Leading Schools of 2030

School Leader
Microsoft Teams

In the recent study, The class of 2030 and life-ready learning, Microsoft partnered with McKinsey & Company’s Education practice to gain valuable insights about how we can all help prepare the class of 2030 to thrive in work and in life. This module helps to introduce you to the research findings, draw insight from these findings, and give you practical ways to apply this learning in your school.

Learning objectives

In this module, you will:

  • Understand how education environments of the future will function based on data from several recent research studies.
  • Explore skills learners of the future will need to be successful.
  • Gain new insights from these studies that they can put into practice.
  • Maximize these research findings into actionable change to benefit learners of the future.

ISTE Standards for Educators:

  • Leaders - Connected Learner
  • Leaders - Empowering Leader
  • Leaders - Visionary Planner

UNESCO Standards for Educators:

  • Organization and Administration
  • Teacher Professional Learning

