A Log Analytics workspace lets you collect log data from Azure and non-Azure resources into one space for analysis, use by other services, such as Sentinel, and to trigger alerts and actions, for example, using Azure Logic Apps. The Log Analytics workspace consists of tables, which you can configure to manage your data model, data access, and log-related costs. This article explains the table configuration options in Azure Monitor Logs and how to set table properties based on your data analysis and cost management needs.
Table properties
This diagram provides an overview of the table configuration options in Azure Monitor Logs:
Table type and schema
A table's schema is the set of columns that make up the table, into which Azure Monitor Logs collects log data from one or more data sources.
Your Log Analytics workspace can contain the following types of tables:
Table type
Data source
Azure table
Logs from Azure resources or required by Azure services and solutions.
Azure Monitor Logs creates Azure tables automatically based on Azure services you use and diagnostic settings you configure for specific resources. Each Azure table has a predefined schema. You can add columns to an Azure table to store transformed log data or enrich data in the Azure table with data from another source.
Custom table
Non-Azure resources and any other data source, such as file-based logs.
The schema of a search results table is based on the query you define when you run the search job. You can't edit the schema of existing search results tables.
Restored logs
Data stored in a specific table in a Log Analytics workspace.
A restored logs table has the same schema as the table from which you restore logs. You can't edit the schema of existing restored logs tables.
The Analytics plan is suited for continuous monitoring, real-time detection, and performance analytics. This plan makes log data available for interactive multi-table queries and use by features and services for 30 days to two years.
The Basic plan is suited for troubleshooting and incident response. This plan offers discounted ingestion and optimized single-table queries for 30 days.
The Auxiliary plan is suited for low-touch data, such as verbose logs, and data required for auditing and compliance. This plan offers low-cost ingestion and unoptimized single-table queries for 30 days.
Long-term retention is a low-cost solution for keeping data that you don't use regularly in your workspace for compliance or occasional investigation. Use table-level retention settings to add or extend long-term retention.
GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourcegroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/{workspaceName}/tables/{tableName}?api-version=2021-12-01-preview
Response body
The table plan. Analytics, Basic, or Auxiliary.
The table's interactive retention in days. For Basic and Auxiliiary, this value is 30 days. For Analytics, the value is between four and 730 days.
The table's total data retention, including interactive and long-term retention.
The table's long-term retention period (read-only, calculated).
Last time when the plan was set for this table. Null if no change was ever done from the default settings (read-only).
Sample request
GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/ContosoSID/resourcegroups/ContosoRG/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/ContosoWorkspace/tables/ContainerLogV2?api-version=2021-12-01-preview
Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path"/subscriptions/ContosoSID/resourcegroups/ContosoRG/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/ContosoWorkspace/tables/Heartbeat?api-version=2021-12-01-preview" -Method GET
Sample response
"properties": {
"totalRetentionInDays": 30,
"archiveRetentionInDays": 0,
"plan": "Analytics",
"retentionInDaysAsDefault": true,
"totalRetentionInDaysAsDefault": true,
"schema": {
"tableSubType": "Any",
"name": "Heartbeat",
"tableType": "Microsoft",
"standardColumns": [
"name": "TenantId",
"type": "guid",
"description": "ID of the workspace that stores this record.",
"isDefaultDisplay": true,
"isHidden": true
"name": "SourceSystem",
"type": "string",
"description": "Type of agent the data was collected from. Possible values are OpsManager (Windows agent) or Linux.",
"isDefaultDisplay": true,
"isHidden": false
"name": "TimeGenerated",
"type": "datetime",
"description": "Date and time the record was created.",
"isDefaultDisplay": true,
"isHidden": false
"name": "ComputerPrivateIPs",
"type": "dynamic",
"description": "The list of private IP addresses of the computer.",
"isDefaultDisplay": true,
"isHidden": false
"solutions": [
"isTroubleshootingAllowed": false
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"retentionInDays": 30
"id": "/subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{rg name}/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/{ws id}/tables/Heartbeat",
"name": "Heartbeat"
Liity tapaamissarjaan ja luo skaalattavia tekoälyratkaisuja, jotka perustuvat reaalimaailman käyttötapauksiin muiden kehittäjien ja asiantuntijoiden kanssa.
Tässä moduulissa opit luomaan ja määrittämään Log Analytics -työtilan käyttöoikeudet. Opit myös määrittämään tietojen säilytysasetukset ja ottamaan käyttöön kuntotilailmoitukset Log Analytics -työtilassa.
Hallitse SQL Server -tietokantainfrastruktuuria pilvipalveluissa, paikallisissa tietokannoissa ja hybridirelaatiotietokannoissa Microsoft PaaS -relaatiotietokantatarjonnan avulla.