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DACL Object Methods

DACL Object Methods

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This section describes discretionary access control list (DACL) object methods.

Name Description
AddEmptySecurityEntity Method Adds a new entity object with empty masks to a DACL object's entity collection.
AddEntity Method Adds a copy of an entity object to a DACL object's entity collection.
AddSecurityEntity Method This method adds a new entity object with specified masks to a DACL object's entity collection.
AddSimpleSecurityEntity Method This method adds a new entity object with no security identifier (SID), SID type, or display name to a DACL object's entity collection.
ClearByTemplate Method Clears from a DACL object the masks of a specified entity in a DACL template.
CopyUserMasks Method Copies the masks of one entity in a DACL object to another entity in the same DACL object.
CreateSecurityDACL Method Creates a DACL object from an item's security descriptor.
GetAllByEqualMask Method Returns an array of index values of entities in a DACL object that are equal to specified masks.
GetAllByMask Method Returns an array of index values of entities in a DACL object that match specified masks.
GetAllBySIDType Method Returns an array of index values of entities in a DACL object that match specified SID types.
GetEntityByIndex Method Returns an entity object by its index in the DACL object.
Load Method Creates a DACL object by loading security descriptor information from an Exchange store item.
MakeEqualToTemplate Method Sets the masks in a DACL object equal to the masks of a specified entity in a DACL template object.
ModifyByTemplate Method Performs a specified action on any masks in a DACL object that match any masks of a specified entity in a DACL template object.
RemoveByDisplayName Method Removes an entity object from a DACL object by using a display name to find the entity.
RemoveByIndex Method Removes an entity object from a DACL object by its index.
RemoveByNT4Name Method Removes an entity object from a DACL object by a domain and username.
RemoveBySID Method Removes an entity object from a DACL object by searching for a specific SID.
RemoveInheritedEntities Method Removes inherited entity objects from a DACL object.
Save Method Saves DACL object data to its item's security descriptor.
SaveTo Method Saves DACL object information to the security descriptor of an item according to its URL.
SearchForIndexByDisplayName Method Returns the index of an entity in a DACL object by a specified display name.
SearchForIndexByMask Method Returns the index of an entity in a DACL object by specified masks.
SearchForIndexByNT4Name Method Returns the index of an entity in a DACL object by the domain and username of a user or group.
SearchForIndexBySID Method Returns the index of an entity in a DACL object by a specified SID.
SearchForIndexBySIDType Method Returns the index of an entity in a DACL object by a specified SID type.
SearchForIndexForAnEqualMask Method Returns the index of an entity in a DACL object whose masks are equal to specified masks.
SearchForObjectByDisplayName Method Returns an entity object found by searching for a specified display name.
SearchForObjectByMask Method Returns an entity object found by searching for a specified masks.
SearchForObjectByNT4Name Method Returns an entity object found by searching for a Microsoft® Windows NT® Security Accounts Manager (SAM) compatible name, such as "MyDomain\User1".
SearchForObjectBySID Method Returns an entity object found by searching for a specific SID.
SearchForObjectBySIDType Method Returns an entity object found by searching for a specified SID type.
SearchForObjectForAnEqualMask Method Returns an entity object whose masks are equal to the specified masks.
SetProtected Method Protects a DACL object from inheriting any access control entries (ACEs) from a parent folder.
SetByTemplate Method Provides the ability to bit-wise OR the masks of the DACL object, according to a specified DACL template name and entity name.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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