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The WMS_EVENT structure identifies the WMS_EVENT_TYPE sent by the server.





Reserved for future use.


Member of the WMS_EVENT_TYPE enumeration type that identifies the event. This must be one of the following values.

Event Description
WMS_EVENT_UNKNOWN_EVENT An unrecognized event occurred.
WMS_EVENT_CONNECT A client established a TCP control connection to the server.
WMS_EVENT_DISCONNECT The TCP connection between a client and the server is broken.
WMS_EVENT_BEGIN_USER_SESSION A client session started.
WMS_EVENT_END_USER_SESSION A client session ended.
WMS_EVENT_LOGICAL_URL_TRANSFORM The server mapped the requested URL to a publishing point.
WMS_EVENT_PHYSICAL_URL_TRANSFORM The server transformed the requested URL into a physical location.
WMS_EVENT_DESCRIBE The client requested a description of the content.
WMS_EVENT_OPEN This is similar to the WMS_EVENT_DESCRIBE event except that it is guaranteed to be sent before the client requests specific streams from the server.
WMS_EVENT_SELECT_STREAMS The client selected streams from the server.
WMS_EVENT_INITIALIZE_PLAYLIST The server created a playlist object.
WMS_EVENT_PLAY A client requested that a server stream content to it.
WMS_EVENT_PAUSE The server paused the presentation that it is sending to a client.
WMS_EVENT_STOP The server stopped streaming a presentation to a client.
WMS_EVENT_CLOSE The server closed a client connection.
WMS_EVENT_SET_PARAMETER The client sent an RTSP SET_PARAMETER command or the HTTP/MMS equivalent. (The MMS protocol is not supported in Windows Server 2008 operating systems.)
WMS_EVENT_GET_PARAMETER The client sent an RTSP GET_PARAMETER command or the HTTP/MMS equivalent. (The MMS protocol is not supported in Windows Server 2008 operating systems.)
WMS_EVENT_VALIDATE_PUSH_DISTRIBUTION An encoder or upstream server attempted to push content to the server.
WMS_EVENT_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_DATA_PATH The server created a data path for a push distribution.
WMS_EVENT_DESTROY_DISTRIBUTION_DATA_PATH The server removed a data path that was created for a push distribution.
WMS_EVENT_LOG A log event occurred.
WMS_EVENT_SERVER The operating status of a server or a property on the server changed.
WMS_EVENT_PUBLISHING_POINT The operating status of a publishing point or a property on the publishing point changed.
WMS_EVENT_LIMIT_CHANGE A property on the IWMSServerLimits interface or the IWMSPublishingPointLimits interface changed.
WMS_EVENT_LIMIT_HIT A limit specified by the IWMSServerLimits interface or the IWMSPublishingPointLimits interface has been hit.
WMS_EVENT_PLUGIN A plug-in event occurred.
WMS_EVENT_PLAYLIST A playlist event occurred.
WMS_EVENT_CACHE A local cache event occurred.
WMS_EVENT_REMOTE_CACHE_OPEN A client attempted to open a file on a downstream cache server.
WMS_EVENT_REMOTE_CACHE_CLOSE A client attempted to close a file on a downstream cache server.
WMS_EVENT_REMOTE_CACHE_LOG A downstream server logged activity for clients that are accessing cached content.


Contains an HRESULT that indicates whether an operation associated with an event succeeded. This applies to any event or subevent identified by the WMS_EVENT_TYPE enumeration type.


Header: wmsevent.h.

Library: WMSServerTypeLib.dll.

Platform: Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Server 2008 family.

See Also (General)

See Also (Visual Basic .NET)

See Also (C#)

See Also (C++)

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