Adding Task Objects to the Reset Configuration Task
The Reset Configuration task is executed by pressing the soft power switch multiple times. This task provides a way to take the server appliance back to a known state in case the server appliance is no longer accessible via the network.
The OEM can add appliance task objects to the list of task executables in the Reset Configuration Task. These tasks will then be executed if the power switch is pressed multiple times.
To add a task object to the Reset Configuration Task
- Install the reliability services.
- After changing the registry value, stop, and then start, the Appliance Manager service - for example,
net stop appmgr; net start appmgr
You can find the Reset Configuration Task objects listed under the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ServerAppliance\ApplianceManager\ObjectManagers\Microsoft_SA_Task\ResetConfigurationTask registry key and TaskExecutables value.
To set the number of key presses
Change the value of the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VMSFTPWR\Parameters\Number of Key Presses registry key.
This value is a REG_DWORD with a default value of 2. This new value can only be greater than, or equal, to 2.
To set the time interval between key presses
Change the value of the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VMSFTPWR\Parameters\Key Press Interval registry key.
This is a REG_DWORD and gives the time interval in milliseconds. The default value is 2,000 milliseconds. The new value must be between 2,000 to 10,000 milliseconds.
Related Topics
Adding Task Objects to the Appliance Initialization Task
Adding Task Objects to the Every Boot Task
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