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16 N

name identifier: The identifier that is used to refer to a named property. It can be either a LONG numerical value or a Unicode string. It is represented by the Kind member variable of the PropertyName structure, depending on the value of the Kind member variable.

name record: The NetBIOS name-to-IPv4 address mapping.

name service provider interface (NSPI): A method of performing address-book-related operations on Active Directory.

name table: The list of systems participating in a DXDiag, DirectPlay 4, or DirectPlay 8 session, as well as any application-created groups.

named pipe: A named, one-way, or duplex pipe for communication between a pipe server and one or more pipe clients.

named property: A property that is identified by both a GUID and either a string name or a 32-bit identifier.

named property set: A GUID that groups related named properties into a set.

namespace: (1) A name that is defined on the schema (2) and that is subsequently used to prefix identifiers to form the namespace qualified name of a structural type.

(2) An abstract container that provides context for the items (names, technical terms, or words) that it holds and allows disambiguation of items that have the same name (residing in different namespaces).

(3) The entire collection (as specified in [RFC4918] section 5.2) of items under a request URI.

namespace qualified name: A qualified name that refers to a structural type by using the name of the namespace (1), followed by a period, followed by the name of the structural type.

naming context (NC): An NC is a set of objects organized as a tree. It is referenced by a DSName. The DN of the DSName is the distinguishedName attribute of the tree root. The GUID of the DSName is the objectGUID attribute of the tree root. The security identifier (SID) of the DSName, if present, is the objectSid attribute of the tree root; for Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), the SID is present if and only if the NC is a domain naming context (domain NC). Active Directory supports organizing several NCs into a tree structure.

NAP: See Network Access Protection (NAP).

navigation shortcut: An object that contains identifying information to locate a folder in a message database or an object that groups other navigation shortcuts.

NC: See naming context (NC).

NC replica: A variable containing a tree of objects whose root object is identified by some naming context (NC).

NetBIOS: A particular network transport that is part of the LAN Manager protocol suite. NetBIOS uses a broadcast communication style that was applicable to early segmented local area networks. The LAN Manager protocols were the default in Windows NT environments prior to Windows 2000. A protocol family including name resolution, datagram, and connection services. For more information, see [RFC1001] and [RFC1002].

NetBIOS name: A 16-byte address that is used to identify a NetBIOS resource on the network. For more information, see [RFC1001] and [RFC1002].

NetBIOS Name Server (NBNS): A server that stores NetBIOS name-to-IPv4 address mappings and that resolves NetBIOS names for NBT-enabled hosts. A server running the Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) is the Microsoft implementation of an NBNS.

network access client (NAC): An endpoint that establishes a call session to a NAS in order to perform network access.

Network Access Protection (NAP): A feature of an operating system that provides a platform for system health-validated access to private networks. NAP provides a way of detecting the health state of a network client that is attempting to connect to or communicate on a network, and limiting the access of the network client until the health policy requirements have been met. NAP is implemented through quarantines and health checks, as specified in [TNC-IF-TNCCSPBSoH].

network access server (NAS): A computer server that provides an access service for a user who is trying to access a network. A NAS operates as a client of RADIUS. The RADIUS client is responsible for passing user information to designated RADIUS servers and then acting on the response returned by the RADIUS server. Examples of a NAS include: a VPN server, Wireless Access Point, 802.1x-enabled switch, or Network Access Protection (NAP) server.

network byte order: The order in which the bytes of a multiple-byte number are transmitted on a network, most significant byte first (in big-endian storage). This may or may not match the order in which numbers are normally stored in memory for a particular processor.

Network Data Representation (NDR): A specification that defines a mapping from Interface Definition Language (IDL) data types onto octet streams. NDR also refers to the runtime environment that implements the mapping facilities (for example, data provided to NDR). For more information, see [MS-RPCE] and [C706] section 14.

node: (1) A location in a diagram that can have links to other locations.

(2) A computer system that is configured as a member of a cluster. That is, the computer has the necessary software installed and configured to participate in the cluster, and the cluster configuration includes this computer as a member.

(3) An instance of the Peer-to-Peer Graphing Protocol.

(4) An entry identified by name in a DNS zone. A node contains all of the DNS records sets associated with the name.

(5) An endpoint in the computer network that can receive, send, or process a SOAP message, as specified in [SOAP1.2-2/2007].

(6) An instance of PNRP running on a machine.

(7) An instance of DRT running on a machine.

(8) An instance of a channel endpoint participating in the mesh that implements the Peer Channel Protocol.

node ID: A statistically unique 64-bit identifier for a node in a graph. A node ID must be unique within a graph.

non-delivery report: A report message that is generated and sent by a server to the sender of a message if an email message could not be received by an intended recipient.

non-read receipt: A message that is generated when an email message is deleted at the expiration of a time limit or due to other client-specific criteria.

non-Unicode: A character set (1) that has a restricted set of glyphs, such as Shift_JIS or ISO-2022-JP.

normal message: A message that is not a folder associated information (FAI) message.

Note object: A Message object that represents a simple text note in a messaging store and that adheres to the property descriptions that are described in [MS-OXONOTE]. A Note object functions as an electronic equivalent of a paper sticky note.

Notes folder: A Folder object that contains Note objects.

notification: (1) A process in which a subscribing Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) client is notified of the state of a subscribed resource by sending a NOTIFY message to the subscriber.

(2) A typed buffer of data sent by a print server to a print client as a result of an event on the server.

(3) The act of a notifier sending a NOTIFY message to a subscriber to inform the subscriber of the state of a resource.

NOTIFY: A method that is used to notify a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) client that an event requested by an earlier SUBSCRIBE method has occurred. The notification optionally provides details about the event.

novice: The side of a Remote Assistance connection that shares its screen with the other computer in order to receive help.

NT File System (NTFS): The native file system for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 R2. For more information, see [MSFT-NTFS].

NT LAN Manager (NTLM) Authentication Protocol: A protocol using a challenge-response mechanism for authentication (2) in which clients are able to verify their identities without sending a password to the server. It consists of three messages, commonly referred to as Type 1 (negotiation), Type 2 (challenge) and Type 3 (authentication). For more information, see [MS-NLMP].

NTFS: See NT File System (NTFS).

NTLM message: A message that carries authentication (2) information. Its payload data is passed to the application that supports embedded NTLM authentication by the NTLM software installed on the local computer. NTLM messages are transmitted between the client and server embedded within the application protocol that is using NTLM authentication. There are three types of NTLM messages: NTLM NEGOTIATE_MESSAGE, NTLM CHALLENGE_MESSAGE, and NTLM AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE.

NTLM software: Software that implements the NT LAN Manager (NTLM) Authentication Protocol.

numerical named property: A named property that has a numerical name identifier, which is stored in the LID field of a PropertyName structure.