processthreadsapi.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
processthreadsapi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
CreateProcessA Creates a new process and its primary thread. The new process runs in the security context of the calling process. (ANSI) |
CreateProcessAsUserA Creates a new process and its primary thread. The new process runs in the security context of the user represented by the specified token. (ANSI) |
CreateProcessAsUserW Creates a new process and its primary thread. The new process runs in the security context of the user represented by the specified token. (Unicode) |
CreateProcessW Creates a new process and its primary thread. The new process runs in the security context of the calling process. (Unicode) |
CreateRemoteThread Creates a thread that runs in the virtual address space of another process. |
CreateRemoteThreadEx Creates a thread that runs in the virtual address space of another process and optionally specifies extended attributes such as processor group affinity. |
CreateThread Creates a thread to execute within the virtual address space of the calling process. |
DeleteProcThreadAttributeList Deletes the specified list of attributes for process and thread creation. |
ExitProcess Ends the calling process and all its threads. |
ExitThread Ends the calling thread. |
FlushInstructionCache Flushes the instruction cache for the specified process. |
FlushProcessWriteBuffers Flushes the write queue of each processor that is running a thread of the current process. |
GetCurrentProcess Retrieves a pseudo handle for the current process. |
GetCurrentProcessId Retrieves the process identifier of the calling process. |
GetCurrentProcessorNumber Retrieves the number of the processor the current thread was running on during the call to this function. |
GetCurrentProcessorNumberEx Retrieves the processor group and number of the logical processor in which the calling thread is running. |
GetCurrentProcessToken Retrieves a pseudo-handle that you can use as a shorthand way to refer to the access token associated with a process. |
GetCurrentThread Retrieves a pseudo handle for the calling thread. |
GetCurrentThreadEffectiveToken Retrieves a pseudo-handle that you can use as a shorthand way to refer to the token that is currently in effect for the thread, which is the thread token if one exists and the process token otherwise. |
GetCurrentThreadId Retrieves the thread identifier of the calling thread. |
GetCurrentThreadStackLimits Retrieves the boundaries of the stack that was allocated by the system for the current thread. |
GetCurrentThreadToken Retrieves a pseudo-handle that you can use as a shorthand way to refer to the impersonation token that was assigned to the current thread. |
GetExitCodeProcess Retrieves the termination status of the specified process. |
GetExitCodeThread Retrieves the termination status of the specified thread. |
GetMachineTypeAttributes Queries if the specified architecture is supported on the current system, either natively or by any form of compatibility or emulation layer. |
GetPriorityClass Retrieves the priority class for the specified process. This value, together with the priority value of each thread of the process, determines each thread's base priority level. |
GetProcessDefaultCpuSetMasks Retrieves the list of CPU Sets in the process default set that was set by SetProcessDefaultCpuSetMasks or SetProcessDefaultCpuSets. |
GetProcessDefaultCpuSets Retrieves the list of CPU Sets in the process default set that was set by SetProcessDefaultCpuSets. |
GetProcessHandleCount Retrieves the number of open handles that belong to the specified process. |
GetProcessId Retrieves the process identifier of the specified process. |
GetProcessIdOfThread Retrieves the process identifier of the process associated with the specified thread. |
GetProcessInformation Retrieves information about the specified process. (GetProcessInformation) |
GetProcessMitigationPolicy Retrieves mitigation policy settings for the calling process. |
GetProcessPriorityBoost Retrieves the priority boost control state of the specified process. |
GetProcessShutdownParameters Retrieves the shutdown parameters for the currently calling process. |
GetProcessTimes Retrieves timing information for the specified process. |
GetProcessVersion Retrieves the major and minor version numbers of the system on which the specified process expects to run. |
GetStartupInfoW Retrieves the contents of the STARTUPINFO structure that was specified when the calling process was created. |
GetSystemCpuSetInformation Allows an application to query the available CPU Sets on the system, and their current state. |
GetSystemTimes Retrieves system timing information. On a multiprocessor system, the values returned are the sum of the designated times across all processors. |
GetThreadContext Retrieves the context of the specified thread. |
GetThreadDescription Retrieves the description that was assigned to a thread by calling SetThreadDescription. |
GetThreadId Retrieves the thread identifier of the specified thread. |
GetThreadIdealProcessorEx Retrieves the processor number of the ideal processor for the specified thread. |
GetThreadInformation Retrieves information about the specified thread. (GetThreadInformation) |
GetThreadIOPendingFlag Determines whether a specified thread has any I/O requests pending. |
GetThreadPriority Retrieves the priority value for the specified thread. This value, together with the priority class of the thread's process, determines the thread's base-priority level. |
GetThreadPriorityBoost Retrieves the priority boost control state of the specified thread. |
GetThreadSelectedCpuSetMasks Returns the explicit CPU Set assignment of the specified thread, if any assignment was set using SetThreadSelectedCpuSetMasks or SetThreadSelectedCpuSets. |
GetThreadSelectedCpuSets Returns the explicit CPU Set assignment of the specified thread, if any assignment was set using the SetThreadSelectedCpuSets API. |
GetThreadTimes Retrieves timing information for the specified thread. |
InitializeProcThreadAttributeList Initializes the specified list of attributes for process and thread creation. |
IsProcessCritical Determines whether the specified process is considered critical. |
IsProcessorFeaturePresent Determines whether the specified processor feature is supported by the current computer. |
OpenProcess Opens an existing local process object. |
OpenProcessToken Opens the access token associated with a process. |
OpenThread Opens an existing thread object. |
OpenThreadToken Opens the access token associated with a thread. |
ProcessIdToSessionId Retrieves the Remote Desktop Services session associated with a specified process. |
QueryProcessAffinityUpdateMode Retrieves the affinity update mode of the specified process. |
QueryProtectedPolicy Queries the value associated with a protected policy. |
QueueUserAPC Adds a user-mode asynchronous procedure call (APC) object to the APC queue of the specified thread. (QueueUserAPC) |
QueueUserAPC2 Adds a user-mode asynchronous procedure call (APC) object to the APC queue of the specified thread. (QueueUserAPC2) |
ResumeThread Decrements a thread's suspend count. When the suspend count is decremented to zero, the execution of the thread is resumed. |
SetPriorityClass Sets the priority class for the specified process. This value together with the priority value of each thread of the process determines each thread's base priority level. |
SetProcessAffinityUpdateMode Sets the affinity update mode of the specified process. |
SetProcessDefaultCpuSetMasks The SetProcessDefaultCpuSetMasks function (processthreadsapi.h) sets the default CPU Sets assignment for threads in the specified process. |
SetProcessDefaultCpuSets The SetProcessDefaultCpuSets function (processthreadsapi.h) sets the default CPU Sets assignment for threads in the specified process. |
SetProcessDynamicEHContinuationTargets Sets dynamic exception handling continuation targets for the specified process. |
SetProcessDynamicEnforcedCetCompatibleRanges Sets dynamic enforced CETCOMPAT ranges for the specified process. |
SetProcessInformation Sets information for the specified process. |
SetProcessMitigationPolicy Sets a mitigation policy for the calling process. Mitigation policies enable a process to harden itself against various types of attacks. |
SetProcessPriorityBoost Disables or enables the ability of the system to temporarily boost the priority of the threads of the specified process. |
SetProcessShutdownParameters Sets shutdown parameters for the currently calling process. This function sets a shutdown order for a process relative to the other processes in the system. |
SetProtectedPolicy Sets a protected policy. |
SetThreadContext Sets the context for the specified thread. |
SetThreadDescription Assigns a description to a thread. |
SetThreadIdealProcessor Sets a preferred processor for a thread. The system schedules threads on their preferred processors whenever possible. |
SetThreadIdealProcessorEx Sets the ideal processor for the specified thread and optionally retrieves the previous ideal processor. |
SetThreadInformation Sets information for the specified thread. |
SetThreadPriority Sets the priority value for the specified thread. This value, together with the priority class of the thread's process, determines the thread's base priority level. |
SetThreadPriorityBoost Disables or enables the ability of the system to temporarily boost the priority of a thread. |
SetThreadSelectedCpuSetMasks Sets the selected CPU Sets assignment for the specified thread. This assignment overrides the process default assignment, if one is set. (SetThreadSelectedCpuSetMasks) |
SetThreadSelectedCpuSets Sets the selected CPU Sets assignment for the specified thread. This assignment overrides the process default assignment, if one is set. (SetThreadSelectedCpuSets) |
SetThreadStackGuarantee Sets the minimum size of the stack associated with the calling thread or fiber that will be available during any stack overflow exceptions. |
SetThreadToken Assigns an impersonation token to a thread. The function can also cause a thread to stop using an impersonation token. |
SuspendThread Suspends the specified thread. |
SwitchToThread Causes the calling thread to yield execution to another thread that is ready to run on the current processor. The operating system selects the next thread to be executed. |
TerminateProcess Terminates the specified process and all of its threads. |
TerminateThread Terminates a thread. |
TlsAlloc Allocates a thread local storage (TLS) index. Any thread of the process can subsequently use this index to store and retrieve values that are local to the thread, because each thread receives its own slot for the index. |
TlsFree Releases a thread local storage (TLS) index, making it available for reuse. |
TlsGetValue Retrieves the value in the calling thread's thread local storage (TLS) slot for the specified TLS index. Each thread of a process has its own slot for each TLS index. |
TlsGetValue2 Retrieves the value in the calling thread's thread local storage (TLS) slot for the specified TLS index. Each thread of a process has its own slot for each TLS index. |
TlsSetValue Stores a value in the calling thread's thread local storage (TLS) slot for the specified TLS index. Each thread of a process has its own slot for each TLS index. |
UpdateProcThreadAttribute Updates the specified attribute in a list of attributes for process and thread creation. |
APP_MEMORY_INFORMATION Represents app memory usage at a single point in time. This structure is used by the PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS class. |
MEMORY_PRIORITY_INFORMATION Specifies the memory priority for a thread or process. |
PROCESS_INFORMATION Contains information about a newly created process and its primary thread. It is used with the CreateProcess, CreateProcessAsUser, CreateProcessWithLogonW, or CreateProcessWithTokenW function. |
PROCESS_LEAP_SECOND_INFO Specifies how the system handles positive leap seconds. |
PROCESS_MACHINE_INFORMATION Specifies the architecture of a process and if that architecture of code can run in user mode, kernel mode, and/or under WoW64 on the host operating system. |
PROCESS_MEMORY_EXHAUSTION_INFO Allows applications to configure a process to terminate if an allocation fails to commit memory. This structure is used by the PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS class. |
PROCESS_POWER_THROTTLING_STATE Specifies the throttling policies and how to apply them to a target process when that process is subject to power management. |
PROCESS_PROTECTION_LEVEL_INFORMATION Specifies whether Protected Process Light (PPL) is enabled. |
STARTUPINFOA Specifies the window station, desktop, standard handles, and appearance of the main window for a process at creation time. (ANSI) |
STARTUPINFOW Specifies the window station, desktop, standard handles, and appearance of the main window for a process at creation time. (Unicode) |
THREAD_POWER_THROTTLING_STATE Specifies the throttling policies and how to apply them to a target thread when that thread is subject to power management. |
MACHINE_ATTRIBUTES Specifies the ways in which an architecture of code can run on a host operating system. More than one bit may be set. |
PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS Indicates a specific class of process information. |
PROCESS_MEMORY_EXHAUSTION_TYPE Represents the different memory exhaustion types. |
QUEUE_USER_APC_FLAGS The QUEUE_USER_APC_FLAGS enumeration (processthreadsapi.h) specifies the modifier flags for user-mode asynchronous procedure call (APC) objects. |
THREAD_INFORMATION_CLASS The THREAD_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration (processthreadsapi.h) specifies the collection of supported thread types. |