

Local Entity Declaration

A local entity declaration is a declaration of an entity that resides locally and has associated data partitions.

public class CdmLocalEntityDeclarationDefinition extends CdmObjectDefinitionBase, CdmEntityDeclarationDefinition

CdmLocalEntityDeclarationDefinition extends CdmEntityDeclarationDefinition in Python.
CdmLocalEntityDeclarationDefinition extends CdmObjectDefinitionBase, CdmFileStatus in TypeScript.


Name Description
CdmLocalEntityDeclarationDefinition(CdmCorpusContext, string)
ctx: The corpus context.
entityName: The entity's name.
Initializes a new instance of the CdmLocalEntityDeclarationDefinition class.


Name Type Description SDK
EntityName string The entity's name. 1.0
EntityPath string The corpus path to the entity definition. 1.0
DataPartitions CdmCollection<CdmDataPartitionDefinition> The data partitions. 1.0
DataPartitionPatterns CdmCollection<CdmDataPartitionPatternDefinition> The data partition patterns. 1.0
IncrementalPartitions CdmCollection<CdmDataPartitionDefinition> The incremental partitions. 1.6
IncrementalPartitionPatterns CdmCollection<CdmDataPartitionPatternDefinition> The incremental partition patterns. 1.6
LastFileStatusCheckTime DateTimeOffset? The last time the modified time was checked for this file. 1.0
LastFileModifiedTime DateTimeOffset? The last time this file was modified according to the object model. 1.0
LastChildFileModifiedTime DateTimeOffset? The greatest last time reported by any of the children objects about their file status check times. 1.0


Name Description Return Type SDK
FileStatusCheckAsync() Updates the object and its children, if any, with the current time. Task 1.0
FileStatusCheckAsync(PartitionFileStatusCheckType, CdmIncrementalPartitionType)
partitionFileStatusCheckType [optional]: An enum value that denotes the type of partition objects and partition pattern objects to update. The default value is PartitionFileStatusCheckType.Full.
incrementalType [optional]: An enum value that denotes what type of incremental partition objects and incremental partition pattern objects to update. The default value is CdmIncrementalPartitionType.None.
Updates the object and its children, if any, with the current time. PartitionFileStatusCheckType and CdmIncrementalPartitionType allow users to have better control of which data partition or/and data partition pattern updates should be performed. Task 1.6
GetName() See CdmObjectDefinition.GetName(). string 1.0
IsDerivedFrom(string, ResolveOptions) See CdmObject.IsDerivedFrom(...). bool 1.0
Copy(ResolveOptions, CdmObject) See CdmObject.Copy(...). CdmObject 1.0
Validate() See CdmObject.Validate(). bool 1.0