696 questions with Azure Maps tags

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1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Satellite view on Azure maps just gives blank screen

We have an issue whereby "satellite" images no longer work using Azure maps. The standard "road" map is shown just fine. I have simplified as much as possible, but don't know what else to try, any clues ? <script…

Azure Maps
Azure Maps
An Azure service that provides geospatial APIs to add maps, spatial analytics, and mobility solutions to apps.
696 questions
asked 2021-11-29T14:01:56.987+00:00
mike taylor 26 Reputation points
accepted 2021-11-29T16:07:08.863+00:00
mike taylor 26 Reputation points
3 answers

Multiple markers at same point in Azure Maps

Hi, I recently started using Azure Maps. In my project I want to show multiple markers at the same point(same latitude and longitude). I have a list view at the side which shows the marker details. Also there is a popup on the Markers. When I…

Azure Maps
Azure Maps
An Azure service that provides geospatial APIs to add maps, spatial analytics, and mobility solutions to apps.
696 questions
asked 2021-11-12T14:15:20.133+00:00
Newbie Dev 151 Reputation points
commented 2021-11-29T15:44:14.707+00:00
rbrundritt 17,181 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
0 answers

Shapefiles to .Json convert not accepted in azure maps

i have tried without success to convert my shapefiles and feature classes into GeoJson and use in azure maps power bi. when i include the reference layer, it seemingly gets added but i dont visualize nor notice any changes. What can i do in this…

Azure Maps
Azure Maps
An Azure service that provides geospatial APIs to add maps, spatial analytics, and mobility solutions to apps.
696 questions
asked 2021-11-26T09:50:53.563+00:00
Adey McVincent Fru Akossom 1 Reputation point
commented 2021-11-29T05:42:46.83+00:00
rbrundritt 17,181 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer

Azure Maps Selection Controls Bug?

Hi I've been asked to post this question here after previously posting it on the Power BI Community. So apologies if this isn't the correct place. When making a selection, I get data points that are outside of the selection I've made. After doing…

Azure Maps
Azure Maps
An Azure service that provides geospatial APIs to add maps, spatial analytics, and mobility solutions to apps.
696 questions
asked 2021-11-22T20:17:14.243+00:00
Colin Wilce 1 Reputation point
commented 2021-11-23T18:48:31.813+00:00
Colin Wilce 1 Reputation point
3 answers

Find nearest road to a latitude and longitude point

Hi, given a Lat/Lon I am trying to detect if there are any road surfaces within 100 meter surrounds of that Lat/Lon, or even if the point itself is on a road. I tried nearest cross street service not quite the result needed , also the POI search…

Azure Maps
Azure Maps
An Azure service that provides geospatial APIs to add maps, spatial analytics, and mobility solutions to apps.
696 questions
asked 2021-11-16T22:01:49.593+00:00
Hessar, Robert 1 Reputation point
answered 2021-11-23T18:27:42.183+00:00
rbrundritt 17,181 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

JBOSS 6 Azure Maps SocketException: Connection Reset

When making a call to the following API: https://atlas.microsoft.com/search/address/json?&subscription-key=subscription-key&language=en-US&countrySet=US&api-version=1.0&query=+81114 (am omitting the subscription-key param but the…

Azure Firewall
Azure Firewall
An Azure network security service that is used to protect Azure Virtual Network resources.
651 questions
Azure Maps
Azure Maps
An Azure service that provides geospatial APIs to add maps, spatial analytics, and mobility solutions to apps.
696 questions
asked 2021-02-05T06:13:52.397+00:00
Avitansh Sharma 21 Reputation points
answered 2021-11-23T07:23:58.313+00:00
Evan Chatter 16 Reputation points
2 answers

Azure indoor maps trigger warning in a room

Hi, In the sample application "Live Maps" they show an example to send a "warning" to azure maps indoor (for exampe: if a door is open in a building). I can't figure out how they do this. So far, I am able to create a stateset…

Azure Maps
Azure Maps
An Azure service that provides geospatial APIs to add maps, spatial analytics, and mobility solutions to apps.
696 questions
asked 2021-11-15T09:52:01.347+00:00
elperro 1 Reputation point
answered 2021-11-18T15:11:30.983+00:00
elperro 1 Reputation point
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Azure maps, drawing toolbar - add a custom button

Is it possible to add a custom button to the drawingToolbar, something like const buttons = ["draw-polygon", "draw-rectangle", "draw-circle", "edit-geometry", "erase-geometry",…

Azure Maps
Azure Maps
An Azure service that provides geospatial APIs to add maps, spatial analytics, and mobility solutions to apps.
696 questions
asked 2021-11-12T09:06:21.99+00:00
Dev 216 Reputation points
accepted 2021-11-17T13:57:14.53+00:00
Dev 216 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Azure maps, drawing toolbar, cancel the drawingerased event

Via the drawing toolbar, is it possible to cancel the drawingerased event via a Yes/No confirmation dialog - click Yes to proceed with the event, click No to cancel the operation.

Azure Maps
Azure Maps
An Azure service that provides geospatial APIs to add maps, spatial analytics, and mobility solutions to apps.
696 questions
asked 2021-11-16T16:08:59.52+00:00
Dev 216 Reputation points
accepted 2021-11-17T10:08:18.133+00:00
Dev 216 Reputation points
2 answers

How to rotate the Azure Map around custom point

Is it possible to rotate the map using API around any custom point, not just the center? I can do this with fingers but didn't find a way to do this with API. I have tried setting centerOffset, but it just moves the map.

Azure Maps
Azure Maps
An Azure service that provides geospatial APIs to add maps, spatial analytics, and mobility solutions to apps.
696 questions
asked 2021-11-01T06:41:08.407+00:00
Daniels Danilins 1 Reputation point
answered 2021-11-11T13:45:46.52+00:00
Daniels Danilins 1 Reputation point
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Bing Maps Local Search API restricted to a bounding box returns POIs outside bbox

Using the LocalSearch API, i want to get all "EatDrink" POIs inside a given bbox. The API call is however returning my POIs outside (>500m) this bbox. I don't think this is expected behavior according the documentation…

Azure Maps
Azure Maps
An Azure service that provides geospatial APIs to add maps, spatial analytics, and mobility solutions to apps.
696 questions
Windows Maps
Windows Maps
A Microsoft app that provides voice navigation and turn-by-turn driving, transit, and walking directions.
255 questions
asked 2021-10-28T13:04:11.6+00:00
Thomas Dekeyser 21 Reputation points
accepted 2021-11-10T08:29:09.95+00:00
Thomas Dekeyser 21 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Routing - avoid a polygon

For routing is it possible to calculate a route that avoids a particular polygon area?

Azure Maps
Azure Maps
An Azure service that provides geospatial APIs to add maps, spatial analytics, and mobility solutions to apps.
696 questions
asked 2021-11-05T16:08:02.227+00:00
Dev 216 Reputation points
commented 2021-11-08T16:49:26.893+00:00
rbrundritt 17,181 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Azure maps, draggable routes.

Once a route has been set, is it possible to drag & change the route course as per Google Maps?

Azure Maps
Azure Maps
An Azure service that provides geospatial APIs to add maps, spatial analytics, and mobility solutions to apps.
696 questions
asked 2021-11-05T09:31:20.89+00:00
Dev 216 Reputation points
accepted 2021-11-08T09:11:38.047+00:00
Dev 216 Reputation points
1 answer

Display over 200,000 markers in azure maps

What is the best way to enter over 200,000 latitude/longitude onto a azure map? Each marker will link to a photo for a popup for that photo. Thanks, Josh

Azure Maps
Azure Maps
An Azure service that provides geospatial APIs to add maps, spatial analytics, and mobility solutions to apps.
696 questions
asked 2021-09-24T15:01:39.147+00:00
Joshua Burke 1 Reputation point
commented 2021-10-29T16:31:21.793+00:00
rbrundritt 17,181 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Map Matching in Azure Maps

Is it possible to perform map matching on azure maps with tier S0 subscription? Currently, my point layer on the map doesn't have precise coordinates and is mapped a bit far away from the road, which in my case is false as the points' coordinates are…

Azure Maps
Azure Maps
An Azure service that provides geospatial APIs to add maps, spatial analytics, and mobility solutions to apps.
696 questions
asked 2021-10-25T22:45:28.63+00:00
Muhammad Abdul Moeed 61 Reputation points
accepted 2021-10-28T19:16:09.427+00:00
Muhammad Abdul Moeed 61 Reputation points
1 answer

Api Azure Time Zone

Is there some endpoint to get the timezones for an specific country? For example Spain -> Europe/Madrid and Atlantic/Canary ?

Azure Maps
Azure Maps
An Azure service that provides geospatial APIs to add maps, spatial analytics, and mobility solutions to apps.
696 questions
asked 2021-10-25T06:55:10.067+00:00
I am a new member 1 Reputation point
commented 2021-10-25T14:53:36.55+00:00
rbrundritt 17,181 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

How we can convert DWG to GeoJson using AzureMaps API?

I went through the article to process the DWG file, integrated inside ZIP file with manifest.json and .dwg files. But I am not sure how I can generate the GeoJson response from it. Can someone help me? Or how I can retrieve each shape details (like…

Azure Maps
Azure Maps
An Azure service that provides geospatial APIs to add maps, spatial analytics, and mobility solutions to apps.
696 questions
asked 2021-09-08T08:22:51.617+00:00
notescrew 51 Reputation points
accepted 2021-10-22T04:43:11.057+00:00
notescrew 51 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Where can I download the official Azure Maps Weather API icons?

I have searched the documentation for an icon package or zip file that contains all of the weather icons, but all I can find are the ones displayed within the documentation here: …

Azure Maps
Azure Maps
An Azure service that provides geospatial APIs to add maps, spatial analytics, and mobility solutions to apps.
696 questions
asked 2020-08-30T23:44:18.683+00:00
christophersnay 21 Reputation points
commented 2021-10-20T17:26:41.497+00:00
IoTGirl 3,051 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

atlas module not found for Azure Maps quickstart sample code

I am currently in Korea running the sample code, and the error messages are shown below. The HTTP get request doesn't work for the atlas module. Is it true that atlas is not supported in South Korea yet? or am I missing any prerequisite to run this code…

Azure Maps
Azure Maps
An Azure service that provides geospatial APIs to add maps, spatial analytics, and mobility solutions to apps.
696 questions
asked 2021-10-15T01:41:27.02+00:00
Jang, Woong Jin 116 Reputation points
accepted 2021-10-20T03:08:23.747+00:00
Jang, Woong Jin 116 Reputation points
1 answer

pushpin for San Fransisco shape placed in sea

var cities = ["San Francisco", "Dallas", "Houston", "Los Angeles", "New York", "Philadelphia", "San Antonio"]; In Bing Maps, Am trying to place the marker for the above locations.…

Bing Web Search
Bing Web Search
A Bing service that gives you enhanced search details from billions of web documents.
151 questions
Azure Maps
Azure Maps
An Azure service that provides geospatial APIs to add maps, spatial analytics, and mobility solutions to apps.
696 questions
Windows Maps
Windows Maps
A Microsoft app that provides voice navigation and turn-by-turn driving, transit, and walking directions.
255 questions
asked 2021-10-08T11:01:42.78+00:00
Surya 6 Reputation points
answered 2021-10-13T21:53:16.767+00:00
IoTGirl 3,051 Reputation points Microsoft Employee