Embedded Core Settings (Standard 8 Module Reference)


Review the module settings used in the Embedded Core modules of Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).

This section describes the Embedded Core settings that you can configure in a configuration file.

In This Section

  • AcceptEula
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the AcceptEula setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • AccountData
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the AccountData setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Active
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Active setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • AppId
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the AppId setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • AppIdOrPath
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the AppIdOrPath setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Application
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Application setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • AssociationElement
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the AssociationElement setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • BluetoothTaskbarIconEnabled
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the BluetoothTaskbarIconEnabled setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • BrandIcon
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the BrandIcon setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • BTSearchIntervalOnAC
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the BTSearchIntervalOnAC setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • BTSearchIntervalOnDC
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the BTSearchIntervalOnDC setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • BytesDecryptedInDiskRequestOverhead
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the BytesDecryptedInDiskRequestOverhead setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • CacheID
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the CacheID setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • CacheLimit
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the CacheLimit setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • CacheSizeMB
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the CacheSizeMB setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • CDefaultValue
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the CDefaultValue setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • CEIPEnabled
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the CEIPEnabled setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • ColorDepth
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the ColorDepth setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • CommandLine
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the CommandLine setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • ComputerName
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the ComputerName setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • CopyProfile
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the CopyProfile setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • CountryOrRegionID
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the CountryOrRegionID setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • CrashDumpEnabled
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the CrashDumpEnabled setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • CreateSeparateSystemPartition
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the CreateSeparateSystemPartition setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • CustomDefaultThemeFile
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the CustomDefaultThemeFile setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DebugJoin
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DebugJoin setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DebugJoinOnlyOnThisError
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DebugJoinOnlyOnThisError setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DefaultConsent
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DefaultConsent setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DefaultThemesOff
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DefaultThemesOff setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Description
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Description setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DesktopBackground
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DesktopBackground setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DeviceElement
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DeviceElement setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DhcpEnabled
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DhcpEnabled setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DisableAutoDaylightTimeSet
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DisableAutoDaylightTimeSet setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DisableDynamicUpdate
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DisableDynamicUpdate setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DisableEncryptedDiskProvisioning
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DisableEncryptedDiskProvisioning setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DisableStatefulFTP
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DisableStatefulFTP setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DisableStatefulPPTP
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DisableStatefulPPTP setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DisableWER
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DisableWER setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DiskID
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DiskID setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DisplayName
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DisplayName setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DisplayReport
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DisplayReport setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DNSDomain
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DNSDomain setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Domain
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Domain setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DomainName
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DomainName setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DomainProfile_DisableNotifications
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DomainProfile_DisableNotificatons setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DomainProfile_EnableFirewall
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DomainProfile_EnableFirewall setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DomainProfile_LogDroppedPackets
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DomainProfile_LogDroppedPackets setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DomainProfile_LogFile
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DomainProfile_LogFile setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DomainProfile_LogFileSize
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DomainProfile_LogFileSize setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DomainProfile_LogSuccessfulConnections
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DomainProfile_LogSuccessfulConnections setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DoNotCleanTaskBar
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DoNotCleanTaskBar setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DoNotCleanUpNonPresentDevices
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DoNotClearUpNonPresentDevices setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DPI
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DPI setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DriverStartType
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DriverStartType setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • DuplicatorDescription
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the DuplicatorDescription setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • EnableAdapterDomainNameRegistration
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the EnableAdapterDomainNameRegistration setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • EnableCaptureMonitor
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the EnableCaptureMonitor setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • EnableCompression
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the EnableCompression setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Enabled
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Enabled setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • EnableEncryption
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the EnableEncryption setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • EnableFirewall
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the EnableFirewall setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • EnableLUA
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the EnableLUA setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • EnableNetwork
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the EnableNetwork setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • EnablePrefetcher
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the EnablePrefetcher setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • EnableSuperfetch
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the EnableSuperfetch setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Extend
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Extend setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • fDenyTSConnections
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the fDenyTSConnections setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • fDisabledAllowList
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the fDisabledAllowList setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Filename
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Filename setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • FirstRunTask
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the FirstRunTask setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • FlyoutAutoPowerScheme
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the FlyoutAutoPowerScheme setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • FlyoutHighPerformancePowerScheme
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the FlyoutHighPerformancePowerScheme setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • FlyoutPowerSaverPowerScheme
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the FlyoutPowerSaverPowerScheme setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • FontSmoothing
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the FontSmoothing setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • ForceShutdownNow
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the ForceShutdownNow setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Format
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Format setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • FullName
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the FullName setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Gadget1
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Gadget1 setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Gadget2
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Gadget2 setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Gadget3
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Gadget3 setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Gadget4
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Gadget4 setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Gadget5
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Gadget5 setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • GHideDefaultValue
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the GHideDefaultValue setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • GMenuDefaultValue
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the GMenuDefaultValue setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • GOpenDefaultValue
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the GOpenDefaultValue setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Group
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Group setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • GUID
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the GUID setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • HelpCustomized
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the HelpCustomized setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • HideEULAPage
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the HideEULAPage setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • HideLocalAccountScreen
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the HideLocalAccountScreen setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • HideOEMRegistrationScreen
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the HideOEMRegistrationScreen setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • HideOnlineAccountScreens
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the HideOnlineAccountScreens setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • HideWirelessSetupInOOBE
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the HideWirelessSetupInOOBE setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • HKLMConnectRetries
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the HKLMConnectRetries setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • HKLMConnectTimeOut
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the HKLMConnectTimeOut setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • HKLMContentPerUserItem
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the HKLMContentPerUserItem setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • HKLMCookiesPerUserItem
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the HKLMCookiesPerUserItem setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • HKLMHistoryPerUserItem
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the HKLMHistoryPerUserItem setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • HKLMProxyEnable
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the HKLMProxyEnable setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • HKLMProxyOverride
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the HKLMProxyOverride setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • HKLMProxyServer
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the HKLMProxyServer setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • HKLMReceiveTimeOut
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the HKLMReceiveTimeOut setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • HKLMSendTimeOut
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the HKLMSendTimeOut setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • HorizontalResolution
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the HorizontalResolution setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • href
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the href setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • IcmpRedirectsEnabled
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the IcmpRedirectsEnabled setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Icon
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Icon setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • IconID
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the IconID setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • ID
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the ID setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Identifier
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Identifier setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • IM
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the IM setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • ImageGroup
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the ImageGroup setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • ImageName
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the ImageName setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • IndexSearchFilesDefaultValue
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the IndexSearchFilesDefaultValue setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • InPlaceCrypto
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the InPlaceCrypto setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • InputLocale
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the InputLocale setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • InstallModulesAfterAdminLogin
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the InstallModulesAfterAdminLogin setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • InstallToAvailablePartition
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the InstallToAvailablePartition setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Internet
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Internet setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • IpAddress
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the IpAddress setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • ItemName
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the ItemName setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • JavaVM
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the JavaVM setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • JoinDomain
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the JoinDomain setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • JoinWorkgroup
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the JoinWorkgroup setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Key
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Key setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Label
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Label setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • LayeredDriver
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the LayeredDriver setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • LayoutPosition
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the LayoutPosition setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Letter
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Letter setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • LicensingMode
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the LicensingMode setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Link
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Link setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Link0
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Link0 setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Link1
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Link1 setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Link2
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Link2 setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Link3
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Link3 setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Link4
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Link4 setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Link5
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Link5 setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Link6
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Link6 setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Link7
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Link7 setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Link8
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Link8 setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Link9
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Link9 setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • LmAnnounce
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the LmAnnounce setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Logo
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Logo setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • LogonCount
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the LogonCount setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • LogonWaitForPackageRegistration
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the LogonWaitForPackageRegistration setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • LogoURL
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the LogoURL setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • LogPath
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the LogPath setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • MachineObjectOU
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the MachineObjectOU setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • MachinePassword
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the MachinePassword setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • MaintainServerList
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the MaintainServerList setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Manufacturer
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Manufacturer setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • MaxCryptoRequestsPerIo
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the MaxCryptoRequestsPerlo setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • MaxDecryptRequests
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the MaxDecryptRequests setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • MaxEncryptRequests
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the MaxEncryptRequests setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Media
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Media setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Metric
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Metric setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Mode
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Mode setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Model
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Model setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • MultiTouchEnabled
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the MultiTouchEnabled setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • MustReboot
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the MustReboot setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Name
    This setting contains a string that specifies a computer name, location name, or the name of a domain account, security group, or local account
  • NetbiosOptions
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the NetbiosOptions setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • NetworkLocation
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the NetworkLocation setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • NextHopAddress
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the NextHopAddress setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • NoSearchFilesDefaultValue
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the NoSearchFilesDefaultValue setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • OEMAppId
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the OEMAppId setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • OEMName
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the OEMName setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • OptIn
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Optin setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Order
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Order setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Organization
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Organization setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • OtherDomains
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the OtherDomains setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • PagingFiles
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the PagingFiles setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • PanningDisabled
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the PanningDisabled setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Parameters
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Parameters setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • PartitionID
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the PartitionID setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Password
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Password setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Path
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Path setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • PersistAllDeviceInstalls
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the PersistAllDeviceInstalls setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • PlainText
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the PlainText setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • PreferredPlan
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the PreferredPlan setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Prefix
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Prefix setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • PrivateProfile_DisableNotifications
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the PrivateProfile_DisableNotifications setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • PrivateProfile_EnableFirewall
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the PrivateProfile_EnableFirewall setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • PrivateProfile_LogDroppedPackets
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the PrivateProfile_LogDroppedPackets setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • PrivateProfile_LogFile
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the PrivateProfile_LogFile setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • PrivateProfile_LogFileSize
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the PrivateProfile_LogFileSize setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • PrivateProfile_LogSuccessfulConnections
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the PrivateProfile_LogSuccessfulConnections setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • ProductKey
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the ProductKey setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Profile
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Profile setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • ProfilesDirectory
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the ProfilesDirectory setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • ProgramData
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the ProgramData setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • ProtectYourPC
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the ProtectYourPC setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • PublicProfile_DisableNotifications
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the PublicProfile_DisableNotifications setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • PublicProfile_EnableFirewall
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the PublicProfile_EnableFirewall setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • PublicProfile_LogDroppedPackets
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the PublicProfile_LogDroppedPackets setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • PublicProfile_LogFile
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the PublicProfile_LogFile setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • PublicProfile_LogFileSize
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the PublicProfile_LogFileSize setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • PublicProfile_LogSuccessfulConnections
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the PublicProfile_LogSuccessfulConnections setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • RadioLocation
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the RadioLocation setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • ReadDoubleBuffering
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the ReadDoubleBuffering setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • ReferralId
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the ReferralId setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • RefreshRate
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the RefreshRate setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • RegisteredOrganization
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the RegisteredOrganization setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • RegisteredOwner
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the RegisteredOwner setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • RequiresUserInput
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the RequiresUserInput setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Restart
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Restart setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • RouterDiscoveryEnabled
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the RouterDiscoveryEnabled setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • SanPolicy
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the SanPolicy setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • ScreenSaver
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the ScreenSaver setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • SearchContent
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the SearchContent setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • SecurityLayer
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the SecurityLayer setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • ServiceStartType
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the ServiceStartType setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • ShowInternetExplorer
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the ShowInternetExplorer setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • ShowMediaCenter
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the ShowMediaCenter setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • ShowWindowsLive
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the ShowWindowsLive setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • ShowWindowsMail
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the ShowWindowsMail setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • ShowWindowsMediaPlayer
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the ShowWindowsMediaPlayer setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Size
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Size setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • SkipAutoActivation
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the SkipAutoActivation setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • SkipMachineOOBE
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the SkipMachineOOBE setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • SkipRearm
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the SkipRearm setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • SkipUserOOBE
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the SkipUserOOBE setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • SlicedEncryptionInPlace
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the SlicedEncryptionInPlace setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • SlicedEncryptionMinSize
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the SlicedEncryptionMinSize setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • SlicedEncryptionRequestsMax
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the SlicedEncryptionRequestsMax setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • SourceLocation
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the SourceLocation setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Start
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Start setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Start_AudioSrv
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Start_AudioSrv setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Start_EndpointBuilder
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Start_EndpointBuilder setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Start_SearchFiles
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Start_SearchFiles setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • SupportHours
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the SupportHours setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • SupportPhone
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the SupportPhone setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • SupportSearchURL
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the SupportSearchURL setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • SupportURL
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the SupportURL setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • SyncDomainWithMembership
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the SyncDomainWithMembership setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • SystemDefaultBackgroundColor
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the SystemDefaultBackgroundColor setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • SystemLocale
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the SystemLocale setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • SystemResponsiveness
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the SystemResponsiveness setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • ThemeName
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the ThemeName setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • TileColor
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the TileColor setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • TimeoutPeriodInMinutes
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the TimeoutPeriodInMinutes setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • TimeZone
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the TimeZone setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • TouchGate
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the TouchGate setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • TouchUI
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the TouchUI setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • TouchUISize
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the TouchUISize setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Type
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Type setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • TypeID
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the TypeID setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • UILanguage
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the UILanguage setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • UILanguageFallback
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the UILanguageFallback setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • UninstallWindowsRE
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the UninstallWindowsRE setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • UnsecureJoin
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the UnsecureJoin setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • UseConfigurationSet
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the UseConfigurationSet setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • UseDomainNameDevolution
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the UseDomainNameDevolution setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • UserAuthentication
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the UserAuthentication setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • UserLocale
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the UserLocale setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Username
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Username setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • UserSearchFilesDefaultValue
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the UserSearchFilesDefaultValue setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • Value
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the Value setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • VerticalResolution
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the VerticalResolution setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • WillReboot
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the WillReboot setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • WillShowUI
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the WillShowUI setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • WillWipeDisk
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the WillWipeDisk setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • WindowColor
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the WindowColor setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • WriteIoAggregateMaxSize
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the WriteIoAggregateMaxSize setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • WriteIoAggregateMinSize
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the WriteIOAggregateMinSize setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).
  • WriteSubrequestLength
    Review the applicable Embedded Core modules and any examples for the WriteSubrequestLength setting in Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8).

See Also


Embedded Core