

ScrollBarRenderer Class


Provides methods used to render a scroll bar control with visual styles. This class cannot be inherited.

public ref class ScrollBarRenderer sealed
public ref class ScrollBarRenderer abstract sealed
public sealed class ScrollBarRenderer
public static class ScrollBarRenderer
type ScrollBarRenderer = class
Public NotInheritable Class ScrollBarRenderer
Public Class ScrollBarRenderer


The following code example demonstrates how to create a custom control that uses the ScrollBarRenderer methods to draw a scroll bar that responds to mouse clicks.

#using <System.Drawing.dll>
#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>
#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms::VisualStyles;

namespace ScrollBarRendererSample
    public ref class CustomScrollBar : public Control
        Rectangle clickedBarRectangle;
        Rectangle thumbRectangle;
        Rectangle leftArrowRectangle;
        Rectangle rightArrowRectangle;
        bool leftArrowClicked;
        bool rightArrowClicked;
        bool leftBarClicked;
        bool rightBarClicked;
        bool thumbClicked;
        ScrollBarState thumbState;
        ScrollBarArrowButtonState leftButtonState;
        ScrollBarArrowButtonState rightButtonState;
        int thumbWidth;
        int arrowWidth;

        // The right limit of the thumb's right border.
        int thumbRightLimitRight;

        // The right limit of the thumb's left border.
        int thumbRightLimitLeft;

        // The left limit of thumb's left border.
        int thumbLeftLimit;

        // The distance from the left edge of the thumb to the
        // cursor tip.
        int thumbPosition;

        // The distance from the left edge of the scroll bar track
        // to the cursor tip.
        int trackPosition;

        // This timer draws the moving thumb while the scroll arrows or
        // track are pressed.
        Timer^ progressTimer;

        CustomScrollBar() : Control()
            thumbState = ScrollBarState::Normal;
            leftButtonState = ScrollBarArrowButtonState::LeftNormal;
            rightButtonState = ScrollBarArrowButtonState::RightNormal;

            // This control does not allow these widths to be altered.
            thumbWidth = 15;
            arrowWidth = 17;

            progressTimer = gcnew Timer();
            this->Location = Point(10, 10);
            this->Width = 200;
            this->Height = 20;
            this->DoubleBuffered = true;

            progressTimer->Interval = 20;
            progressTimer->Tick += 
                gcnew EventHandler(this, &CustomScrollBar::progressTimer_Tick);

        // Calculate the sizes of the scroll bar elements.
        void SetUpScrollBar()
            clickedBarRectangle = ClientRectangle;
            thumbRectangle = Rectangle(
                ClientRectangle.X + ClientRectangle.Width / 2,
                ClientRectangle.Y, thumbWidth,
            leftArrowRectangle = Rectangle(
                ClientRectangle.X, ClientRectangle.Y,
                arrowWidth, ClientRectangle.Height);
            rightArrowRectangle = Rectangle(
                ClientRectangle.Right - arrowWidth,
                ClientRectangle.Y, arrowWidth,

            // Set the default starting thumb position.
            thumbPosition = thumbWidth / 2;

            // Set the right limit of the thumb's right border.
            thumbRightLimitRight = ClientRectangle.Right - arrowWidth;

            // Set the right limit of the thumb's left border.
            thumbRightLimitLeft = thumbRightLimitRight - thumbWidth;

            // Set the left limit of the thumb's left border.
            thumbLeftLimit = ClientRectangle.X + arrowWidth;

        // Draw the scroll bar in its normal state.
        virtual void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs^ e) override

            // Visual styles are not enabled.
            if (!ScrollBarRenderer::IsSupported)
                this->Parent->Text = "CustomScrollBar Disabled";

            this->Parent->Text = "CustomScrollBar Enabled";

            // Draw the scroll bar track.
                ClientRectangle, ScrollBarState::Normal);

            // Draw the thumb and thumb grip in the current state.
                thumbRectangle, thumbState);
                thumbRectangle, thumbState);

            // Draw the scroll arrows in the current state.
                leftArrowRectangle, leftButtonState);
                rightArrowRectangle, rightButtonState);

            // Draw a highlighted rectangle in the left side of the scroll
            // bar track if the user has clicked between the left arrow
            // and thumb.
            if (leftBarClicked)
                clickedBarRectangle.X = thumbLeftLimit;
                clickedBarRectangle.Width = thumbRectangle.X - thumbLeftLimit;
                    clickedBarRectangle, ScrollBarState::Pressed);

            // Draw a highlighted rectangle in the right side of the scroll
            // bar track if the user has clicked between the right arrow
            // and thumb.
            else if (rightBarClicked)
                clickedBarRectangle.X =
                    thumbRectangle.X + thumbRectangle.Width;
                clickedBarRectangle.Width =
                    thumbRightLimitRight - clickedBarRectangle.X;
                    clickedBarRectangle, ScrollBarState::Pressed);

        // Handle a mouse click in the scroll bar.
        virtual void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs^ e) override 

            if (!ScrollBarRenderer::IsSupported)

            // When the thumb is clicked, update the distance from the left
            // edge of the thumb to the cursor tip.
            if (thumbRectangle.Contains(e->Location))
                thumbClicked = true;
                thumbPosition = e->Location.X - thumbRectangle.X;
                thumbState = ScrollBarState::Pressed;

            // When the left arrow is clicked, start the timer to scroll
            // while the arrow is held down.
            else if (leftArrowRectangle.Contains(e->Location))
                leftArrowClicked = true;
                leftButtonState = ScrollBarArrowButtonState::LeftPressed;

            // When the right arrow is clicked, start the timer to scroll
            // while the arrow is held down.
            else if (rightArrowRectangle.Contains(e->Location))
                rightArrowClicked = true;
                rightButtonState = ScrollBarArrowButtonState::RightPressed;

            // When the scroll bar is clicked, start the timer to move the
            // thumb while the mouse is held down.
                trackPosition = e->Location.X;

                if (e->Location.X < this->thumbRectangle.X)
                    leftBarClicked = true;
                    rightBarClicked = true;


        // Draw the track.
        virtual void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs^ e) override

            if (!ScrollBarRenderer::IsSupported)

            // Update the thumb position, if the new location is within
            // the bounds.
            if (thumbClicked)
                thumbClicked = false;
                thumbState = ScrollBarState::Normal;

                if (e->Location.X > (thumbLeftLimit + thumbPosition) &&
                    e->Location.X < (thumbRightLimitLeft + thumbPosition))
                    thumbRectangle.X = e->Location.X - thumbPosition;

            // If one of the four thumb movement areas was clicked,
            // stop the timer.
            else if (leftArrowClicked)
                leftArrowClicked = false;
                leftButtonState = ScrollBarArrowButtonState::LeftNormal;

            else if (rightArrowClicked)
                rightArrowClicked = false;
                rightButtonState = ScrollBarArrowButtonState::RightNormal;

            else if (leftBarClicked)
                leftBarClicked = false;

            else if (rightBarClicked)
                rightBarClicked = false;


        // Track mouse movements if the user clicks on the scroll bar thumb.
        virtual void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs^ e) override

            if (!ScrollBarRenderer::IsSupported)

            // Update the thumb position, if the new location is
            // within the bounds.
            if (thumbClicked)
                // The thumb is all the way to the left.
                if (e->Location.X <= (thumbLeftLimit + thumbPosition))
                    thumbRectangle.X = thumbLeftLimit;

                // The thumb is all the way to the right.
                else if (e->Location.X >= 
                    (thumbRightLimitLeft + thumbPosition))
                    thumbRectangle.X = thumbRightLimitLeft;

                // The thumb is between the ends of the track.
                    thumbRectangle.X = e->Location.X - thumbPosition;


        // Recalculate the sizes of the scroll bar elements.
        virtual void OnSizeChanged(EventArgs^ e) override

        // Handle the timer tick by updating the thumb position.
        void progressTimer_Tick(Object^ sender, EventArgs^ myEventArgs)
            if (!ScrollBarRenderer::IsSupported)

            // If an arrow is clicked, move the thumb in small increments.
            if (rightArrowClicked && thumbRectangle.X < thumbRightLimitLeft)
            else if (leftArrowClicked && thumbRectangle.X > thumbLeftLimit)

            // If the track bar to right of the thumb is clicked, move the
            // thumb to the right in larger increments until the right edge
            // of the thumb hits the cursor.
            else if (rightBarClicked &&
                thumbRectangle.X < thumbRightLimitLeft &&
                thumbRectangle.X + thumbRectangle.Width < trackPosition)
                thumbRectangle.X += 3;

            // If the track bar to left of the thumb is clicked, move the
            // thumb to the left in larger increments until the left edge
            // of the thumb hits the cursor.
            else if (leftBarClicked &&
                thumbRectangle.X > thumbLeftLimit &&
                thumbRectangle.X > trackPosition)
                thumbRectangle.X -= 3;


    public ref class Form1 : public Form
        Form1() : Form()
            this->Size = System::Drawing::Size(500, 500);

            CustomScrollBar^ sampleCustomScrollBar = gcnew CustomScrollBar();
            sampleCustomScrollBar->Location = Point(50, 100);
            sampleCustomScrollBar->Size = System::Drawing::Size(200, 20);


int main()
    // The call to EnableVisualStyles below does not affect whether
    // ScrollBarRenderer.IsSupported is true; as long as visual styles
    // are enabled by the operating system, IsSupported is true.
    Application::Run(gcnew ScrollBarRendererSample::Form1());
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles;

namespace ScrollBarRendererSample
    class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()
            : base()
            this.Size = new Size(500, 500);

            CustomScrollBar Bar1 = new CustomScrollBar();
            Bar1.Location = new Point(50, 100);
            Bar1.Size = new Size(200, 20);


        static void Main()
            // The call to EnableVisualStyles below does not affect whether 
            // ScrollBarRenderer.IsSupported is true; as long as visual styles 
            // are enabled by the operating system, IsSupported is true.
            Application.Run(new Form1());

    public class CustomScrollBar : Control
        private Rectangle clickedBarRectangle;
        private Rectangle thumbRectangle;
        private Rectangle leftArrowRectangle;
        private Rectangle rightArrowRectangle;
        private bool leftArrowClicked = false;
        private bool rightArrowClicked = false;
        private bool leftBarClicked = false;
        private bool rightBarClicked = false;
        private bool thumbClicked = false;
        private ScrollBarState thumbState = ScrollBarState.Normal;
        private ScrollBarArrowButtonState leftButtonState =
        private ScrollBarArrowButtonState rightButtonState =

        // This control does not allow these widths to be altered.
        private int thumbWidth = 15;
        private int arrowWidth = 17;

        // Set the right limit of the thumb's right border.
        private int thumbRightLimitRight = 0;

        // Set the right limit of the thumb's left border.
        private int thumbRightLimitLeft = 0;

        // Set the left limit of thumb's left border.
        private int thumbLeftLimit = 0;

        // Set the distance from the left edge of the thumb to the 
        // cursor tip.
        private int thumbPosition = 0;

        // Set the distance from the left edge of the scroll bar track 
        // to the cursor tip.
        private int trackPosition = 0;

        // This timer draws the moving thumb while the scroll arrows or 
        // track are pressed.
        private Timer progressTimer = new Timer();

        public CustomScrollBar()
            : base()
            this.Location = new Point(10, 10);
            this.Width = 200;
            this.Height = 20;
            this.DoubleBuffered = true;

            progressTimer.Interval = 20;
            progressTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(progressTimer_Tick);

        // Calculate the sizes of the scroll bar elements.
        private void SetUpScrollBar()
            clickedBarRectangle = ClientRectangle;
            thumbRectangle = new Rectangle(
                ClientRectangle.X + ClientRectangle.Width / 2,
                ClientRectangle.Y, thumbWidth,
            leftArrowRectangle = new Rectangle(
                ClientRectangle.X, ClientRectangle.Y,
                arrowWidth, ClientRectangle.Height);
            rightArrowRectangle = new Rectangle(
                ClientRectangle.Right - arrowWidth,
                ClientRectangle.Y, arrowWidth,

            // Set the default starting thumb position.
            thumbPosition = thumbWidth / 2;

            // Set the right limit of the thumb's right border.
            thumbRightLimitRight = ClientRectangle.Right - arrowWidth;

            // Set the right limit of the thumb's left border.
            thumbRightLimitLeft = thumbRightLimitRight - thumbWidth;

            // Set the left limit of the thumb's left border.
            thumbLeftLimit = ClientRectangle.X + arrowWidth;

        // Draw the scroll bar in its normal state.
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)

            // Visual styles are not enabled.
            if (!ScrollBarRenderer.IsSupported)
                this.Parent.Text = "CustomScrollBar Disabled";

            this.Parent.Text = "CustomScrollBar Enabled";

            // Draw the scroll bar track.
                ClientRectangle, ScrollBarState.Normal);

            // Draw the thumb and thumb grip in the current state.
                thumbRectangle, thumbState);
                thumbRectangle, thumbState);

            // Draw the scroll arrows in the current state.
                    leftArrowRectangle, leftButtonState);
                    rightArrowRectangle, rightButtonState);

            // Draw a highlighted rectangle in the left side of the scroll 
            // bar track if the user has clicked between the left arrow 
            // and thumb.
            if (leftBarClicked)
                clickedBarRectangle.X = thumbLeftLimit;
                clickedBarRectangle.Width = thumbRectangle.X - thumbLeftLimit;
                    clickedBarRectangle, ScrollBarState.Pressed);

            // Draw a highlighted rectangle in the right side of the scroll 
            // bar track if the user has clicked between the right arrow 
            // and thumb.
            else if (rightBarClicked)
                clickedBarRectangle.X =
                    thumbRectangle.X + thumbRectangle.Width;
                clickedBarRectangle.Width =
                    thumbRightLimitRight - clickedBarRectangle.X;
                    clickedBarRectangle, ScrollBarState.Pressed);

        // Handle a mouse click in the scroll bar.
        protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)

            if (!ScrollBarRenderer.IsSupported)

            // When the thumb is clicked, update the distance from the left
            // edge of the thumb to the cursor tip.
            if (thumbRectangle.Contains(e.Location))
                thumbClicked = true;
                thumbPosition = e.Location.X - thumbRectangle.X;
                thumbState = ScrollBarState.Pressed;

            // When the left arrow is clicked, start the timer to scroll 
            // while the arrow is held down.
            else if (leftArrowRectangle.Contains(e.Location))
                leftArrowClicked = true;
                leftButtonState = ScrollBarArrowButtonState.LeftPressed;

            // When the right arrow is clicked, start the timer to scroll 
            // while the arrow is held down.
            else if (rightArrowRectangle.Contains(e.Location))
                rightArrowClicked = true;
                rightButtonState = ScrollBarArrowButtonState.RightPressed;

            // When the scroll bar is clicked, start the timer to move the
            // thumb while the mouse is held down.
                trackPosition = e.Location.X;

                if (e.Location.X < this.thumbRectangle.X)
                    leftBarClicked = true;
                    rightBarClicked = true;


        // Draw the track.
        protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)

            if (!ScrollBarRenderer.IsSupported)

            // Update the thumb position, if the new location is within 
            // the bounds.
            if (thumbClicked)
                thumbClicked = false;
                thumbState = ScrollBarState.Normal;

                if (e.Location.X > (thumbLeftLimit + thumbPosition) &&
                    e.Location.X < (thumbRightLimitLeft + thumbPosition))
                    thumbRectangle.X = e.Location.X - thumbPosition;
                    thumbClicked = false;

            // If one of the four thumb movement areas was clicked, 
            // stop the timer.
            else if (leftArrowClicked)
                leftArrowClicked = false;
                leftButtonState = ScrollBarArrowButtonState.LeftNormal;

            else if (rightArrowClicked)
                rightArrowClicked = false;
                rightButtonState = ScrollBarArrowButtonState.RightNormal;

            else if (leftBarClicked)
                leftBarClicked = false;

            else if (rightBarClicked)
                rightBarClicked = false;


        // Track mouse movements if the user clicks on the scroll bar thumb.
        protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)

            if (!ScrollBarRenderer.IsSupported)

            // Update the thumb position, if the new location is 
            // within the bounds.
            if (thumbClicked)
                // The thumb is all the way to the left.
                if (e.Location.X <= (thumbLeftLimit + thumbPosition))
                    thumbRectangle.X = thumbLeftLimit;

                // The thumb is all the way to the right.
                else if (e.Location.X >= (thumbRightLimitLeft + thumbPosition))
                    thumbRectangle.X = thumbRightLimitLeft;

                // The thumb is between the ends of the track.
                    thumbRectangle.X = e.Location.X - thumbPosition;


        // Recalculate the sizes of the scroll bar elements.
        protected override void OnSizeChanged(EventArgs e)

        // Handle the timer tick by updating the thumb position.
        private void progressTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs myEventArgs)
            if (!ScrollBarRenderer.IsSupported)

            // If an arrow is clicked, move the thumb in small increments.
            if (rightArrowClicked && thumbRectangle.X < thumbRightLimitLeft)
            else if (leftArrowClicked && thumbRectangle.X > thumbLeftLimit)

            // If the track bar to right of the thumb is clicked, move the 
            // thumb to the right in larger increments until the right edge 
            // of the thumb hits the cursor.
            else if (rightBarClicked &&
                thumbRectangle.X < thumbRightLimitLeft &&
                thumbRectangle.X + thumbRectangle.Width < trackPosition)
                thumbRectangle.X += 3;

            // If the track bar to left of the thumb is clicked, move the 
            // thumb to the left in larger increments until the left edge 
            // of the thumb hits the cursor.
            else if (leftBarClicked &&
                thumbRectangle.X > thumbLeftLimit &&
                thumbRectangle.X > trackPosition)
                thumbRectangle.X -= 3;

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles

Namespace ScrollBarRendererSample

    Class Form1
        Inherits Form

        Public Sub New()
            Me.Size = New Size(500, 500)

            Dim Bar1 As New CustomScrollBar()
            Bar1.Location = New Point(50, 100)
            Bar1.Size = New Size(200, 20)

        End Sub

        <STAThread()> _
        Shared Sub Main()
            ' The call to EnableVisualStyles below does not affect whether 
            ' ScrollBarRenderer.IsSupported is true; as long as visual styles 
            ' are enabled by the operating system, IsSupported is true.
            Application.Run(New Form1())
        End Sub
    End Class

    Public Class CustomScrollBar
        Inherits Control

        Private clickedBarRectangle As Rectangle
        Private thumbRectangle As Rectangle
        Private leftArrowRectangle As Rectangle
        Private rightArrowRectangle As Rectangle
        Private leftArrowClicked As Boolean = False
        Private rightArrowClicked As Boolean = False
        Private leftBarClicked As Boolean = False
        Private rightBarClicked As Boolean = False
        Private thumbClicked As Boolean = False
        Private thumbState As ScrollBarState = ScrollBarState.Normal
        Private leftButtonState As ScrollBarArrowButtonState = _
        Private rightButtonState As ScrollBarArrowButtonState = _

        ' This control does not allow these widths to be altered.
        Private thumbWidth As Integer = 15
        Private arrowWidth As Integer = 17

        ' Set the right limit of the thumb's right border.
        Private thumbRightLimitRight As Integer = 0

        ' Set the right limit of the thumb's left border.
        Private thumbRightLimitLeft As Integer = 0

        ' Set the left limit of thumb's left border.
        Private thumbLeftLimit As Integer = 0

        ' Set the distance from the left edge of the thumb to the 
        ' cursor tip.
        Private thumbPosition As Integer = 0

        ' Set the distance from the left edge of the scroll bar track to 
        ' the cursor tip.
        Private trackPosition As Integer = 0

        ' This timer draws the moving thumb while the scroll arrows or 
        ' track are pressed.
        Private WithEvents progressTimer As New Timer()

        Public Sub New()
            With Me
                .Location = New Point(10, 10)
                .Width = 200
                .Height = 20
                .DoubleBuffered = True
            End With
            progressTimer.Interval = 20
        End Sub

        ' Calculate the sizes of the scroll bar elements.
        Private Sub SetUpScrollBar()

            clickedBarRectangle = Me.ClientRectangle
            thumbRectangle = New Rectangle(ClientRectangle.X + _
                Me.ClientRectangle.Width / 2, Me.ClientRectangle.Y, _
                thumbWidth, Me.ClientRectangle.Height)
            leftArrowRectangle = New Rectangle(Me.ClientRectangle.X, _
                Me.ClientRectangle.Y, arrowWidth, Me.ClientRectangle.Height)
            rightArrowRectangle = New Rectangle(Me.ClientRectangle.Right - _
                arrowWidth, Me.ClientRectangle.Y, arrowWidth, _

            ' Set the default starting thumb position.
            thumbPosition = thumbWidth / 2

            ' Set the right limit of the thumb's right border.
            thumbRightLimitRight = Me.ClientRectangle.Right - arrowWidth

            ' Set the right limit of the thumb's left border.
            thumbRightLimitLeft = thumbRightLimitRight - thumbWidth

            ' Set the left limit of the thumb's left border.
            thumbLeftLimit = Me.ClientRectangle.X + arrowWidth
        End Sub

        ' Draw the scroll bar in its normal state.
        Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)

            ' Visual styles are not enabled.
            If Not ScrollBarRenderer.IsSupported Then
                Me.Parent.Text = "CustomScrollBar Disabled"
            End If

            Me.Parent.Text = "CustomScrollBar Enabled"

            ' Draw the scroll bar track.
            ScrollBarRenderer.DrawRightHorizontalTrack(e.Graphics, _
                Me.ClientRectangle, ScrollBarState.Normal)

            ' Draw the thumb and thumb grip in the current state.
            ScrollBarRenderer.DrawHorizontalThumb(e.Graphics, _
                thumbRectangle, thumbState)
            ScrollBarRenderer.DrawHorizontalThumbGrip(e.Graphics, _
                thumbRectangle, thumbState)

            ' Draw the scroll arrows in the current state.
            ScrollBarRenderer.DrawArrowButton(e.Graphics, _
                leftArrowRectangle, leftButtonState)
            ScrollBarRenderer.DrawArrowButton(e.Graphics, _
                rightArrowRectangle, rightButtonState)

            ' Draw a highlighted rectangle in the left side of the scroll 
            ' bar track if the user has clicked between the left arrow 
            ' and thumb.
            If leftBarClicked Then
                clickedBarRectangle.X = thumbLeftLimit
                clickedBarRectangle.Width = thumbRectangle.X - thumbLeftLimit
                ScrollBarRenderer.DrawLeftHorizontalTrack(e.Graphics, _
                    clickedBarRectangle, ScrollBarState.Pressed)

            ' Draw a highlighted rectangle in the right side of the scroll 
            ' bar track if the user has clicked between the right arrow 
            ' and thumb.
            ElseIf rightBarClicked Then
                clickedBarRectangle.X = thumbRectangle.X + _
                clickedBarRectangle.Width = thumbRightLimitRight - _
                ScrollBarRenderer.DrawRightHorizontalTrack(e.Graphics, _
                    clickedBarRectangle, ScrollBarState.Pressed)
            End If
        End Sub

        ' Handle a mouse click in the scroll bar.
        Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)

            If Not ScrollBarRenderer.IsSupported Then
            End If

            ' When the thumb is clicked, update the distance from the left
            ' edge of the thumb to the cursor tip.
            If thumbRectangle.Contains(e.Location) Then
                thumbClicked = True
                thumbPosition = e.Location.X - thumbRectangle.X
                thumbState = ScrollBarState.Pressed

            ' When the left arrow is clicked, start the timer to scroll 
            ' while the arrow is held down.
            ElseIf leftArrowRectangle.Contains(e.Location) Then
                leftArrowClicked = True
                leftButtonState = ScrollBarArrowButtonState.LeftPressed

            ' When the right arrow is clicked, start the timer to scroll 
            ' while arrow is held down.
            ElseIf rightArrowRectangle.Contains(e.Location) Then
                rightArrowClicked = True
                rightButtonState = ScrollBarArrowButtonState.RightPressed

            ' When the scroll bar is clicked, start the timer to move the
            ' thumb while the mouse is held down.
                trackPosition = e.Location.X
                If e.Location.X < Me.thumbRectangle.X Then
                    leftBarClicked = True
                    rightBarClicked = True
                End If
            End If

        End Sub

        ' Draw the track.
        Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseUp(ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)

            If Not ScrollBarRenderer.IsSupported Then
            End If

            ' Update the thumb position, if the new location is within 
            ' the bounds.
            If thumbClicked Then
                thumbClicked = False
                thumbState = ScrollBarState.Normal
                If e.Location.X > thumbLeftLimit + thumbPosition And _
                    e.Location.X < thumbRightLimitLeft + thumbPosition Then
                    thumbRectangle.X = e.Location.X - thumbPosition
                    thumbClicked = False
                End If

            ' If one of the four thumb movement areas was clicked, 
            ' stop the timer.
            ElseIf leftArrowClicked Then
                leftArrowClicked = False
                leftButtonState = ScrollBarArrowButtonState.LeftNormal

            ElseIf rightArrowClicked Then
                rightArrowClicked = False
                rightButtonState = ScrollBarArrowButtonState.RightNormal

            ElseIf leftBarClicked Then
                leftBarClicked = False

            ElseIf rightBarClicked Then
                rightBarClicked = False
            End If

        End Sub

        ' Track mouse movements if the user clicks on the scroll bar thumb.
        Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseMove(ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)

            If Not ScrollBarRenderer.IsSupported Then
            End If

            ' Update the thumb position, if the new location is 
            ' within the bounds.
            If thumbClicked Then

                ' The thumb is all the way to the left.
                If e.Location.X <= thumbLeftLimit + thumbPosition Then
                    thumbRectangle.X = thumbLeftLimit

                ' The thumb is all the way to the right.
                ElseIf e.Location.X >= thumbRightLimitLeft + thumbPosition Then
                    thumbRectangle.X = thumbRightLimitLeft

                ' The thumb is between the ends of the track.
                    thumbRectangle.X = e.Location.X - thumbPosition
                End If


            End If
        End Sub

        ' Recalculate the sizes of the scroll bar elements.
        Protected Overrides Sub OnSizeChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs)
        End Sub

        ' Handle the timer tick by updating the thumb position.
        Private Sub progressTimer_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, _
            ByVal myEventArgs As EventArgs) Handles progressTimer.Tick

            If Not ScrollBarRenderer.IsSupported Then
            End If

            ' If an arrow is clicked, move the thumb in small increments.
            If rightArrowClicked And thumbRectangle.X < thumbRightLimitLeft Then
                thumbRectangle.X += 1

            ElseIf leftArrowClicked And thumbRectangle.X > thumbLeftLimit Then
                    thumbRectangle.X -= 1

            ' If the track bar to right of the thumb is clicked, move the 
            ' thumb to the right in larger increments until the right edge 
            ' of the thumb hits the cursor.
            ElseIf rightBarClicked And thumbRectangle.X < thumbRightLimitLeft _
                And thumbRectangle.X + thumbRectangle.Width < trackPosition Then
                thumbRectangle.X += 3

            ' If the track bar to left of the thumb is clicked, move the 
            ' thumb to the left in larger increments until the left edge 
            ' of the thumb hits the cursor.
            ElseIf leftBarClicked And thumbRectangle.X > thumbLeftLimit And _
                thumbRectangle.X > trackPosition Then
                thumbRectangle.X -= 3
            End If

        End Sub

    End Class
End Namespace


The ScrollBarRenderer class provides a set of static methods that can be used to render a scroll bar control with the current visual style of the operating system. Rendering a control refers to drawing the user interface of a control. This is useful if you are drawing a custom control that should have the appearance of the current visual style. To draw a scroll bar, use a combination of the methods in this class to render each part of the scroll bar.

If visual styles are enabled in the operating system and visual styles are applied to the client area of application windows, the methods of this class will draw the scroll bar with the current visual style. Otherwise, the methods of this class will throw an InvalidOperationException. To determine whether the members of this class can be used, you can check the value of the IsSupported property.

This class wraps the functionality of a System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.VisualStyleRenderer that is set to one of the elements exposed by the System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.VisualStyleElement.ScrollBar class. For more information, see Rendering Controls with Visual Styles.



Gets a value indicating whether the ScrollBarRenderer class can be used to draw a scroll bar with visual styles.


DrawArrowButton(Graphics, Rectangle, ScrollBarArrowButtonState)

Draws a scroll arrow with visual styles.

DrawHorizontalThumb(Graphics, Rectangle, ScrollBarState)

Draws a horizontal scroll box (also known as the thumb) with visual styles.

DrawHorizontalThumbGrip(Graphics, Rectangle, ScrollBarState)

Draws a grip on a horizontal scroll box (also known as the thumb) with visual styles.

DrawLeftHorizontalTrack(Graphics, Rectangle, ScrollBarState)

Draws a horizontal scroll bar track with visual styles.

DrawLowerVerticalTrack(Graphics, Rectangle, ScrollBarState)

Draws a vertical scroll bar track with visual styles.

DrawRightHorizontalTrack(Graphics, Rectangle, ScrollBarState)

Draws a horizontal scroll bar track with visual styles.

DrawSizeBox(Graphics, Rectangle, ScrollBarSizeBoxState)

Draws a scroll bar sizing handle with visual styles.

DrawUpperVerticalTrack(Graphics, Rectangle, ScrollBarState)

Draws a vertical scroll bar track with visual styles.

DrawVerticalThumb(Graphics, Rectangle, ScrollBarState)

Draws a vertical scroll box (also known as the thumb) with visual styles.

DrawVerticalThumbGrip(Graphics, Rectangle, ScrollBarState)

Draws a grip on a vertical scroll box (also known as the thumb) with visual styles.

GetSizeBoxSize(Graphics, ScrollBarState)

Returns the size of the sizing handle.

GetThumbGripSize(Graphics, ScrollBarState)

Returns the size of the scroll box grip.

Applies to

See also