Lehehierarhia renderamine kuni kolm taseme võrra hübriidnavigatsiooni abil


Alates 12. oktoobrist 2022 on Power Appsi portaalid Power Pages. Lisateave: Microsoft Power Pages on nüüd üldiselt saadaval (ajaveebipostitus)
Peagi migreerime ja ühendame Power Appsi portaalide dokumentatsiooni Power Pagesi dokumentatsiooniga.

Selles näites renderdatakse portaali saidikaardi alusel hübriidnavigatsiooni, mis renderdab lehe hierarhiat kuni kolme taseme võrra. Selle komponendi reeglid on järgmised.

  • Praeguse lehe eellaslehti kuvatakse tagasi kuni avaleheni (või kuni valikulise parameetriga sügavus_nihe määratud maksimaalse sügavuseni).
  • Kui praegusel lehel on tütarlehti, kuvatakse need.
  • Kui praegusel lehel pole ühtki tütarlehte, kuvatakse praeguse lehe õdelehed.
{% assign depth_offset = depth_offset | default: 0 %}
{% assign current_page = current_page | default: page %}
{% assign current_depth = 0 %}

{% if current_page.children.size > 0 %}
  {% assign leaf_page = false %}
{% else %}
  {% assign leaf_page = true %}
{% endif %}

{% capture page_item %}
  <li class=active>
    <a href={{ current_page.url | h }} title={{ current_page.title | h }}>
      {% if leaf_page %}
        <span class=fa fa-fw aria-hidden=true></span>
      {% else %}
        <span class=fa fa-fw fa-caret-down aria-hidden=true></span>
      {% endif %}
      {{ current_page.title | h }}
    {% unless leaf_page %}
        {% for child in current_page.children %}
            <a href={{ child.url | h }} title={{ child.title | h }}>
              {% if child.children.size > 0 %}
                <span class=fa fa-fw fa-caret-right aria-hidden=true></span>
              {% else %}
                <span class=fa fa-fw aria-hidden=true></span>
              {% endif %}
              {{ child.title | h }}
              {% if child.entity.logical_name == 'adx_shortcut' %}
                &nbsp;<span class=fa fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hidden=true></span>
              {% elsif child.entity.logical_name == 'adx_webfile' %}
                &nbsp;<span class=fa fa-fw fa-file-o aria-hidden=true><span class=sr-only>(File)</span></span>
              {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endunless %}
{% endcapture %}

<ul class=side-nav role=navigation>
  {% assign crumb_count = 0 %}
  {% assign leaf_mode = false %}
  {% for crumb in current_page.breadcrumbs %}
    {% unless current_depth < depth_offset %}
      {% if forloop.last and leaf_page %}
        {% assign leaf_mode = true %}
      {% else %}
          <a href={{ crumb.url | h }} title={{ crumb.title | h }}>
            <span class=fa fa-fw fa-caret-right aria-hidden=true></span>
            {{ crumb.title | h }}
      {% endif %}
      {% assign crumb_count = crumb_count | plus: 1 %}
    {% endunless %}
    {% assign current_depth = current_depth | plus: 1 %}
  {% endfor %}
  {% if crumb_count < 1 %}
    {{ page_item }}
  {% elsif crumb_count < 2 and leaf_mode %}
    {% for parent_sibling in current_page.parent.parent.children %}
      {% if parent_sibling.url == current_page.parent.url %}
          <a href={{ current_page.parent.url | h }} title={{ current_page.parent.title | h }}>
            <span class=fa fa-fw fa-caret-down aria-hidden=true></span>
            {{ current_page.parent.title | h }}
            {% for sibling in current_page.parent.children %}
              <li {% if sibling.url == current_page.url %}class=active{% endif %}>
                <a href={{ sibling.url | h }} title={{ sibling.title | h }}>
                  {% if sibling.children.size > 0 %}
                    <span class=fa fa-fw fa-caret-right aria-hidden=true></span>
                  {% else %}
                    <span class=fa fa-fw aria-hidden=true></span>
                  {% endif %}
                  {{ sibling.title | h }}
                  {% if sibling.entity.logical_name == 'adx_shortcut' %}
                    &nbsp;<span class=fa fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hidden=true></span>
                  {% elsif sibling.entity.logical_name == 'adx_webfile' %}
                    &nbsp;<span class=fa fa-fw fa-file-o aria-hidden=true><span class=sr-only>(File)</span></span>
                  {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
      {% else %}
          <a href={{ parent_sibling.url | h }} title={{ parent_sibling.title | h }}>
            {% if parent_sibling.children.size > 0 %}
              <span class=fa fa-fw fa-caret-right aria-hidden=true></span>
            {% else %}
              <span class=fa fa-fw aria-hidden=true></span>
            {% endif %}
            {{ parent_sibling.title | h }}
            {% if parent_sibling.entity.logical_name == 'adx_shortcut' %}
              &nbsp;<span class=fa fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hidden=true></span>
            {% elsif parent_sibling.entity.logical_name == 'adx_webfile' %}
              &nbsp;<span class=fa fa-fw fa-file-o aria-hidden=true><span class=sr-only>(File)</span></span>
            {% endif %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
  {% else %}
        {% if leaf_mode %}
          {% for parent_sibling in current_page.parent.parent.children %}
            {% if parent_sibling.url == current_page.parent.url %}
                <a href={{ current_page.parent.url | h }} title={{ current_page.parent.title | h }}>
                  <span class=fa fa-fw fa-caret-down aria-hidden=true></span>
                  {{ current_page.parent.title | h }}
                  {% for sibling in current_page.parent.children %}
                    <li {% if sibling.url == current_page.url %}class=active{% endif %}>
                      <a href={{ sibling.url | h }} title={{ sibling.title | h }}>
                        {% if sibling.children.size > 0 %}
                          <span class=fa fa-fw fa-caret-right aria-hidden=true></span>
                        {% else %}
                          <span class=fa fa-fw aria-hidden=true></span>
                        {% endif %}
                        {{ sibling.title | h }}
                        {% if sibling.entity.logical_name == 'adx_shortcut' %}
                          &nbsp;<span class=fa fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hidden=true></span>
                        {% elsif sibling.entity.logical_name == 'adx_webfile' %}
                          &nbsp;<span class=fa fa-fw fa-file-o aria-hidden=true><span class=sr-only>(File)</span></span>
                        {% endif %}
                  {% endfor %}
            {% else %}
                <a href={{ parent_sibling.url | h }} title={{ parent_sibling.title | h }}>
                  {% if parent_sibling.children.size > 0 %}
                    <span class=fa fa-fw fa-caret-right aria-hidden=true></span>
                  {% else %}
                    <span class=fa fa-fw aria-hidden=true></span>
                  {% endif %}
                  {{ parent_sibling.title | h }}
                  {% if parent_sibling.entity.logical_name == 'adx_shortcut' %}
                    &nbsp;<span class=fa fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hidden=true></span>
                  {% elsif parent_sibling.entity.logical_name == 'adx_webfile' %}
                    &nbsp;<span class=fa fa-fw fa-file-o aria-hidden=true><span class=sr-only>(File)</span></span>
                  {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endfor %}
        {% else %}
          {% for sibling in current_page.parent.children %}
            {% if sibling.url == current_page.url %}
              {{ page_item }}
            {% else %}
                <a href={{ sibling.url | h }} title={{ sibling.title | h }}>
                  {% if sibling.children.size > 0 %}
                    <span class=fa fa-fw fa-caret-right aria-hidden=true></span>
                  {% else %}
                    <span class=fa fa-fw aria-hidden=true></span>
                  {% endif %}
                  {{ sibling.title | h }}
                  {% if sibling.entity.logical_name == 'adx_shortcut' %}
                    &nbsp;<span class=fa fa-fw fa-external-link aria-hidden=true></span>
                  {% elsif sibling.entity.logical_name == 'adx_webfile' %}
                    &nbsp;<span class=fa fa-fw fa-file-o aria-hidden=true><span class=sr-only>(File)</span></span>
                  {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
  {% endif %}

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