The Planning Optimization Add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management accounts for purchase requisitions and automatically creates the required planned purchase orders. This removes the need to create purchase orders manually based on purchase requisitions.
Feature details
This feature enables Planning Optimization to generate planned orders based on purchase requisitions. A purchase requisition is an internal document that authorizes the purchasing department to buy items or services. After a purchase requisition is approved, it can be used to generate a purchase order. This feature enables Planning Optimization to analyze existing purchase requisitions and automatically create the required planned purchase orders.
With Planning Optimization, planners can benefit from:
Improved performance with high data volume.
Improved system performance made possible by moving master planning to its own service.
Near-real-time insights into requirement changes.
Geographic areas
This feature will be released into the following Microsoft Azure geographic areas:
Learn about how to use features within Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, which enables the calculation of a master plan to occur outside Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management and its SQL database.
Tämä toiminto sallii varastopäälliköiden hallita kuljetettujen tavaroiden hyllytystöitä tarkemmin ja parantaa Aiheutuneet kustannukset -moduulin kykyä seurata tuontitavaroiden saapumispäiviä.