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FPC Object

The FPC object is the root of the administration COM object hierarchy, and provides programmatic access to almost all of the other FPC objects. For a diagram of the entire hierarchy, see Forefront TMG Administration Object Model.

Creating this root object is the first step in making any programmatic changes to Forefront TMG. Using Visual Basic, you can create it with the following code:

  Dim root As New FPCLib.FPC

The CreateObject function is also available to Visual Basic programmers, and alternatively, the following can be used:

  Dim root As FPCLib.FPC
  Set root = CreateObject("FPC.Root")

Scripts written in Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) must use the CreateObject function to create the root object, as in the following code example:

  Dim root  ' This line may be omitted.
  Set root = CreateObject("FPC.Root")

For information about creating the root object in other programming languages, see Creating the Root Forefront TMG Object.

After the FPC object is created, objects below it in the hierarchy can be accessed through the methods and properties of the root object.

  • All the array-level configuration settings defined in the hierarchy of administration COM objects for the Forefront TMG computers associated with an array can be accessed through the applicable FPCArray object, which is an element of the FPCArrays collection. The way in which an FPCArray object is retrieved depends on the edition of Forefront TMG that is installed on the computer on which the root object was created and on the components of Forefront TMG that are installed and running on it. For information about retrieving an FPCArray object after creating the root object, see Retrieving an Array Object.
  • The Arrays property of the root object provides access to the FPCArrays collection, of all the FPCArray objects within the root node. In Forefront TMG Standard Edition, this collection contains only one FPCArray object, which provides access to configuration settings of a single Forefront TMG computer.
  • In Forefront TMG Enterprise Edition, the Enterprise property of the root object retrieves the FPCEnterprise object that represents the enterprise to which the current Forefront TMG computer is connected. The FPCEnterprise object provides access to all of the configuration settings of the enterprise through its properties.

After creating an instance of the FPC object and making changes to the properties of any object accessed through it, your code should not impersonate a different user. For example, changes made to the Forefront TMG configuration in one security context cannot be written to persistent storage in a different security context.

For examples of the use of the FPC root object, see Forefront TMG Administration Scripting.

Dd447706.bkbutton(en-us,MSDN.10).png Click here to see the Forefront TMG object hierarchy.


The FPC object defines the following methods.

Method Description


Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the object's properties can be imported from the specified XML document.


Changes the array manager for the local array member (available only in Enterprise Edition).


Connects to the specified Configuration Storage server on a specific port.


Connects to the specified Configuration Storage server.


Closes the connection to the Configuration Storage server used for accessing the Forefront TMG configuration.


Recursively writes all of the properties of the object, including all the properties of its subobjects and their elements (for collections), to the specified XML document.


Recursively writes all of the properties of the object, including all the properties of its subobjects and their elements (for collections), to the specified XML file.


Retrieves the FPCArray object that represents the array containing the current computer.


Retrieves the FPCServer object that represents the current Forefront TMG computer.


Recursively copies the values of all the properties of the object, including all the properties of its subobjects and their elements (for collections), from the specified XML document to persistent storage.


Recursively copies the values of all the properties of the object, including all the properties of its subobjects and their elements (for collections), from the specified XML file to persistent storage.


Installs the root certification authority certificate.


Installs a server certificate for accessing the stored configuration on the local Forefront TMG computer (available only in Enterprise Edition).


Joins the local standalone server to the specified array.


Disjoins the local Forefront TMG computer from the containing array and transforms it into a standalone server.


Retrieves the OptionalData and Comment properties that are stored in a specified XML document.


Recursively reads all the values of the properties of the object, including all the properties of its subobjects and their elements (for collections), from persistent storage, discarding any changes that were not saved.


Recursively writes the current values of all the properties of the object, including all the properties of its sub-objects and their elements (for collections), to persistent storage.


Sets the local Forefront TMG computer as the new array manager (available only in Enterprise Edition).


The FPC object defines the following properties.

Property Description


Gets an FPCArrays collection that contains all the Forefront TMG arrays for the root object.


Gets a value from the FpcConfigurationMode enumerated type that indicates whether the Forefront TMG configuration defines a standalone server, a standalone array, or an enterprise with central array management.


Gets the name of the Configuration Storage server used for accessing the Forefront TMG configuration.


Gets an FPCEnterprise object that represents the Forefront TMG enterprise within the root object (available only in Enterprise Edition).


Gets a value from the FpcIsaEditionType enumerated type that indicates the edition of Forefront TMG installed.


Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the system policy configuration is in vendor mode.

Interfaces for C++ Programming

This object implements the IFPC, IFPCEE, IFPC2, and IFPC3 interfaces.


Client Requires Windows 7 or Windows Vista.
Server Requires Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2008 x64 Edition with SP2.
Version Requires Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) 2010.

Declared in Msfpccom.idl.

See Also

COM Objects

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Build date: 6/30/2010