Compare views


There are four views in list pages and pages:

  • Grid view
  • Details view
  • Line view
  • Header view

The views can be used for different purposes:

  • Grid view is useful for updating multiple records at the same time. By viewing a list page (for example, a list of vendors) in the Grid view, you can update data on each line instead of having to open the page for each vendor to update the information.
  • Details view is available on any page that shows the Grid view by default. You can use it to review data for a single item that you've selected. This view provides details that are considered standard information for creating a new record.
  • Line view is useful for reviewing the details of a single item in the system, like a single purchase order or customer. This view provides additional FastTabs and information.
  • Header view is useful for looking at the higher-level details of a single record. It can be used to enter default values and to do a bulk update of the lines on some page types, like purchase orders. This view is also a good place to view general information about a page, like the customer details on a customer account.

Many list pages use the Grid and Details views for their layout, whereas many pages that have line information use the Header and Line views for their layout. The Header view and Line view options are typical for data that has a header/line relationship, like purchase orders and sales orders.

Depending on the page type, you can switch among the different views.