31. maalisk. klo 23 - 2. huhtik. klo 23
Suurin Fabric-, Power BI- ja SQL-oppimistapahtuma. 31. maaliskuuta – 2. huhtikuuta. Käytä koodia FABINSIDER säästääksesi 400 dollaria.
Rekisteröidy jo tänäänTätä selainta ei enää tueta.
Päivitä Microsoft Edgeen, jotta voit hyödyntää uusimpia ominaisuuksia, suojauspäivityksiä ja teknistä tukea.
Applies to:
SQL Server Analysis Services
Azure Analysis Services
Fabric/Power BI Premium
A command and object model definition syntax for tabular models at compatibility level 1200 or higher. TMSL communicates through the XMLA protocol, where the XMLA.Execute method accepts both JSON-based and ASSL-based scripts.
TOM is an extension of the Analysis Management Object (AMO) client library, created to support programming scenarios for tabular models at compatibility level 1200 and higher.
Analysis Management Objects (AMO) is a library of programmatically accessed objects that enables an application to manage an Analysis Services instance.
Capture and analyze trace events generated by server instance. Trace events are grouped so that you can more easily find related trace events. Each trace event contains a set of data relevant to the event.
Predefined tables that contain information about model database objects and server state, including schema, active sessions, connections, commands, and jobs executing on the server.
An XML-based language that describes entities, relationships, and functions in tabular models 1103 and lower compatibility levels and multidimensional models. Defined as part of the Entity Data Framework.
Client applications can communicate with Analysis Services using XML commands and object descriptions. ASSL represents the object definition language portion of this XML dialect.
.NET Framework data provider designed to communicate with Analysis Services. ADOMD.NET uses the XMLA protocol to communicate with analytical data sources by using either TCP/IP or HTTP.
A SOAP-based XML protocol for tabular and multidimensional data sources. Fundamentally, all client libraries supported by Analysis Services formulate requests and responses in XMLA.
A library of functions and operators that can be combined to build formulas and expressions in Power BI Desktop, Azure Analysis Services, SQL Server Analysis Services, and Power Pivot in Excel.
A library of functions and operators that can be combined to build formulas and expressions for SQL Server Analysis Services multidimensional models.
Used to query, filter and combine data from one or more supported data sources.
PowerShell cmdlets used to configure and administer an Analysis Services model database.
PowerShell cmdlets used for resource management tasks like creating or deleting a server resource, suspending or resuming operations, or changing the service level (tier). Other tasks for managing databases like adding or removing role members, processing, or partitioning use cmdlets included in the SqlServer module.
31. maalisk. klo 23 - 2. huhtik. klo 23
Suurin Fabric-, Power BI- ja SQL-oppimistapahtuma. 31. maaliskuuta – 2. huhtikuuta. Käytä koodia FABINSIDER säästääksesi 400 dollaria.
Rekisteröidy jo tänäänOpetus
Kehittyneiden Transact-SQL kyselyiden kirjoittaminen - Training
Kehittyneiden Transact-SQL kyselyiden kirjoittaminen
Microsoftin sertifiointi: Power BI:n tietoanalyytikon kumppani - Certifications
Esittele menetelmiä ja parhaita käytäntöjä, jotka ovat yhdenmukaisia microsoft Power BI:n kanssa liiketoiminnan ja teknisten vaatimusten kanssa mallinnusta, visualisointia ja analysointia varten.
Learn about samples available for Analysis Services.
Analysis Services developer documentation
Learn about the contents of Analysis Services developer documentation, including writing managed code and using open standards like XMLA and MSOLAP.
Analysis Services tabular model programming for compatibility level 1200
Learn how tabular metadata is used to describe model constructs beginning with compatibility level 1200.