Test your Bicep code by using Azure Pipelines

DevOps Engineer
Azure Resource Manager
Azure DevOps
Azure Pipelines

Validate and test your Bicep code in your deployment pipeline. You'll use linting, preflight validation, and the what-if operation to validate your Azure changes before you deploy, and you'll test your resources after each deployment.

Learning objectives

After completing this module, you'll be able to:

  • Add Bicep code linting during continuous integration
  • Add preflight deployment validation during build or release stages
  • Add what-if checks, including manual approval steps
  • Verify the configuration of the deployed environment


You should be familiar with using:

  • Bicep, including creating and deploying basic files.
  • Azure, including the Azure portal, subscriptions, resource groups, and resources.
  • Basic Git commands, including cloning, committing files, and pushing changes to Azure Repos.
  • Basic YAML pipelines in Azure Pipelines, including service connections.

To work through the exercises in the module, you'll need:

  • An Azure account, with the ability to create resource groups, Microsoft Entra applications, and service principals.
  • An Azure DevOps organization and account.

You'll also need the following installed locally: