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Install the ESB Management Portal UDDI Publishing Service

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The ESB Management Portal UDDI Publishing Service is a sample service that queries the EndPoints table of the ESBAdmin database to retrieve the BizTalk send ports and receive locations to publish to the UDDI server. If the Auto Publish feature is enabled, the service automatically calls the ESB UDDI Web service to publish the endpoint to UDDI. If the Auto Publish feature is not enabled, the service sends a notification e-mail message to the UDDI administrator advising them to log into the ESB Management Portal and publish the endpoint.

Additionally, the UDDI Publishing Service will monitor changes made in the Description field of BizTalk receive locations and send ports. For example, when creating or modifying a receive location or a send port, a developer can indicate that the URL configured for it must be registered with UDDI. The developer can enter the moniker uddi:// into the Description property of the receive location or a send port. The UDDI Publishing Service will detect the entry, retrieve the necessary endpoint information from the BizTalk receive location or send port, and publish it according to the UDDI registry settings configured in the ESB Management Portal.

The UDDI Publishing Service has no dependency on BizTalk Server, and it can be installed on a computer that does not have BizTalk Server installed.

To install the ESB Management Portal UDDI Publisher Service

  1. Install and configure the ESB Management Portal as described in the section Install the ESB Management Portal if you have not already done so.

  2. Open the Visual Studio solution named ESB.UDDI.PublisherService.sln from the \Samples\Management Portal\ESB.UDDI.PublisherService folder. Ensure that the <connectionStrings> section of the App.config file contains the correct connection strings for the ESBAdmin and EsbExceptionDb databases. The following are the default settings.

      <add name="AdminDatabaseServer"
           connectionString="Data Source=.;
                             Integrated Security=True;
                             Initial Catalog=ESBAdmin"
           providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
      <add name="EsbExceptionDb" 
           connectionString="Data Source=.;
                             Initial Catalog=EsbExceptionDb;
                             Integrated Security=True"
  3. Ensure that the <applicationSettings> section of the** **App.config file contains the correct addresses for the UDDIService and BizTalkOperationsService Web services. The following are the default settings.

        <setting name="ESB_UDDI_PublisherService_UDDIService_UDDIService"
        <setting name="Microsoft_Practices_ESB_UDDI_PublisherService_BTQueryService_BizTalkQueryService"


    The UDDIService is a custom ESB Web service, not to be confused with the actual UDDI server.

  4. Verify that the <appSettings> section of the App.config file contains the correct values for your environment. The <appSettings> section contains the following default settings.

      <add key="uddiServerUrl" value="https://localhost/uddi"/>
      <add key="smtpServerAddress" value=""/>
      <add key="emailNotificationFrom" value=""/>
      <add key="defaultModelName" 
      <add key="serviceInterval" value="30000"/>
      <add key="DomainName" value="YD"/>
    • uddiServerUrl. This setting is the URL of the UDDI server; for example, https://servername/uddi.
    • smtpServerAddress. This setting is the address of the SMTP server that will send notification e-mail messages.
    • emailNotificationFrom. This setting is the From address for notification e-mail messages.
    • defaultModelName. This setting is the UDDI model used to access the category information.
    • serviceInterval. This setting is the interval in milliseconds at which to poll for endpoint update requests.
    • DomainName. This setting is the domain name used to access LDAP to retrieve user names for the Modified By attribute.
  5. Build the ESB.UDDI.PublisherService.sln solution using the commands on the Build menu.

  6. Open Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder \Samples\Management Portal\ESB.UDDI.PublisherService.Install\Release, and then execute the Windows Installer file named Setup.exe.

  7. Leave all settings at their default values, and then click Next until the installer displays the username and password values to configure the service account for the UDDI Publishing Service. Select an account that is a member of the BizTalk Server Administrators group and that has access to the server hosting the UDDI Publisher Service. Enter the account name in the following form: <DomainName>\<UserName>

  8. Use the Registry Settings page in the portal to configure the following settings in the UDDI Admin table of the ESBAdmin database:

    • UDDIServer. This setting is the URL of the UDDI server; for example, https://servername/uddi.
    • Auto Publish. This setting indicates whether the service will automatically publish endpoints to the UDDI server or if administrative approval is required.
    • Anonymous. This setting indicates whether to use anonymous access to connect to the UDDI server or to use the UDDI Publisher Service account.
    • Notification Enabled. This setting indicates whether to send endpoint update notification e-mail messages.
    • SMTP Server. This setting is the address of the SMTP server that will send notification e-mail messages.
    • Notification E-Mail. This setting is the e-mail address to which to send endpoint update notification e-mail messages.
    • E-Mail From Address. This setting is the From address for notification e-mail messages.
    • E-Mail Subject. This setting is the text to display in the subject line of notification e-mail messages.
    • E-Mail Body. This setting is the text for the body of notification e-mail messages.
    • Contact Name. This setting is name of the UDDI administrator to notify of endpoint update requests.
    • Contact E-Mail. This setting is the e-mail address of the UDDI administrator to notify of endpoint update requests.
  9. Open the Services applet from the Administrative Tools section of your Start menu and locate the BizTalk ESB UDDI Publishing Service. Ensure that the start-up type is set to Automatic, and then start the service.

Now continue to the next task: Configure Exception Management InfoPath Form Template Shares.