tax model.
SimpleUSTax Applies taxes on any order sent to a specified state in the United States.
SimpleVATTax Calculates a Value Added Tax (VAT).
Splitter Divides the order into groups based on a list of item keys. Frequently used to divide the order into multiple shipments.
SQLItemADO Runs a query for each item in the order form.
SQLOrderADO Runs a single SQL query on the order, passing order parameters to the query.
StepwiseShipping Calculates shipping costs for shipments in the multiple-shipment shipping architecture. This component is never directly used in a pipeline; it is run by the ShippingMethodRouter component.
TableHandlingADO Sets the handling total on the order based on values retrieved from the database.
TableShippingADO Sets the total shipping on the order by using values retrieved from the database.
ThrottleDMLPerformance Controls the speed with which direct mail messages are processed by the pipeline.
ValidateCCNumber Checks the expiration date of a credit card and to performs a checksum test on the number.
VerifyMessageBody Checks the body of a direct mail message according to the user flags.
VerifyRecipientData Checks the data about the recipient of a direct mail message.

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