
Build Properties

MSBuild properties control the behavior of the targets. They're specified within the project file, for example MyApp.csproj, within an MSBuild PropertyGroup.


The $(AdbTarget) property specifies the Android target device the Android package may be installed to or removed from. The value of this property is the same as the adb Target Device option.


MSBuild Targets listed in this property will run directly after the internal _GenerateJavaStubs target, which is where the AndroidManifest.xml file is generated in the $(IntermediateOutputPath). If you want to make any modifications to the generated AndroidManifest.xml file, you can do that using this extension point.

Added in Xamarin.Android 9.4.


Specifies command-line options to pass to the aapt2 compile command when processing Android assets and resources.

Added in Xamarin.Android 9.1.


Specifies command-line options to pass to the aapt2 link command when processing Android assets and resources.

Added in Xamarin.Android 9.1.


A boolean property that controls whether the linker will insert GC.KeepAlive() invocations within binding projects to prevent premature object collection.

The default value is True for Release configuration builds.

This property was added in Xamarin.Android 11.2.


A string property that allows passing options to the Mono compiler during the Aot task for projects that have either $(AndroidEnableProfiledAot) or $(AotAssemblies) set to true. The string value of the property is added to the response file when calling the Mono cross-compiler.

In general, this property should be left blank, but in certain special scenarios it might provide useful flexibility.

The $(AndroidAotAdditionalArguments) property is different from the related $(AndroidExtraAotOptions) property; $(AndroidAotAdditionalArguments) passes full standalone space-separated options like --verbose or --debug to the AOT compiler, while $(AndroidExtraAotOptions) contains comma-separated arguments which are part of the --aot option of the AOT compiler.


The file that aprofutil should create to hold profiler data.


A string property that allows the developer to add AOT profiles from the command line. It's a semicolon or comma-separated list of absolute paths. Added in Xamarin.Android 10.1.


The port that aprofutil should connect to when obtaining profiling data.


Enable lazy (delayed) loading of AOT-d assemblies, instead of preloading them at the startup. The default value is True for Release builds with any form of AOT enabled.

Introduced in .NET 6.


A string value that specifies the digest algorithm to use with jarsigner -digestalg.

The default value is SHA-256. In Xamarin.Android 10.0 and earlier, the default value was SHA1.

Added in Xamarin.Android 9.4.


A string property that allows the developer to provide arguments to the apksigner tool.

Added in Xamarin.Android 8.2.


A string value that specifies the signing algorithm to use with jarsigner -sigalg.

The default value is SHA256withRSA. In Xamarin.Android 10.0 and earlier, the default value was md5withRSA.

Added in Xamarin.Android 8.2.


A boolean value that indicates whether the project is for an Android Application (True) or for an Android Library Project (False or not present).

Only one project with <AndroidApplication>True</AndroidApplication> may be present within an Android package. (Unfortunately this requirement isn't verified, which can result in subtle and bizarre errors regarding Android resources.)


The full Java class name to use in place of android.app.Application when a class inherits from Android.App.Application.

The $(AndroidApplicationJavaClass) property is generally set by other properties, such as the $(AndroidEnableMultiDex) MSBuild property.

Added in Xamarin.Android 6.1.


A path to a directory containing the Android binutils such as ld, the native linker, and as, the native assembler. These tools are included in the Xamarin.Android installation.

The default value is $(MonoAndroidBinDirectory)\binutils\bin\.

Added in Xamarin.Android 10.0.


A string value that specifies how exceptions should be propagated when a Xamarin.Android-provided type implements a .NET type or interface in terms of Java types, for example Android.Runtime.InputStreamInvoker and System.IO.Stream, or Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary and System.Collections.IDictionary.

  • Java: The original Java exception type is propagated as-is.

    Java means that, for example, InputStreamInvoker doesn't properly implement the System.IO.Stream API because Java.IO.IOException may be thrown from Stream.Read() instead of System.IO.IOException.

    Java is the exception propagation behavior in all releases of Xamarin.Android, including Xamarin.Android 13.0.

  • System: The original Java exception type is caught and wrapped in an appropriate .NET exception type.

    System means that, for example, InputStreamInvoker properly implements System.IO.Stream, and Stream.Read() will not throw Java.IO.IOException instances. (It may instead throw a System.IO.IOException containing a Java.IO.IOException as the Exception.InnerException value.)

    System is the default value in .NET 6.0.

Added in Xamarin.Android 10.2.


A boolean property that determines whether binding constants on interfaces will be supported, or the workaround of creating an IMyInterfaceConsts class will be used.

The default value is True in .NET 6 and False for legacy.


A boolean property that whether default and static members on interfaces will be supported, or old workaround of creating a sibling class containing static members like abstract class MyInterface.

The default value is True in .NET 6 and False for legacy.


A boolean property that whether types nested in interfaces will be supported, or the workaround of creating a non-nested type like IMyInterfaceMyNestedClass.

The default value is True in .NET 6 and False for legacy.


A boolean value that indicates whether to create and sign the package (.apk). Setting this value to True is equivalent to using the SignAndroidPackage build target.

Support for this property was added after Xamarin.Android 7.1.

This property is False by default.


Specifies a filename to use as a configuration file for bundletool when building an Android App Bundle. This file controls some aspects of how APKs are generated from the bundle, such as on what dimensions the bundle is split to produce APKs. Xamarin.Android configures some of these settings automatically, including the list of file extensions to leave uncompressed.

This property is only relevant if $(AndroidPackageFormat) is set to aab.

Added in Xamarin.Android 10.3.


Specifies command-line options to pass to the bundletool command when build app bundles.

This property was added in Xamarin.Android 11.3.


A string property that controls how .jar files are parsed. Possible values include:

  • class-parse: Uses class-parse.exe to parse Java bytecode directly, without assistance of a JVM.

  • jar2xml: Use jar2xml.jar to use Java reflection to extract types and members from a .jar file.

The advantages of class-parse over jar2xml are:

  • class-parse can extract parameter names from Java bytecode containing debug symbols (bytecode compiled with javac -g).

  • class-parse doesn't "skip" classes that inherit from or contain members of unresolvable types.

Added in Xamarin.Android 6.0.

The default value is jar2xml in "legacy" Xamarin.Android and class-parse in .NET 6 and higher.

Support for jar2xml is obsolete, and jar2xml is removed in .NET 6.


A string property that controls the code generation target ABI. Possible values include:

  • XamarinAndroid: Uses the JNI binding API present since Mono for Android 1.0. Binding assemblies built with Xamarin.Android 5.0 or later can only run on Xamarin.Android 5.0 or later (API/ABI additions), but the source is compatible with prior product versions.

  • XAJavaInterop1: Use Java.Interop for JNI invocations. Binding assemblies using XAJavaInterop1 can only build and execute with Xamarin.Android 6.1 or later. Xamarin.Android 6.1 and later bind Mono.Android.dll with this value.

The benefits of XAJavaInterop1 include:

  • Smaller assemblies.

  • jmethodID caching for base method invocations, so long as all other binding types in the inheritance hierarchy are built with XAJavaInterop1 or later.

  • jmethodID caching of Java Callable Wrapper constructors for managed subclasses.

The default value is XAJavaInterop1.

Support for XamarinAndroid is obsolete, and support for XamarinAndroid will be removed as part of .NET 6.


A boolean property that determines if a set of files--one per ABI specified in $(AndroidSupportedAbis)--should be created instead of having support for all ABIs in a single .apk.

See also the Building ABI-Specific APKs guide.


A boolean property that controls if a proguard mapping file is generated as part of the build process.

Adding the following to your csproj will cause the file to be generated, and uses the AndroidProguardMappingFile property to control the location of the final mapping file.


When producing .aab files, the mapping file is automatically included in your package. There is no need to upload it to the Google Play Store manually. When using .apk files, the AndroidProguardMappingFile will need to be manually uploaded.

The default value is True when using $(AndroidLinkTool)=r8.

Added in Xamarin.Android 12.3.


Specifies the default algorithm to use for the debug.keystore. The default value is RSA.


Specifies the default validity to use for the debug.keystore. The default value is 10950 or 30 * 365 or 30 years.


Specifies the key store file format to use for the debug.keystore. It defaults to pkcs12.

Added in Xamarin.Android 10.2.


Allows deploying and debugging the application under guest or work accounts. The value is the uid value you get from the following adb command:

adb shell pm list users

The above command will return the following data:

	UserInfo{0:Owner:c13} running

The uid is the first integer value. In the above output, they're 0 and 10.

The $(AndroidDeviceUserId) property was added in Xamarin.Android 11.2.


An enum-style property with valid values of dx or d8. Indicates which Android dex compiler is used during the Xamarin.Android build process. The default value is dx. See our documentation on D8 and R8.


A boolean property that determines if desugar is enabled. Android doesn't currently support all Java 8 features, and the default toolchain implements the new language features by performing bytecode transformations, called desugar, on the output of the javac compiler. The default value is False if using $(AndroidDexTool)=dx and True if using $(AndroidDexTool)=d8.


A bool property that allows developers to disable the following Google Play Store checks: XA1004, XA1005 and XA1006. Disabling these checks is useful for developers who are not targeting the Google Play Store and do not wish to run those checks.

Added in Xamarin.Android 9.4.


A boolean property that determines whether or not multi-dex support will be used in the final .apk.

Support for this property was added in Xamarin.Android 5.1.

This property is False by default.


A boolean property that controls whether or not all managed assemblies bundled within the application package are loaded during process startup or not.

When set to True, all assemblies bundled within the application package will be loaded during process startup, before any application code is invoked. Preloading assemblies is what Xamarin.Android does.

When set to False, assemblies will only be loaded on an as-needed basis. Loading assemblies on an as-needed basis allows applications to launch faster, and is also more consistent with desktop .NET semantics. To see the time savings, set the debug.mono.log System Property to include timing, and look for the Finished loading assemblies: preloaded message within adb logcat.

Applications or libraries, which use dependency injection may require that this property be True if they in turn require that AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() return all assemblies within the application bundle, even if the assembly wouldn't otherwise have been needed.

By default this value will be set to True for Xamarin.Android, and will be set to False for .NET 6+ builds.

Added in Xamarin.Android 9.2.


A boolean property that determines whether or not the AOT profiles are used during Ahead-of-Time compilation.

The profiles are listed in @(AndroidAotProfile) item group. This ItemGroup contains default profile(s). It can be overridden by removing the existing one(s) and adding your own AOT profiles.

Support for this property was added in Xamarin.Android 9.4.

This property is False by default.


A boolean property that determines whether or not Mono's concurrent GC collector will be used.

Support for this property was added in Xamarin.Android 7.2.

This property is False by default.


A boolean property that determines whether types may implement Android.Runtime.IJavaObject without also inheriting from Java.Lang.Object or Java.Lang.Throwable:

class BadType : IJavaObject {
    public IntPtr Handle {
        get {return IntPtr.Zero;}

    public void Dispose()

When True, such types will generate an XA4212 error, otherwise an XA4212 warning will be generated.

Support for this property was added in Xamarin.Android 8.1.

This property is True by default.


No longer supported in Xamarin.Android 11.0.


A string property that allows passing options to the Mono compiler during the Aot task for projects that have either $(AndroidEnableProfiledAot) or $(AotAssemblies) set to true. The string value of the property is added to the response file when calling the Mono cross-compiler.

In general, this property should be left blank, but in certain special scenarios it might provide useful flexibility.

The $(AndroidExtraAotOptions) property is different from the related $(AndroidAotAdditionalArguments) property; $(AndroidAotAdditionalArguments) places comma-separated arguments into the --aot option of the Mono compiler. $(AndroidExtraAotOptions) instead passes full standalone space-separated options like --verbose or --debug to the compiler.

Added in Xamarin.Android 10.2.


A : (colon)-separated list of values to control what types can be deployed to the Fast Deployment directory on the target device when the $(EmbedAssembliesIntoApk) MSBuild property is False. If a resource is fast deployed, it is not embedded into the generated .apk, which can speed up deployment times. (The more that is fast deployed, then the less frequently the .apk needs to be rebuilt, and the install process can be faster.) Valid values include:

  • Assemblies: Deploy application assemblies.
  • Dexes: Deploy .dex files, native libraries and typemaps. The Dexes value can only be used on devices running Android 4.4 or later (API-19).

The default value is Assemblies.

Support for Fast Deploying resources and assets via that system was removed in commit f0d565fe. This was becuase it required the use of deprecated API's to work.

Experimental. This property was added in Xamarin.Android 6.1.


Specifies the default fully qualified type to be used for all <fragment> layout elements when generating the layout bindings code. The default value is the standard Android Android.App.Fragment type.


A bool property that enables generating of JNI marshal methods as part of the build process. This greatly reduces the System.Reflection usage in the binding helper code.

The default value is False. If developers wish to use the new JNI marshal methods feature, they can set


in their .csproj. Alternatively provide the property on the command line via


Experimental. Added in Xamarin.Android 9.2. The default value is False.


A string property that can be used to add parameters to the jnimarshalmethod-gen.exe invocation, and is useful for debugging, so that options such as -v, -d, or --keeptemp can be used.

Default value is empty string. It can be set in the .csproj file or on the command line. For example:

<AndroidGenerateJniMarshalMethodsAdditionalArguments>-v -d --keeptemp</AndroidGenerateJniMarshalMethodsAdditionalArguments>


/p:AndroidGenerateJniMarshalMethodsAdditionalArguments="-v -d --keeptemp"

Added in Xamarin.Android 9.2.


Enables generation of layout code-behind if set to true or disables it completely if set to false. The default value is false.


The default value is true. When set to false, disables the generation of Resource.designer.cs.

Added in .NET 6 RC 1. Not supported in Xamarin.Android.


Controls the default System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler implementation which will be used by the System.Net.Http.HttpClient default constructor. The value is an assembly-qualified type name of an HttpMessageHandler subclass, suitable for use with System.Type.GetType(string). The most common values for this property are:

  • Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidClientHandler: Use the Android Java APIs to perform network requests. Using Java APIs allows accessing TLS 1.2 URLs when the underlying Android version supports TLS 1.2. Only Android 5.0 and later reliably provide TLS 1.2 support through Java.

    Corresponds to the Android option in the Visual Studio property pages and the AndroidClientHandler option in the Visual Studio for Mac property pages.

    The new project wizard selects this option for new projects when the Minimum Android Version is configured to Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or higher in Visual Studio or when Target Platforms is set to Latest and Greatest in Visual Studio for Mac.

  • Unset/the empty string, which is equivalent to System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler, System.Net.Http

    Corresponds to the Default option in the Visual Studio property pages.

    The new project wizard selects this option for new projects when the Minimum Android Version is configured to Android 4.4.87 or lower in Visual Studio or when Target Platforms is set to Modern Development or Maximum Compatibility in Visual Studio for Mac.

  • System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler, System.Net.Http: Use the managed HttpMessageHandler.

    Corresponds to the Managed option in the Visual Studio property pages.


If TLS 1.2 support is required on Android versions prior to 5.0, or if TLS 1.2 support is required with the System.Net.WebClient and related APIs, then $(AndroidTlsProvider) should be used.


Support for the $(AndroidHttpClientHandlerType) property works by setting the XA_HTTP_CLIENT_HANDLER_TYPE environment variable. A $XA_HTTP_CLIENT_HANDLER_TYPE value found in a file with a Build action of @(AndroidEnvironment) will take precedence.

Added in Xamarin.Android 6.1.


A boolean value that indicates whether the Android wrapper script (wrap.sh) should be packaged into the APK. The default value is false since the wrapper script may significantly influence the way the application starts up and works and the script should be included only when necessary, for example when debugging or otherwise changing the application startup/runtime behavior.

The script is added to the project using the @(AndroidNativeLibrary) build action, because it is placed in the same directory as architecture-specific native libraries, and must be named wrap.sh.

The easiest way to specify path to the wrap.sh script is to put it in a directory named after the target architecture. This approach will work if you have just one wrap.sh per architecture:

<AndroidNativeLibrary Include="path/to/arm64-v8a/wrap.sh" />

However, if your project needs more than one wrap.sh per architecture, for different purposes, this approach won't work. Instead, in such cases the name can be specified using the Link metadata of the AndroidNativeLibrary:

<AndroidNativeLibrary Include="/path/to/my/arm64-wrap.sh">

If the Link metadata is used, the path specified in its value must be a valid native architecture-specific library path, relative to the APK root directory. The format of the path is lib\ARCH\wrap.sh where ARCH can be one of:

  • arm64-v8a
  • armeabi-v7a
  • x86_64
  • x86


Specifies how "verbose" C# XML Documentation Comments should be when importing Javadoc documentation within binding projects.

Requires use of the @(JavaSourceJar) build action.

The $(AndroidJavadocVerbosity) property is enum-like, with possible values of full or intellisense:

The default value is intellisense.

Support for this property was added in Xamarin.Android 11.3.


A boolean value that indicates whether custom signing information should be used. The default value is False, meaning that the default debug-signing key will be used to sign packages.


The Android activity to launch.


Specifies which type of linking should be performed on assemblies contained within the Android package. Only used in Android Application projects. The default value is SdkOnly. Valid values are:

  • None: No linking will be attempted.

  • SdkOnly: Linking will be performed on the base class libraries only, not user's assemblies.

  • Full: Linking will be performed on base class libraries and user assemblies.


    Using an AndroidLinkMode value of Full often results in broken apps, particularly when Reflection is used. Avoid unless you really know what you're doing.



When true, the build system will link out the Nested Types of the Resource.Designer.cs Resource class in all assemblies. The IL code that uses those types will be updated to use the values directly rather than accessing fields.

Linking out the nested types can have a small impact on reducing the apk size, and can also help with startup performance. Only "Release" builds are linked.

Experimental. Only designed to work with code such as

var view = FindViewById(Resources.Ids.foo);

Any other scenarios (such as reflection) will not be supported.

Support for this property was added in Xamarin.Android 11.3


Specifies a semicolon-delimited (;) list of assembly names, without file extensions, of assemblies that should not be linked. Only used within Android Application projects.



An enum-style property with valid values of proguard or r8. Indicates which code shrinker is used for Java code. The default value is an empty string, or proguard if $(AndroidEnableProguard) is True. See our documentation on D8 and R8.


A bool property that allows the developer to run the android lint tool as part of the packaging process.

When $(AndroidLintEnabled)=True, the following properties are used:

The following build actions may also be used:

See Lint Help for more details on the android lint tooling.


A string property that is a comma-separated list of lint issues to enable.

Only used when $(AndroidLintEnabled)=True.


A string property that is a comma-separated list of lint issues to disable.

Only used when $(AndroidLintEnabled)=True.


A string property that is a comma-separated list of lint issues to check.

Only used when $(AndroidLintEnabled)=True.

Note: only these issues will be checked.


A boolean property that controls whether sequence points are generated so that file name and line number information can be extracted from Release stack traces.

Added in Xamarin.Android 6.1.


Specifies a filename to use as the template for the app's AndroidManifest.xml. During the build, any other necessary values will be merged into to produce the actual AndroidManifest.xml. The $(AndroidManifest) must contain the package name in the /manifest/@package attribute.


Specifies the implementation for merging AndroidManifest.xml files. This is an enum-style property where legacy selects the original C# implementation and manifestmerger.jar selects Google's Java implementation.

The default value is currently legacy. This will change to manifestmerger.jar in a future release to align behavior with Android Studio.

Google's merger enables support for xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" as described in the Android documentation.

Introduced in Xamarin.Android 10.2


A string property to provide arguments to the Android documentation tool.

If you want detailed output from the tool you can add the following to the .csproj.

<AndroidManifestMergerExtraArgs>--log VERBOSE</AndroidManifestMergerExtraArgs>

Introduced in Xamarin.Android 11.x


An enum-style property with valid values of Xamarin or GoogleV2. This controls which repository is used by the InstallAndroidDependencies target to determine which Android packages and package versions are available and can be installed.

Xamarin is the Approved List (Recommended) repository within the Visual Studio SDK Manager.

GoogleV2 is the Full List (Unsupported) repository within the Visual Studio SDK Manager.

Added in Xamarin.Android 13.0. In Xamarin.Android 13.0, if $(AndroidManifestType) is not set, then Xamarin is used.

Prior to Xamarin.Android 13.0, setting $(AndroidManifestType) has no effect, and GoogleV2 is used.


A semicolon-separated list of key-value replacement pairs for AndroidManifest.xml, where each pair has the format key=value.

For example, a property value of assemblyName=$(AssemblyName) defines an ${assemblyName} placeholder that can then appear in AndroidManifest.xml:

<application android:label="${assemblyName}"

This provides a way to insert variables from the build process into the AndroidManifest.xml file.


A string property which allows developers to pass arguments to the com.android.multidex.MainDexListBuilder when generating the multidex.keep file.

One specific case is if you are getting the following error during the dx compilation.

com.android.dex.DexException: Too many classes in --main-dex-list, main dex capacity exceeded

If you are getting this error you can add the following to the .csproj.

<DxExtraArguments>--force-jumbo </DxExtraArguments>

which will allow the dx step to succeed.

Added in Xamarin.Android 8.3.


An enum-style property with valid values of apk or aab. Indicates if you want to package the Android application as an APK file or Android App Bundle. App Bundles are a new format for Release builds that are intended for submission on Google Play. The default value is apk.

When $(AndroidPackageFormat) is set to aab, other MSBuild properties are set, which are required for Android App Bundles:

This property will be deprecated for .net 6. Users should switch over to the newer AndroidPackageFormats.


A semi-colon delimited property with valid values of apk and aab. Indicates if you want to package the Android application as an APK file or Android App Bundle. App Bundles are a new format for Release builds that are intended for submission on Google Play.

When building a Release build you might want to generate both and aab and an apk for distribution to various stores.

Setting AndroidPackageFormats to aab;apk will result in both being generated. Setting AndroidPackageFormats to either aab or apk will generate only one file.

For .net 6 AndroidPackageFormats will be set to aab;apk for Release builds only. It is recommended that you continue to use just apk for debugging.

For Legacy Xamarin.Android The default value is "". As a result Legacy Xamarin.Android will NOT by default produce both as part of a release build. If a user wants to produce both outputs they will need to define the following in their Release configuration.


You will also need to remove the existing AndroidPackageFormat for that configuration if you have it.

Added in Xamarin.Android 11.5.


An enum-style property for specifying the Java package names of generated Java source code.

In Xamarin.Android 10.2 and later, the only supported value is LowercaseCrc64.

In Xamarin.Android 10.1, a transitional LowercaseMD5 value was also available that allowed switching back to the original Java package name style as used in Xamarin.Android 10.0 and earlier. That option was removed in Xamarin.Android 10.2 to improve compatibility with build environments that have FIPS compliance enforced.

Added in Xamarin.Android 10.1.


Specifies the -printmapping proguard rule for r8. This will mean the mapping.txt file will be produced in the $(OutputPath) folder. This file can then be used when uploading packages to the Google Play Store.

By default this file is produced automatically when using AndroidLinkTool=r8 and will generate the following file $(OutputPath)mapping.txt.

If you do not want to generate this mapping file you can use the AndroidCreateProguardMappingFile property to stop creating it . Add the following in your project


or use -p:AndroidCreateProguardMappingFile=False on the command line.

This property was added in Xamarin.Android 11.2.


Specifies the -ignorewarnings proguard rule for r8. This allows r8 to continue with dex compilation even if certain warnings are encountered. The default value is True, but can be set to False to enforce more strict behavior. See the ProGuard manual for details.

Added in Xamarin.Android 10.3.


The path to r8.jar for use with the r8 dex-compiler and shrinker. The default value is a path in the Xamarin.Android installation. For further information see our documentation on D8 and R8.


Specifies command-line options to pass to the aapt command when processing Android assets and resources.


Specifies the name of the Resource file to generate. The default template sets this to Resource.designer.cs.


The Android SDK build-tools package provides the aapt and zipalign tools, among others. Multiple different versions of the build-tools package may be installed simultaneously. The build-tools package chosen for packaging is done by checking for and using a "preferred" build-tools version if it is present; if the "preferred" version is not present, then the highest versioned installed build-tools package is used.

The $(AndroidSdkBuildToolsVersion) MSBuild property contains the preferred build-tools version. The Xamarin.Android build system provides a default value in Xamarin.Android.Common.targets, and the default value may be overridden within your project file to choose an alternate build-tools version, if (for example) the latest aapt is crashing out while a previous aapt version is known to work.


Specifies the alias for the key in the keystore. This is the keytool -alias value used when creating the keystore.


Specifies the password of the key within the keystore file. This is the value entered when keytool asks Enter key password for $(AndroidSigningKeyAlias).

In Xamarin.Android 10.0 and earlier, this property only supports plain text passwords.

In Xamarin.Android 10.1 and later, this property also supports env: and file: prefixes that can be used to specify an environment variable or file that contains the password. These options provide a way to prevent the password from appearing in build logs.

For example, to use an environment variable named AndroidSigningPassword:


To use a file located at C:\Users\user1\AndroidSigningPassword.txt:



The env: prefix is not supported when $(AndroidPackageFormat) is set to aab.


Specifies the filename of the keystore file created by keytool. This corresponds to the value provided to the keytool -keystore option.


Specifies the password to $(AndroidSigningKeyStore). This is the value provided to keytool when creating the keystore file and asked Enter keystore password:.

In Xamarin.Android 10.0 and earlier, this property only supports plain text passwords.

In Xamarin.Android 10.1 and later, this property also supports env: and file: prefixes that can be used to specify an environment variable or file that contains the password. These options provide a way to prevent the password from appearing in build logs.

For example, to use an environment variable named AndroidSigningPassword:


To use a file located at C:\Users\user1\AndroidSigningPassword.txt:



The env: prefix is not supported when $(AndroidPackageFormat) is set to aab.


Specifies the key file to use to sign the apk. This is only used when building system applications.

Support for this property was added in Xamarin.Android 11.3.


Specifies the certificate file to use to sign the apk. This is only used when building system applications.

Support for this property was added in Xamarin.Android 11.3.


A string property that contains a semicolon (;)-delimited list of ABIs which should be included into the .apk.

Supported values include:

  • armeabi-v7a
  • x86
  • arm64-v8a: Requires Xamarin.Android 5.1 and later.
  • x86_64: Requires Xamarin.Android 5.1 and later.


A string value that specifies which TLS provider should be used in an application. Possible values are:

  • Unset/the empty string: In Xamarin.Android 7.3 and higher, this is equivalent to btls.

    In Xamarin.Android 7.1, this is equivalent to legacy.

    This corresponds to the Default setting in the Visual Studio property pages.

  • btls: Use Boring SSL for TLS communication with HttpWebRequest.

    This allows use of TLS 1.2 on all Android versions.

    This corresponds to the Native TLS 1.2+ setting in the Visual Studio property pages.

  • legacy: In Xamarin.Android 10.1 and earlier, use the historical managed SSL implementation for network interaction. This doesn't support TLS 1.2.

    This corresponds to the Managed TLS 1.0 setting in the Visual Studio property pages.

    In Xamarin.Android 10.2 and later, this value is ignored and the btls setting is used.

  • default: This value is unlikely to be used in Xamarin.Android projects. The recommended value to use instead is the empty string, which corresponds to the Default setting in the Visual Studio property pages.

    The default value is not offered in the Visual Studio property pages.

    This is currently equivalent to legacy.

Added in Xamarin.Android 7.1.


A boolean property that allows the developer to control the use of the aapt2 tool for packaging. By default this will be False and Xamarin.Android will use aapt. If the developer wishes to use the new aapt2 functionality, add:


in their .csproj. Alternatively provide the property on the command line:


This property was added in Xamarin.Android 8.3. Setting AndroidUseAapt2 to false is deprecated in Xamarin.Android 11.2.


A bool property that allows the developer to use the apksigner tool rather than jarsigner.

Added in Xamarin.Android 8.2.


A bool property that allows the developer to suppress usage of the default AOT profiles.

To suppress the default AOT profiles, set the property to false.

Added in Xamarin.Android 10.1.


A boolean property that causes the .apk to contain the mono interpreter, and not the normal JIT.


Support for this property was added in Xamarin.Android 11.3.


A boolean property that allows the developer to revert the versionCode calculation back to its old pre Xamarin.Android 8.2 behavior. This should ONLY be used for developers with existing applications in the Google Play Store. It is highly recommended that the new $(AndroidVersionCodePattern) property is used.

Added in Xamarin.Android 8.2.


A boolean property that will switch over the design time builds to use the managed resource parser rather than aapt.

Added in Xamarin.Android 8.1.


A boolean property that determines whether the shared runtime packages are required in order to run the Application on the target device. Relying on the shared runtime packages allows the Application package to be smaller, speeding up the package creation and deployment process, resulting in a faster build/deploy/debug turnaround cycle.

Prior to Xamarin.Android 11.2, this property should be True for Debug builds, and False for Release projects.

This property was removed in Xamarin.Android 11.2.


An MSBuild property that can be used as an alternative to /manifest/@android:versionCode in the AndroidManifest.xml file. To opt into this feature you must also enable <GenerateApplicationManifest>true</GenerateApplicationManifest>. This will be the default going forward in .NET 6.

This property is ignored if $(AndroidCreatePackagePerAbi) and $(AndroidVersionCodePattern) are used.

@android:versionCode is an integer value that must be incremented for each Google Play release. See the Android documentation for further details about the requirements for /manifest/@android:versionCode.

Support for this property was added in Xamarin.Android 11.3.


A string property that allows the developer to customize the versionCode in the manifest. See Creating the Version Code for the APK for information on deciding a versionCode.

Some examples, if abi is armeabi and versionCode in the manifest is 123, {abi}{versionCode} will produce a versionCode of 1123 when $(AndroidCreatePackagePerAbi) is True, otherwise will produce a value of 123. If abi is x86_64 and versionCode in the manifest is 44. This will produce 544 when $(AndroidCreatePackagePerAbi) is True, otherwise will produce a value of 44.

If we include a left padding format string {abi}{versionCode:0000}, it would produce 50044 because we are left padding the versionCode with 0. Alternatively, you can use the decimal padding such as {abi}{versionCode:D4} which does the same as the previous example.

Only '0' and 'Dx' padding format strings are supported since the value MUST be an integer.

Pre-defined key items

  • abi – Inserts the targeted abi for the app

    • 2 – armeabi-v7a
    • 3 – x86
    • 4 – arm64-v8a
    • 5 – x86_64
  • minSDK – Inserts the minimum supported Sdk value from the AndroidManifest.xml or 11 if none is defined.

  • versionCode – Uses the version code directly from Properties\AndroidManifest.xml.

You can define custom items using the $(AndroidVersionCodeProperties) property (defined next).

By default the value will be set to {abi}{versionCode:D6}. If a developer wants to keep the old behavior you can override the default by setting the $(AndroidUseLegacyVersionCode) property to true

Added in Xamarin.Android 7.2.


A string property that allows the developer to define custom items to use with the $(AndroidVersionCodePattern). They are in the form of a key=value pair. All items in the value should be integer values. For example: screen=23;target=$(_AndroidApiLevel). As you can see you can make use of existing or custom MSBuild properties in the string.

Added in Xamarin.Android 7.2.


An MSBuild property that can be used as an alternative to /manifest/@package in the AndroidManifest.xml file. To opt into this feature you must also enable <GenerateApplicationManifest>true</GenerateApplicationManifest>. This will be the default going forward in .NET 6.

See the Android documentation for further details about the requirements for /manifest/@package.

Support for this property was added in Xamarin.Android 11.3.


An MSBuild property that can be used as an alternative to /manifest/application/@android:label in the AndroidManifest.xml file. To opt into this feature you must also enable <GenerateApplicationManifest>true</GenerateApplicationManifest>. This will be the default going forward in .NET 6.

See the Android documentation for further details about the requirements for /manifest/application/@android:label.

Support for this property was added in Xamarin.Android 11.3.


An MSBuild property that can be used as an alternative to /manifest/@android:versionName in the AndroidManifest.xml file. To opt into this feature you must also enable <GenerateApplicationManifest>true</GenerateApplicationManifest>. This will be the default going forward in .NET 6.

See the Android documentation for further details about the requirements for /manifest/@android:versionName.

Support for this property was added in Xamarin.Android 11.3.


A boolean property that determines whether or not assemblies will be Ahead-of-Time compiled into native code and included in the .apk.

Support for this property was added in Xamarin.Android 5.1.

This property is False by default.


Extra options to pass to aprofutil.


MSBuild Targets listed in this property will run directly before _GenerateJavaStubs.

Added in Xamarin.Android 9.4.


Specifies the build configuration to use, such as "Debug" or "Release". The Configuration property is used to determine default values for other properties which determine target behavior. Additional configurations may be created within your IDE.

By default, the Debug configuration will result in the Install and SignAndroidPackage targets creating a smaller Android package which requires the presence of other files and packages to operate.

The default Release configuration will result in the Install and SignAndroidPackage targets creating an Android package which is stand-alone, and may be used without installing any other packages or files.


A boolean value that determines whether the Android package is debuggable, in combination with the $(DebugType) property. A debuggable package contains debug symbols, sets the //application/@android:debuggable attribute to true, and automatically adds the INTERNET permission so that a debugger can attach to the process. An application is debuggable if DebugSymbols is True and DebugType is either the empty string or Full.


Specifies the type of debug symbols to generate as part of the build, which also impacts whether the Application is debuggable. Possible values include:

  • Full: Full symbols are generated. If the DebugSymbols MSBuild property is also True, then the Application package is debuggable.

  • PdbOnly: "PDB" symbols are generated. The Application package is not debuggable.

If DebugType is not set or is the empty string, then the DebugSymbols property controls whether or not the Application is debuggable.


A boolean property that determines whether or not the app's assemblies should be embedded into the Application package.

This property should be True for Release builds and False for Debug builds. It may need to be True in Debug builds if Fast Deployment doesn't support the target device.

When this property is False, then the $(AndroidFastDeploymentType) MSBuild property also controls what will be embedded into the .apk, which can impact deployment and rebuild times.


A boolean property that determines whether or not LLVM will be used when Ahead-of-Time compiling assemblies into native code.

The Android NDK must be installed to build a project that has this property enabled.

Support for this property was added in Xamarin.Android 5.1.

This property is False by default.

This property is ignored unless the $(AotAssemblies) MSBuild property is True.


A boolean property that determines whether or not proguard is run as part of the packaging process to link Java code.

Support for this property was added in Xamarin.Android 5.1.

This property is False by default.

When True, @(ProguardConfiguration) files will be used to control proguard execution.


Enables or disables the following MSBuild properties that emit values in the final AndroidManifest.xml file:

The default value $(GenerateApplicationManifest) is true in .NET 6 and false in "legacy" Xamarin.Android.

Support for this property was added in Xamarin.Android 11.3.


Specifies the value of the java -Xmx parameter value to use when building the .dex file as part of the packaging process. If not specified, then the -Xmx option supplies java with a value of 1G. This was found to be commonly required on Windows in comparison to other platforms.

Customize the value by changing:



Specifies command-line options to pass to java when building the .dex file.


This property allows you to specify an alias in the keystore for a timestamp authority. See the Java Signature Timestamp Support documentation for more details.



This property allows you to specify a URL to a timestamp authority service. This can be used to make sure your .apk signature includes a timestamp. See the Java Signature Timestamp Support documentation for more details.



A bool property that enables generating of linker dependencies file. This file can be used as input for illinkanalyzer tool.

The dependencies file named linker-dependencies.xml.gz is written to the project directory. On .NET5/6 it is written next to the linked assemblies in obj/<Configuration>/android<ABI>/linked directory.

The default value is False.


Specifies the internationalization support included with the Application, such as collation and sorting tables. The value is a comma- or semicolon-separated list of one or more of the following case-insensitive values:

  • None: Include no additional encodings.

  • All: Include all available encodings.

  • CJK: Include Chinese, Japanese, and Korean encodings such as Japanese (EUC) [enc-jp, CP51932], Japanese (Shift-JIS) [iso-2022-jp, shift_jis, CP932], Japanese (JIS) [CP50220], Chinese Simplified (GB2312) [gb2312, CP936], Korean (UHC) [ks_c_5601-1987, CP949], Korean (EUC) [euc-kr, CP51949], Chinese Traditional (Big5) [big5, CP950], and Chinese Simplified (GB18030) [GB18030, CP54936].

  • MidEast: Include Middle-Eastern encodings such as Turkish (Windows) [iso-8859-9, CP1254], Hebrew (Windows) [windows-1255, CP1255], Arabic (Windows) [windows-1256, CP1256], Arabic (ISO) [iso-8859-6, CP28596], Hebrew (ISO) [iso-8859-8, CP28598], Latin 5 (ISO) [iso-8859-9, CP28599], and Hebrew (Iso Alternative) [iso-8859-8, CP38598].

  • Other: Include Other encodings such as Cyrillic (Windows) [CP1251], Baltic (Windows) [iso-8859-4, CP1257], Vietnamese (Windows) [CP1258], Cyrillic (KOI8-R) [koi8-r, CP1251], Ukrainian (KOI8-U) [koi8-u, CP1251], Baltic (ISO) [iso-8859-4, CP1257], Cyrillic (ISO) [iso-8859-5, CP1251], ISCII Davenagari [x-iscii-de, CP57002], ISCII Bengali [x-iscii-be, CP57003], ISCII Tamil [x-iscii-ta, CP57004], ISCII Telugu [x-iscii-te, CP57005], ISCII Assamese [x-iscii-as, CP57006], ISCII Oriya [x-iscii-or, CP57007], ISCII Kannada [x-iscii-ka, CP57008], ISCII Malayalam [x-iscii-ma, CP57009], ISCII Gujarati [x-iscii-gu, CP57010], ISCII Punjabi [x-iscii-pa, CP57011], and Thai (Windows) [CP874].

  • Rare: Include Rare encodings such as IBM EBCDIC (Turkish) [CP1026], IBM EBCDIC (Open Systems Latin 1) [CP1047], IBM EBCDIC (US-Canada with Euro) [CP1140], IBM EBCDIC (Germany with Euro) [CP1141], IBM EBCDIC (Denmark/Norway with Euro) [CP1142], IBM EBCDIC (Finland/Sweden with Euro) [CP1143], IBM EBCDIC (Italy with Euro) [CP1144], IBM EBCDIC (Latin America/Spain with Euro) [CP1145], IBM EBCDIC (United Kingdom with Euro) [CP1146], IBM EBCDIC (France with Euro) [CP1147], IBM EBCDIC (International with Euro) [CP1148], IBM EBCDIC (Icelandic with Euro) [CP1149], IBM EBCDIC (Germany) [CP20273], IBM EBCDIC (Denmark/Norway) [CP20277], IBM EBCDIC (Finland/Sweden) [CP20278], IBM EBCDIC (Italy) [CP20280], IBM EBCDIC (Latin America/Spain) [CP20284], IBM EBCDIC (United Kingdom) [CP20285], IBM EBCDIC (Japanese Katakana Extended) [CP20290], IBM EBCDIC (France) [CP20297], IBM EBCDIC (Arabic) [CP20420], IBM EBCDIC (Hebrew) [CP20424], IBM EBCDIC (Icelandic) [CP20871], IBM EBCDIC (Cyrillic - Serbian, Bulgarian) [CP21025], IBM EBCDIC (US-Canada) [CP37], IBM EBCDIC (International) [CP500], Arabic (ASMO 708) [CP708], Central European (DOS) [CP852], Cyrillic (DOS) [CP855], Turkish (DOS) [CP857], Western European (DOS with Euro) [CP858], Hebrew (DOS) [CP862], Arabic (DOS) [CP864], Russian (DOS) [CP866], Greek (DOS) [CP869], IBM EBCDIC (Latin 2) [CP870], and IBM EBCDIC (Greek) [CP875].

  • West: Include Western encodings such as Western European (Mac) [macintosh, CP10000], Icelandic (Mac) [x-mac-icelandic, CP10079], Central European (Windows) [iso-8859-2, CP1250], Western European (Windows) [iso-8859-1, CP1252], Greek (Windows) [iso-8859-7, CP1253], Central European (ISO) [iso-8859-2, CP28592], Latin 3 (ISO) [iso-8859-3, CP28593], Greek (ISO) [iso-8859-7, CP28597], Latin 9 (ISO) [iso-8859-15, CP28605], OEM United States [CP437], Western European (DOS) [CP850], Portuguese (DOS) [CP860], Icelandic (DOS) [CP861], French Canadian (DOS) [CP863], and Nordic (DOS) [CP865].



Specifies a path prefix that is removed from the start of filenames with a Build action of AndroidResource. This is to allow changing where resources are located.

The default value is Resources. Change this to res for the Java project structure.


A boolean property that controls whether .mSYM artifacts are created for later use with mono-symbolicate, to extract “real” filename and line number information from Release stack traces.

This is True by default for “Release” apps which have debugging symbols enabled: $(EmbedAssembliesIntoApk) is True, $(DebugSymbols) is True, and $(Optimize) is True.

Added in Xamarin.Android 7.1.