

DbExpressionKind Enum


Contains values that each expression class uses to denote the operation it represents. The ExpressionKind property of an DbExpression can be retrieved to determine which operation that expression represents.

public enum class DbExpressionKind
public enum DbExpressionKind
type DbExpressionKind = 
Public Enum DbExpressionKind


All 0

true-for-all expressions.

And 1

Logical AND expressions.

Any 2

true-for-any expressions.

Case 3

Conditional case statement expressions.

Cast 4

Polymorphic type cast expressions.

Constant 5

Constant value expressions.

CrossApply 6

Cross apply expressions.

CrossJoin 7

Cross join expressions.

Deref 8

Dereference expressions.

Distinct 9

Duplicate removal expressions.

Divide 10

Division expressions.

Element 11

Set-to-singleton conversion expressions.

EntityRef 12

Entity reference value retrieval expressions.

Equals 13

Equality expressions.

Except 14

Set subtraction expressions.

Filter 15

Restriction expressions.

FullOuterJoin 16

Full outer join expressions.

Function 17

Standalone function expressions.

GreaterThan 18

Greater than expressions.

GreaterThanOrEquals 19

Greater than or equal expressions.

GroupBy 20

Grouping expressions.

InnerJoin 21

Inner join expressions.

Intersect 22

Set intersection expressions.

IsEmpty 23

Empty set determination expressions.

IsNull 24

Null determination expressions.

IsOf 25

Type comparison (specified Type or Subtype) expressions.

IsOfOnly 26

Type comparison (specified Type only) expressions.

Lambda 57

Lambda function expressions.

LeftOuterJoin 27

Left outer join expressions.

LessThan 28

Less than expressions.

LessThanOrEquals 29

Less than or equal expressions.

Like 30

String comparison expressions.

Limit 31

Result count restriction (TOP n).

Minus 32

Subtraction expressions.

Modulo 33

Modulo expressions.

Multiply 34

Multiplication expressions.

NewInstance 35

Instance, row, and set construction expressions.

Not 36

Logical NOT expressions.

NotEquals 37

Inequality expressions.

Null 38

Null expressions.

OfType 39

Set members by type (or subtype) expressions.

OfTypeOnly 40

Set members by exact type expressions.

Or 41

Logical OR expressions.

OuterApply 42

Outer apply expressions.

ParameterReference 43

Reference to a parameter expressions.

Plus 44

Addition expressions.

Project 45

Projection expressions.

Property 46

Static or instance property retrieval expressions.

Ref 47

Reference expressions.

RefKey 48

Ref key value retrieval expressions.

RelationshipNavigation 49

Relationship (composition or association) navigation expressions.

Scan 50

Entity or relationship set scan expressions.

Skip 51

Skip elements of an ordered collection.

Sort 52

Sorting expressions.

Treat 53

Type conversion expressions.

UnaryMinus 54

Negation expressions.

UnionAll 55

Set union (with duplicates) expressions.

VariableReference 56

Reference to a variable expressions.


Use the DbExpressionKind enumeration to specify the various kinds of expressions. The Members table lists the functions that are members of this class and the type of expressions they specify.

Applies to