winsock.h header
This header is used by Windows Sockets 2. For more information, see:
winsock.h contains the following programming interfaces:
__WSAFDIsSet The __WSAFDIsSet function (winsock.h) specifies whether a socket is included in a set of socket descriptors. |
AcceptEx The AcceptEx function (winsock.h) accepts a new connection, returns the local and remote address, and receives the first block of data sent by the client application. |
bind The bind function (winsock.h) associates a local address with a socket. |
closesocket The closesocket function (winsock.h) closes an existing socket. |
FD_SET The FD_SET macro (winsock.h) is used by Windows Sockets (Winsock) functions and service providers to place sockets into a set. |
GetAcceptExSockaddrs The GetAcceptExSockaddrs function (winsock.h) parses the data obtained from a call to the AcceptEx function and passes the local and remote addresses to a sockaddr structure. |
gethostbyaddr As of Windows Sockets 2, the gethostbyaddr function (winsock.h) is no longer recommended for use. |
gethostbyname The gethostbyname function (winsock.h) retrieves host information corresponding to a host name from a host database. |
gethostname The gethostname function (winsock.h) retrieves the standard host name for the local computer. |
getpeername The getpeername function (winsock.h) retrieves the address of the peer to which a socket is connected. |
getprotobyname The getprotobyname function (winsock.h) retrieves the protocol information corresponding to a protocol name. |
getprotobynumber The getprotobynumber function (winsock.h) retrieves protocol information corresponding to a protocol number. |
getservbyname The getservbyname function (winsock.h) retrieves service information corresponding to a service name and protocol. |
getservbyport The getservbyport function (winsock.h) retrieves service information corresponding to a port and protocol. |
getsockname The getsockname function (winsock.h) retrieves the local name for a socket. |
getsockopt The getsockopt function (winsock.h) retrieves a socket option. |
htonl The htonl function (winsock.h) converts a u_long from host to TCP/IP network byte order (which is big-endian). |
htons The htons function (winsock.h) converts a u_short from host to TCP/IP network byte order (which is big-endian). |
inet_addr The inet_addr function (winsock.h) converts a string containing an IPv4 dotted-decimal address into a proper address for the IN_ADDR structure. |
inet_ntoa The inet_ntoa function (winsock.h) converts an (Ipv4) Internet network address into an ASCII string in Internet standard dotted-decimal format. |
ioctlsocket The ioctlsocket function (winsock.h) controls the I/O mode of a socket. |
ntohl The ntohl function (winsock.h) converts a u_long from TCP/IP network order to host byte order, which is little-endian on Intel processors. |
ntohs The ntohs function (winsock.h) converts a u_short from TCP/IP network byte order to host byte order, which is little-endian on Intel processors. |
recv The recv function (winsock.h) receives data from a connected socket or a bound connectionless socket. |
recvfrom The recvfrom function receives a datagram and stores the source address. |
sendto The sendto function (winsock.h) sends data to a specific destination. |
setsockopt The setsockopt function (winsock.h) sets a socket option. |
shutdown The shutdown function (winsock.h) disables sends or receives on a socket. |
TransmitFile The TransmitFile function (winsock.h) transmits file data over a connected socket handle. |
WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr The WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr function (winsock.h) asynchronously retrieves host information that corresponds to an address. |
WSAAsyncGetHostByName The WSAAsyncGetHostByName function (winsock.h) asynchronously retrieves host information that corresponds to a host name. |
WSAAsyncGetProtoByName The WSAAsyncGetProtoByName function (winsock.h) asynchronously retrieves protocol information that corresponds to a protocol name. |
WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber The WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber function (winsock.h) asynchronously retrieves protocol information that corresponds to a protocol number. |
WSAAsyncGetServByName The WSAAsyncGetServByName function (winsock.h) asynchronously retrieves service information that corresponds to a service name and port. |
WSAAsyncGetServByPort The WSAAsyncGetServByPort function (winsock.h) asynchronously retrieves service information that corresponds to a port and protocol. |
WSAAsyncSelect The WSAAsyncSelect function (winsock.h) requests Windows message-based notification of network events for a socket. |
WSACancelAsyncRequest The WSACancelAsyncRequest function (winsock.h) cancels an incomplete asynchronous operation. |
WSACleanup The WSACleanup function (winsock.h) terminates use of the WS2_32.dll. |
WSAGetLastError The WSAGetLastError function (winsock.h) returns the error status for the last Windows Sockets operation that failed. |
WSARecvEx The WSARecvEx function (winsock.h) receives data from a connected socket or a bound connectionless socket. |
WSASetLastError The WSASetLastError function (winsock.h) sets the error code that can be retrieved through the WSAGetLastError function. |
WSAStartup The WSAStartup function (winsock.h) initiates use of the Winsock DLL by a process. |
fd_set The fd_set structure (winsock.h) is used by Windows Sockets (Winsock) functions and service providers to place sockets into a set. |
HOSTENT The HOSTENT (winsock.h) structure is used by functions to store information about a given host, such as host name, IPv4 address, and so forth. |
LINGER The LINGER (winsock.h) structure maintains information about a specific socket that specifies how that socket should behave when data is queued to be sent. |
PROTOENT The PROTOENT (winsock.h) structure contains the name and protocol numbers that correspond to a given protocol name. |
SERVENT The SERVENT (winsock.h) structure is used to store or return the name and service number for a given service name. |
SOCKADDR The sockaddr structure varies depending on the protocol selected. (sockaddr) |
SOCKADDR_IN The SOCKADDR_IN (winsock.h) structure varies depending on the protocol selected. |
TIMEVAL The TIMEVAL (winsock.h) structure is used to specify a time interval. It is associated with the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) Time.h header file. |
TRANSMIT_FILE_BUFFERS The TRANSMIT_FILE_BUFFERS (winsock.h) structure specifies data to be transmitted before and after file data during a TransmitFile function file transfer operation. |
WSADATA The WSADATA (winsock.h) structure contains information about the Windows Sockets implementation. |