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SubTree Property

Returns a NavigationNodes collection object that represents a collection of all the nodes in the subtree of the current navigation node. A subtree of a node is defined as all nodes which are adjacent to or attached to the parent node and appear below the parent node in the tree hierarchy.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns a NavigationNode object.


The following example prompts the user to enter the name of a navigation node in the current Web site and returns the subtree for that particular node. If the node is found, its label property value is added to a String containing the names of all nodes in the parent node's subtree. The String stored in the variable strSubNodes is displayed to the user. If the node is not found in the Web site, a message is displayed to the user.

Sub DisplaySubTree()
'Returns the subtree of a given node

    Dim objApp As FrontPage.Application
    Dim objNavNode As NavigationNode
    Dim objNavNodes As NavigationNodes
    Dim objSubTree As NavigationNodes
    Dim objSubNode As NavigationNode
    Dim strAns As String      'User input
    Dim blnFound As Boolean   'Boolean found flag
    Dim intCount As Integer   'Integer counter
    Dim strSubNodes As String 'Names of all sub nodes

    blnFound = False
    intCount = 0
    Set objApp = FrontPage.Application
    'Create a reference to the NavigationNodes collection
    Set objNavNodes = objApp.ActiveWeb.AllNavigationNodes
    'Prompt the user to enter the name of the node
    strAns = InputBox("Enter the name of the node for which " & _
                       " you want to view the subtree.")
    'While the node is not found and there are more nodes in the tree
    Do While (Not blnFound = True) And (intCount <= objNavNodes.Count - 1)
        'Compare user input with node label
        If Trim(strAns) = objNavNodes.Item(intCount).Label Then
            'If found, return node
            Set objNavNode = objNavNodes.Item(intCount)
            'Set found flag to true
            blnFound = True
            'Otherwise increase counter, keep checking
            intCount = intCount + 1
        End If
    If blnFound = True Then
       Set objSubTree = objNavNode.SubTree
       For Each objSubNode In objSubTree
           'If the string is empty or has not yet been set
           If strSubNodes = "" Then
               strSubNodes = strSubNodes & objSubNode.Label
               'otherwise add next node lable to string
               strSubNodes = strSubNodes & ", " & vbCr & objSubNode.Label
           End If
       Next objSubNode
       'Display names of all nodes in subtree
       MsgBox "The nodes found in the subtree of " & objNavNode.Label & " are: " _
              & vbCr & vbCr & strSubNodes & "."
       'If not found, display message to user
       MsgBox "The navigation node " & strAns & " was not found."

    End If
End Sub

Applies to | NavigationNode Object