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Blend app workspace (XAML)

The Blend for Visual Studio 2012 workspace for Windows Store apps built using XAML includes all of the visual interface elements of the default workspace. However, the tools that are available when you are creating a Windows Store app using XAML are specific to XAML-based projects.

An Animation workspace is also available when you are working on Windows Store apps built using XAML.

Design workspace


Callout 1

Document tabs   Shows all the XAML project documents that are currently open, including windows, pages, resource dictionaries, and user controls.

Callout 2

Active files   Shows the current open document on the artboard and also lists all the files that are currently open in the Document tabs.


Views   Displays one of three real-time authoring environments:

  • Design view   Use Design view to author documents by using a visual representation on the artboard.

  • Code view   Use Code view to author or edit your XAML code.

    The Tools panel, Objects and Timeline panel, and Properties do not work for Code view. In addition, most menu items are disabled in this view.
  • Split view   Displays both Code and Design view. You can also change the orientation of the windows using Split View Orientation on the View menu.

You can also modify the default display of Blend by modifying the settings in the Options dialog box.

Animation workspace

Blend includes an Animation workspace in addition to the Design workspace. You can easily switch between the two workspaces by pressing Ctrl + F11.

The Animation workspace includes all of the tools available in the Design workspace. In addition, the Objects and Timeline panel is expanded and moved under the artboard so that more of the animation timeline is displayed.

The Design workspace (left) and the Animation workspace (right)





Artboard   Displays the design view of the document you have selected.

For more information, see Artboard (XAML).


Tools panel    Displays the tools available for the type of project that you’re working on.

For more information, see Tools panel (XAML).


Projects panel and Properties panel   Display the panel that you want by clicking the corresponding tab, or by selecting the panel on the Window menu.

For more information, see the following:


Objects and Timeline panel   Displays tools for creating and modifying animation timelines.

For more information, see Objects and Timeline panel (XAML).


Results panel   Displays information about errors in your application.

For more information, see Results panel (XAML).

See Also


Blend workspace (Windows Store apps)

Artboard (XAML)

Assets panel (XAML)

Device panel (XAML)

Objects and Timeline panel (XAML)

Projects panel (XAML)

Properties panel (XAML)

Results panel (XAML)

States panel (XAML)

Tools panel (XAML)