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back link attribute: A constructed attribute whose values include object references (for example, an attribute of syntax Object(DS-DN)). The back link values are derived from the values of a related attribute, a forward link attribute, on other objects. If f is the forward link attribute, one back link value exists on object o for each object r that contains a value of o for attribute f. The relationship between the forward link attributes and back link attributes is expressed using the linkId attribute on the attributeSchema objects representing the two attributes. The forward link's linkId is an even number, and the back link's linkId is the forward link's linkId plus one. For more information, see [MS-ADTS] section

back link value: The value of a back link attribute.

back-end database server: A server that hosts data, configuration settings, and stored procedures that are associated with one or more applications.

bare email address: A specific Internet identifier that contains a locally interpreted string followed by an at sign (@) and an Internet domain, as described in [RFC2822].

base license: A reference Windows Media DRM policy from which a Windows Media DRM license (1) is derived.

base property type: The type of the property, if the property is single-valued, or the type of an element of the property, if the property is multi-valued.

base64: A binary-to-text encoding scheme whereby an arbitrary sequence of bytes is converted to a sequence of printable ASCII characters.

base64 encoding: A binary-to-text encoding scheme whereby an arbitrary sequence of bytes is converted to a sequence of printable ASCII characters, as described in [RFC4648].

basic disk: A disk on which each volume can be composed of exclusively one partition.

Basic Encoding Rules (BER): A set of encoding rules for ASN.1 notation. These encoding schemes allow the identification, extraction, and decoding of data structures. These encoding rules are defined in [ITUX690].

basic flag: A flag on a Message object that indicates that the object has an associated work item or shares a defining characteristic with other Message objects with such flags.

best body: The text format that provides the richest representation of a message body (2). The algorithm for determining the best-body format is described in [MS-OXBBODY].

big-endian: Multiple-byte values that are byte-ordered with the most significant byte stored in the memory location with the lowest address.

binary large object (BLOB): (1) A discrete packet of data that is stored in a database and is treated as a sequence of uninterpreted bytes.

(2) A collection of binary data stored as a single entity in a database.

bind: (1) The process of connecting controls to fields or groups in the data source (2) of an InfoPath form. When controls are bound to fields and groups, changes to the data in a control automatically update the data that is in the corresponding fields or groups in the data source. Similarly, changes to the data in the data source automatically update the data that is displayed in the controls that are bound to the corresponding fields and groups.

(2) To associate two EntityType [MC-CSDL] instances. An EntityType instance in a data service (described by using Entity Data Model (EDM) constructs) may be related to one or more other conceptual schema definition language (CSDL) instances. This relationship is represented by using an association in an EDM. The cardinality of a relationship can be determined by inspecting the EDM that describes the data service. The act of associating two EntityType instances is known as "binding" and of disassociating two instances is known as "unbinding". If two EntityType instances are already associated, they are considered to be "bound".

binding handle: A data structure that represents the logical connection between a client and a server.

blind carbon copy (Bcc) recipient: An addressee on a Message object that is not visible to recipients of the Message object.

block: (1) A set of deltas that are used to define an order for those deltas. Each block consists of one or more groups of deltas.

(2) A subdivision of a segment. Each segment is divided into blocks of equal size (64 kilobytes (KB)) except for the last block in the last segment, which can be smaller if the content size is not a multiple of the standard segment sizes. In version 2.0 Content Information, segments are not divided into blocks.

(3) A chunk of content that composes a segment. Each segment is divided into one or more blocks. Every block belongs to a specific segment, and within a segment, blocks are identified by their progressive index. (Block 0 is the first block in the segment, block 1 is the second, and so on.) See [MS-PCCRC] for more details.

blog: (1) A website that contains a series of posts about a subject and is arranged in reverse chronological order. Also referred to as web log.

(2) The process of writing or publishing entries to a blog.

body: (1) The contents of a body part or an entire message that contains several body parts, as described in [RFC2045].

(2) The fax pages other than the cover page.

(3) The main component of the report within which the details and contents are included.

body part: A part of an Internet message, as described in [RFC2045].

bookmark: (1) An entity that is used in a document to denote the beginning and ending character positions of specific text in the document, and optionally, metadata about that text or its relationship to other referenced parts of the document.

(2) A data structure that the server uses to point to a position in the Table object. There are three pre-defined bookmarks (beginning, end, and current). A custom bookmark is a server-specific data structure that can be stored by the client for easily navigating a Table object.

(3) A marker that uniquely identifies a row within a set of rows.

(4) An anchor that is used in a report to assist navigation, typically through the use of hyperlinks. A bookmark link in a report sends the user to another location in the report.

bot: A structured HTML comment that is processed by a front-end web server when the containing document is opened by or saved to the server. Also referred to as web bot.

bucket web: A site that is used to store content for a specific category (1).

business logic: (1) A set of rules, formulas, validation, and code that define the limits and methods for processing data that is entered into an InfoPath form.

(2) The part of an application that processes data according to the requirements defined in a line-of-business (LOB) system. It refers to the routines that perform the data entry, update, query, and report processing, and more specifically to the processing that takes place behind the scenes rather than the presentation logic that is required to display the data.