

ServiceDescription Class


Represents a complete, in-memory description of the service, including all the endpoints for the service and specifications for their respective addresses, bindings, contracts and behaviors.

public ref class ServiceDescription
public class ServiceDescription
type ServiceDescription = class
Public Class ServiceDescription


The following example illustrates various ways to instantiate a ServiceDescription object.

Uri baseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:8001/Simple");
ServiceHost serviceHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(CalculatorService), baseAddress);

    new WSHttpBinding(),

// Enable Mex
ServiceMetadataBehavior smb = new ServiceMetadataBehavior();
smb.HttpGetEnabled = true;


// Use Default constructor
ServiceDescription sd = new ServiceDescription();

// Create ServiceDescription from a collection of service endpoints
List<ServiceEndpoint> endpoints = new List<ServiceEndpoint>();
ContractDescription conDescr = new ContractDescription("ICalculator");
EndpointAddress endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:8001/Basic");
ServiceEndpoint ep = new ServiceEndpoint(conDescr, new BasicHttpBinding(), endpointAddress);
ServiceDescription sd2 = new ServiceDescription(endpoints);

// Iterate through the list of behaviors in the ServiceDescription
ServiceDescription svcDesc = serviceHost.Description;
KeyedByTypeCollection<IServiceBehavior> sbCol = svcDesc.Behaviors;
foreach (IServiceBehavior behavior in sbCol)
    Console.WriteLine("Behavior: {0}", behavior.ToString());

// svcDesc is a ServiceDescription.
svcDesc = serviceHost.Description;
string configName = svcDesc.ConfigurationName;
Console.WriteLine("Configuration name: {0}", configName);

// Iterate through the endpoints contained in the ServiceDescription
ServiceEndpointCollection sec = svcDesc.Endpoints;
foreach (ServiceEndpoint se in sec)
    Console.WriteLine("\tAddress: {0}", se.Address.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("\tBinding: {0}", se.Binding.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("\tContract: {0}", se.Contract.ToString());
    KeyedByTypeCollection<IEndpointBehavior> behaviors = se.Behaviors;
    foreach (IEndpointBehavior behavior in behaviors)
        Console.WriteLine("Behavior: {0}", behavior.ToString());

string name = svcDesc.Name;
Console.WriteLine("Service Description name: {0}", name);

string namespc = svcDesc.Namespace;
Console.WriteLine("Service Description namespace: {0}", namespc);

Type serviceType = svcDesc.ServiceType;
Console.WriteLine("Service Type: {0}", serviceType.ToString());

// Instantiate a service description specifying a service object
// Note: Endpoints collection and other properties will be null since
// we have not specified them
CalculatorService svcObj = new CalculatorService();
ServiceDescription sd3 = ServiceDescription.GetService(svcObj);
String serviceName = sd3.Name;
Console.WriteLine("Service name: {0}", serviceName);
Dim baseAddress As New Uri("http://localhost:8001/Simple")
Dim serviceHost As New ServiceHost(GetType(CalculatorService), baseAddress)

serviceHost.AddServiceEndpoint(GetType(ICalculator), New WSHttpBinding(), "CalculatorServiceObject")

' Enable Mex
Dim smb As New ServiceMetadataBehavior()
smb.HttpGetEnabled = True


' Use Default constructor
Dim sd As New ServiceDescription()

' Create ServiceDescription from a collection of service endpoints
Dim endpoints As New List(Of ServiceEndpoint)()
Dim conDescr As New ContractDescription("ICalculator")
Dim endpointAddress As New EndpointAddress("http://localhost:8001/Basic")
Dim ep As New ServiceEndpoint(conDescr, New BasicHttpBinding(), endpointAddress)
Dim sd2 As New ServiceDescription(endpoints)

' Iterate through the list of behaviors in the ServiceDescription
Dim svcDesc As ServiceDescription = serviceHost.Description
Dim sbCol As KeyedByTypeCollection(Of IServiceBehavior) = svcDesc.Behaviors
For Each behavior As IServiceBehavior In sbCol
    Console.WriteLine("Behavior: {0}", CType(behavior, Object).ToString())
Next behavior

' svcDesc is a ServiceDescription.
svcDesc = serviceHost.Description
Dim configName As String = svcDesc.ConfigurationName
Console.WriteLine("Configuration name: {0}", configName)

' Iterate through the endpoints contained in the ServiceDescription
Dim sec As ServiceEndpointCollection = svcDesc.Endpoints
For Each se As ServiceEndpoint In sec
    Console.WriteLine(Constants.vbTab & "Address: {0}", se.Address.ToString())
    Console.WriteLine(Constants.vbTab & "Binding: {0}", se.Binding.ToString())
    Console.WriteLine(Constants.vbTab & "Contract: {0}", se.Contract.ToString())
    Dim behaviors As KeyedByTypeCollection(Of IEndpointBehavior) = se.Behaviors
    For Each behavior As IEndpointBehavior In behaviors
        Console.WriteLine("Behavior: {0}", CType(behavior, Object).ToString())
    Next behavior
Next se

Dim name = svcDesc.Name
Console.WriteLine("Service Description name: {0}", name)

Dim namespc = svcDesc.Namespace
Console.WriteLine("Service Description namespace: {0}", namespc)

Dim serviceType As Type = svcDesc.ServiceType
Console.WriteLine("Service Type: {0}", serviceType.ToString())

' Instantiate a service description specifying a service object
' Note: Endpoints collection and other properties will be null since 
' we have not specified them
Dim svcObj As New CalculatorService()
Dim sd3 As ServiceDescription = ServiceDescription.GetService(svcObj)
Dim serviceName = sd3.Name
Console.WriteLine("Service name: {0}", serviceName)


The information contained in the ServiceDescription is used by the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) system to building the run-time components for the service.

Use this method when adding custom behaviors to extend ServiceHost. Programmatically, you must Add(T) the custom service behavior to the Behaviors prior to when you call the Open method on the ServiceHost object.

The GetService(Object) and GetService(Type) methods are available to reflect on behaviors using the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) programming model when replacing ServiceHostBase with you own hosting mechanism.

Export metadata about a service endpoint by passing ServiceEndpoint as a parameter to ExportEndpoint(ServiceEndpoint). After calling this method, or one of the other export methods provided by WsdlExporter, use the GeneratedWsdlDocuments property to return the collection of ServiceDescription objects.



Initializes a new instance of the ServiceDescription class.


Initializes a new instance of the ServiceDescription class from a specified enumeration of service endpoints.



Gets the behaviors associated with the service.


Gets or sets the name of the <service> configuration element.


Gets the collection of endpoints from the service description.


Gets or sets the name of the service.


Gets or sets the namespace for the service.


Gets the type of the service.



Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Serves as the default hash function.

(Inherited from Object)

Returns a service description initialized with a specified service object.


Returns a service description initialized with a specified service type.


Gets the Type of the current instance.

(Inherited from Object)

Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

(Inherited from Object)

Returns a string that represents the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Applies to