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MultiShapeEntity Members

Microsoft Robotics Class Reference

The MultiShapeEntity type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method MultiShapeEntity() () () ()
Default constructor
Public method MultiShapeEntity(array


  Name Description
Public method AddShapeToPhysicsEntity
Adds a shape dynamically to an already initialized physics entity
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Protected method BeginBatchRender(String, array


  Name Description
Public field NeedsReplacement
Internal use: marks this entity for replacement
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public field State
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public field SuspendUpdates
Internal use: suspends physics engine updates on this entity
(Inherited from Entity.)


  Name Description
Public property AddsShapeToParent
Indicates that this entity must be a child entity and that it adds one or more shapes to its parent rather than defining its own shapes.
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property BoxShapes
List of box shapes that make up the entity
Public property ChildCount
Number of children, used in serialization and deserialization of VisualEntities
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property Children
Runtime only list of child entities so simulation engine can render and update on our behalf
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property DeferredTaskQueue
To avoid contention with physics simulation which runs in a different thread than what the entity APIs might get called in, we just package up the parameters and queue CCR tasks. During the Update method we then process the queued requests
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property Device
Current graphics device
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property Effect
Vertex and pixel shader effect file (*.fx). If not specified, default effect is used
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property EmbeddedResourceAssemblies
List of assemblies contain embedded resources this entity needs to be properly loaded
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property EntityBoundingSphere
Bounding sphere approximating collision mesh for entity
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property EntityState
This field exposes the entity state so that the simulation editor can access it.
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property EntityWorldBoundingSphere
Bounding sphere approximating collision mesh for entity
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property Flags
Flags which define the rendering and behavior of this entity.
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property HasBeenInitialized
true if this VisualEntity has been successfully initialized
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property InitError
Contains a description of any errors that occurred during initialization
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property InternalHandle
Simulation internal use
(Inherited from Entity.)
Public property Meshes
DirectX meshes used for rendering the entity in 3D
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property MeshRotation
Gets or sets the rotation of the entity meshes
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property MeshScale
Gets or sets the scale of the entity meshes
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property MeshTransform
Get the local transform the entity uses on its meshes
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property MeshTranslation
Gets or sets the translation of the entity meshes
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property Parent
Optional Parent entity.
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property ParentJoint
Gets the joint that connects this entity to its parent. Null if either this or parent do not have physics entity.
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property PhysicsEngine
Physics Engine instance
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property PhysicsEntity
Instance used for modifying and inspecting physics simulation behavior for this entity
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property PhysicsJoint
Gets the joint that connects this entity to its parent. Null if either this or parent do not have physics entity.
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property Position
This field exposes the entity position as an xna.Vector3 so that the simulation editor can access it.
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property ReferenceFrame
Specifies the meaning of the entity's position This is used for serialization and to help with joining child entities. It is not meant to be changed outside of the simulation engine.
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property RenderPhysicsPrimitives
True if simplified rendering (using just physics geometry) is requests
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property Rotation
This field exposes the entity rotation so that the simulation editor can access it.
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property RotationAngles
This field exposes the entity rotation converted to Euler angles from the orientation quaternion.
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property RotationAnglesInWorldSpace
This field exposes the entity rotation in world space converted to Euler angles from the orientation quaternion.
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property ServiceContract
The contract for a service associated with this entity.
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property SphereShapes
List of sphere shapes that make up the entity
Public property UsesSphereCulling
this entity uses frustum culling on rendering affected by children in this entity's hierarchy default is true, but should be false for (special effects, terrain, invisible objs) if true, a valid bounding sphere should be present we should make this internal, since we expose the DisableViewFrustumCulling flag, and this flag is with respect to the the hierarchy which the user shouldn't be able to set however, making this internal could is a breaking change to user code, do we really want to do this -- not at the moment at least
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)
Public property World
World transform
(Inherited from VisualEntity.)

See Also

MultiShapeEntity Class

Microsoft.Robotics.Simulation.Engine Namespace