

Metric APIs comparison

When adding new metric instrumentation to a .NET app or library, there are various different APIs to choose from. This article will help you understand what is available and some of the tradeoffs involved.

There are two major categories of APIs, vendor-neutral and vendor-specific. Vendor-specific APIs have the advantage that the vendor can iterate their designs quickly, add specialized features, and achieve tight integration between their instrumentation APIs and their backend systems. As an example, if you instrumented your app with metric APIs provided by Application Insights, then you would expect to find well-integrated functionality and all of Application Insight's latest features when working with their analysis tools. However the library or app would also now be coupled to this vendor and changing to a different one in the future would require rewriting the instrumentation. For libraries, this coupling can be particularly problematic because the library developer might use one vendor's API and the app developer that references the library wants to work with a different vendor. To resolve this coupling issue, vendor-neutral options provide a standardized API façade and extensibility points to route data to various vendor backend systems depending on configuration. However, vendor-neutral APIs may provide fewer capabilities, and you're still constrained to pick a vendor that has integrated with the façade's extensibility mechanism.


Over .NET's 20+ year history, we've iterated a few times on the design for metric APIs, all of which are supported and vendor-neutral:


System.Diagnostics.Metrics APIs are the newest cross-platform APIs, and were designed in close collaboration with the OpenTelemetry project. If you don't have a specific reason to use one of the older APIs covered below, System.Diagnostics.Metrics is a good default choice for new work. It's available by targeting .NET 6+, or in older .NET Core and .NET Framework apps by adding a reference to the .NET System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticsSource 6.0+ NuGet package. In addition to aiming at broad compatibility, this API adds support for many things that were lacking from earlier APIs, such as:

  • Histograms and percentiles
  • Multi-dimensional metrics
  • Strongly typed high-performance listener API
  • Multiple simultaneous listeners
  • Listener access to unaggregated measurements

Although this API was designed to work well with OpenTelemetry and its growing ecosystem of pluggable vendor integration libraries, applications also have the option to use the .NET built-in listener APIs directly. With this option, you can create custom metric tooling without taking any external library dependencies.


System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter APIs are the oldest metric APIs. They're only supported on Windows and provide a managed wrapper for Windows OS Performance Counter technology. They are available in all supported versions of .NET.

These APIs are provided primarily for compatibility; the .NET team considers this a stable area that's unlikely to receive further improvement aside from bug fixes. These APIs are not suggested for new development projects unless the project is Windows-only and you have a desire to use Windows Performance Counter tools.

For more information, see Performance counters in .NET Framework.


The EventCounters API came next after PerformanceCounters. This API aimed to provide a uniform cross-platform experience. The APIs are available by targeting .NET Core 3.1+, and a small subset is available on .NET Framework 4.7.1 and later. These APIs are fully supported and are actively used by key .NET libraries, but they have less functionality than the newer System.Diagnostics.Metrics APIs. EventCounters are able to report rates of change and averages, but do not support histograms and percentiles. There is also no support for multi-dimensional metrics. Custom tooling is possible via the EventListener API, though it is not strongly typed, only gives access to the aggregated values, and has limitations when using more than one listener simultaneously. EventCounters are supported directly by Visual Studio, Application Insights, dotnet-counters, and dotnet-monitor. For third-party tool support, check the vendor or project documentation to see if it's available.

The .NET team doesn't expect to make substantial new investments on this API going forward, but as with PerformanceCounters, the API remains actively supported for all current and future users.

Third-party APIs

Most application performance monitoring (APM) vendors such as AppDynamics, Application Insights, DataDog, DynaTrace, and NewRelic include metrics APIs as part of their instrumentation libraries. Prometheus and AppMetrics are also popular .NET OSS projects. To learn more about these projects, check the various project websites.