Microsoft Invest - Upload a hosted video creative

Microsoft Advertising supports hosting VAST (video ad serving template) creatives. VAST is used to serve on in-stream and some non-linear placements, per publisher specifications. Microsoft Advertising currently supports VAST 2.0 and VAST 3.0. This page explains how to upload VAST video creatives and other considerations for working with this type of creative.

Subscribing to video creative hosting

If you are interested in hosting video creatives on Microsoft Advertising, please talk to your Microsoft Advertising representative about pricing, your use case, and technical specifics.


Use of the Video Creative Hosting platform requires a contract addendum unless specified in your Master Services Agreement (MSA).

Specifications for hosted VAST video creatives

  • Max Video File Size: 100MB
  • Minimum Bit Rate: 2500kbps
  • Minimum Size: 1280x720px
  • File Types: x-flv, mp4, webm, x-ms-wmv, ogg, x-msvideo, mpeg, quicktime, 3gpp, 3gpp2, x-m4v


The letterbox is not cropped for standard size videos.

Add a creative

Step 1. Get started

On the Creative Manager screen, click the Create New button, then select Video. The Creative: New Creative screen displays.

Step 2. Upload the file

Select the Hosted File tab. Browse your computer, or drag and drop your file. For instructions about how to add a third-party hosted creative, see Add a Creative and Add Creatives in Bulk.


Size (px) Bit Rate (kbps)
1280x720 2500
1280x720 1100
1280x720 500
768x432 1700
768x432 1100
768x432 500


Size (px) Bit Rate (kbps)
1280x720 2000
1280x720 600
768x432 1500
768x432 500


File Type Size (px) Bit Rate (kbps)
x-flv 768x432 1100
x-flv 768x432 500

Step 3. Preview the creative

The creative preview is available for you to review once it is fully uploaded. You have the option to choose a different file, if required.


.mov videos will only play in preview on the Safari browser.

Step 4. Define the creative content

The Name field is auto-populated with the name of your file. Enter a Click-through URL to redirect the user upon clicking.

Step 5. Select audit options

On the Creative Attributes tab, select whether you want to submit the creative for Microsoft Advertising audit, classify the creative yourself, or exempt the creative from auditing entirely.

  • Platform Audit - Submit the creative for auditing by the Microsoft Advertising audit team. Audit process includes:

    • checking technical and content criteria

    • offer type categorization to enable the seller protection features on the platform

    • requirements of sellers

      Microsoft Advertising audit is mandatory but you can opt out of other platform specific audits.

    • Select your audit priority.


      Business days are from 9:00pm Sunday to 11:59pm Friday ET.

    For more information about content standards for creatives running on the Microsoft Advertising platform, see Creative Standards.

  • Self-Audit - Classify the creative yourself.


    • Self-auditing may reduce access to inventory outside of the ones you manage or own, as many sellers allow only Microsoft Advertising audited creatives. For further guidance on self-classifying, see Self-Auditing Creatives.
    • You must check the I confirm compliance checkbox in order to save the creative.
  • No Audit - An unaudited creative can run only on your managed publishers. It will not be eligible to run on third-party inventory unless the seller has opted into allowing unaudited creatives to run on their inventory.

Step 6. Add companion banner creatives (optional)

You can now add companion banners to your video creatives. Search for, and select banner ads that you have previously uploaded via the normal upload process.


You can only use banner creatives that have been previously uploaded.

Step 7. Attach third-party and segment tracking pixels (optional)

Microsoft Advertising records all impressions. If you wish to use another system to track impressions in addition, you can attach third-party tracking pixels to your creative.

To attach an existing third-party pixel to this creative, select the type of pixel from the Event drop-down menu.

Enter URLs for each tracking pixel event.

You can also attach segment pixels to your creative. Search for existing segment pixels and select from the list.

Step 8. Save the creative

Once you have defined your creative and populated the associated fields as necessary, click Save. The creative will be listed under Creatives on the Creative Manager screen.