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Playlist Interfaces

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Playlist Interfaces

A server-side playlist is an ordered list that identifies the media elements that a server must send to a client. You can use the XML Document Object Model (DOM) and the server object model to manage a playlist dynamically. For example, you can programmatically insert media elements into or delete media elements from an active playlist, randomize playlist elements, create a playlist, load and save existing playlists, and so on. The following table identifies the relevant interfaces. Links to reference pages for these interfaces, listed by programming language, are provided in the See Also lists that follow the table.

Interface Description
IWMSActiveMedia Contains information about the active media element in a playlist.
IWMSActiveStream Contains information about specific audio and video streams in the active media element of a playlist.
IWMSActiveStreams Contains a collection of IWMSActiveStream interfaces.
IWMSFileDescription Contains information about a directory, media file, or playlist file in a publishing point path.
IWMSFileDescriptions Contains a collection of IWMSFileDescription interfaces.
IWMSPlaylist Contains methods to manage a playlist.
IXMLDOMAttribute Represents an attribute associated with a media element identified by the IXMLDOMElement interface.
IXMLDOMDocument Represents a playlist.
IXMLDOMElement Represents a media element in a playlist.
IXMLDOMImplementation Contains a method used to determine whether a playlist supports a specified feature.
IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap Enables you to iterate through a collection of playlist attributes.
IXMLDOMNode Contains methods that represent the core functionality of all nodes in a playlist.
IXMLDOMNodeList Contains methods that enable you to iterate through a collection of nodes in the playlist.

See Also (General)

See Also (Visual Basic .NET)

See Also (C#)

See Also (C++)

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