Vector arithmetic functions
Lists the vector arithmetic functions.
In this section
Topic | Description |
XMVectorAbs |
Computes the absolute value of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorAdd |
Computes the sum of two vectors. |
XMVectorAddAngles |
Adds two vectors representing angles. |
XMVectorCeiling |
Computes the ceiling of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorClamp |
Clamps the components of a vector to a specified minimum and maximum range. |
XMVectorDivide |
Divides one instance of XMVECTOR by a second instance, returning the result in a third instance. |
XMVectorFloor |
Computes the floor of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorIsInfinite |
Performs a per-component test for +/- infinity on a vector. |
XMVectorIsNaN |
Performs a per-component NaN test on a vector. |
XMVectorMax |
Makes a per-component comparison between two vectors, and returns a vector containing the largest components. |
XMVectorMin |
Makes a per-component comparison between two vectors, and returns a vector containing the smallest components. |
XMVectorMod |
Computes the per-component floating-point remainder of the quotient of two vectors. |
XMVectorModAngles |
Computes the per-component angle modulo 2PI. |
XMVectorMultiply |
Computes the per-component product of two vectors. |
XMVectorMultiplyAdd |
Computes the product of the first two vectors added to the third vector. |
XMVectorNegate |
Computes the negation of a vector. |
XMVectorNegativeMultiplySubtract |
Computes the difference of a third vector and the product of the first two vectors. |
XMVectorPow |
Computes V1 raised to the power of V2. |
XMVectorReciprocal |
Computes the per-component reciprocal of a vector. |
XMVectorReciprocalEst |
Estimates the per-component reciprocal of a vector. |
XMVectorReciprocalSqrt |
Computes the per-component reciprocal square root of a vector. |
XMVectorReciprocalSqrtEst |
Estimates the per-component reciprocal square root of a vector. |
XMVectorRound |
Rounds each component of a vector to the nearest integer. |
XMVectorSaturate |
Saturates each component of a vector to the range 0.0f to 1.0f. |
XMVectorScale |
Scalar multiplies a vector by a floating-point value. |
XMVectorSqrt |
Computes the per-component square root of a vector. |
XMVectorSqrtEst |
Estimates the per-component square root of a vector. |
XMVectorSubtract |
Computes the difference of two vectors. |
XMVectorSubtractAngles |
Subtracts two vectors representing angles. |
XMVectorSum |
Computes the horizontal sum of the components of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorTruncate |
Rounds each component of a vector to the nearest integer value in the direction of zero. |
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