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Projects panel (XAML)

The Projects panel helps you perform the following tasks:

  • View all files associated with the currently open project.

  • Open your project files for editing.

  • Manage your project files.

  • Copy and paste files and folders directly into your project.

  • Add new items, including project references.

The Projects panel as it appears when working on a C# based Windows Store app built using XAML

Projects panel

Callout 1

Search box   Filter the list of project files by typing text in the Search box.

Callout 2

References   Contains project references files such as DLL files.

Callout 3

Assets   Contains project assets. Also includes pre-defined image assets for use in your app.

You can copy and then paste assets directly into the Assets folder.
Callout 4

Common   Contains common classes and XAML styles that simplify Windows Store application development. Also includes converter files that help you convert data types.

Callout 5

Properties   Contains general assembly information.

Callout 6

TemporaryKey.pfx   A temporary ClickOnce application key is automatically generated for each new application. All ClickOnce manifests must be digitally signed by a certificate. If you don't have a certificate, Blend will create one for you.

For more information on ClickOnce deployment, see ClickOnce Deployment Overview.

Callout 7

LayoutAwarePage   The LayoutAwarePage class provides the following:

  • GoBack, GoForward, and GoHome methods

  • Application view state to visual state mapping

  • Mouse and keyboard shortcuts for navigation

  • Default view model

  • State management for navigation and process life management

Callout 8

StandardStyles   A resource dictionary that contains the recommended Windows Store styles.

Callout 9

DataModel   Contains sample data for use during your app development.

Callout 10

App.xaml   Declares shared resources and handles global application-level events. App.xaml is required to display the user interface.

Callout 11

Package.appxmanifest   Contains metadata that describes your app, including display name, logos, app description, declarations, capabilities and deployment packaging.

See Also


Blend app workspace (XAML)

Artboard (XAML)

Assets panel (XAML)

Device panel (XAML)

Objects and Timeline panel (XAML)

Properties panel (XAML)

Results panel (XAML)

States panel (XAML)

Tools panel (XAML)