Schedule an availability lookup

When you email a report to yourself or designated recipients you can send it immediately or on a recurring schedule.

  1. On the Availability Lookup page, create a new lookup and save it.
  2. On the toolbar, click Send. The Send a Lookup Report dialog appears.
  3. On the Recurrence dropdown list, select how frequently you want the lookup to be sent, or select None to send the lookup immediately without scheduling it.
  4. In the Send To box, enter the email address for each recipient, separating each address with a comma. You can include up to 50 email addresses. To send a report to more than 50 addresses, use a distribution list.
  5. (Optional) In the Message box, type any comments you want to include in the email.
  6. (Optional) As needed, clear the checkboxes for items to be included in the email.
    • If you're sharing the lookup with someone who doesn't have access to Yield Analytics, the recipient can't receive a URL Link to access the report.
    • If you're sending the lookup as an attachment, it includes the lookup results as an attachment to the email.
  7. Click Send.

The lookup results link will only display results while the forecast is still valid (i.e., has not expired).

To schedule a lookup to run bi-monthly, create two monthly instances of recurrence (e.g., one on the 1st and one on the 15th).

If you have administrative access, you can select Admin ToolsView Saved Lookups to view, edit, and delete scheduled lookups.