Troubleshooting policies and profiles in Microsoft Intune
This article provides troubleshooting guidance for common issues related to policies and configuration profiles in Microsoft Intune. including instructions on how to use the built-in Intune troubleshooting feature.
Use the built-in Troubleshoot pane
You can use the built-in troubleshooting feature to review different compliance and configuration statuses.
Microsoft Entra join Type: Should be set to Workplace or AzureAD.
If this column is Not Registered, there may be an issue with enrollment. Typically, unenrolling and re-enrolling the device resolves this state.
Intune compliant: Should be Yes. If No is shown, there may be an issue with compliance policies, or the device isn't connecting to the Intune service. For example, the device may be turned off, or may not have a network connection. Eventually, the device becomes non-compliant, possibly after 30 days.
Microsoft Entra compliant: Should be Yes. If No is shown, there may be an issue with compliance policies, or the device isn't connecting to the Intune service. For example, the device may be turned off, or may not have a network connection. Eventually, the device becomes non-compliant, possibly after 30 days.
Last check in: Should be a recent time and date. By default, Intune devices check in every 8 hours and the Last check-in value also updates every 8 hours in the Intune portal.
If Last check in is more than 24 hours, there may be an issue with the device. A device that can't check in can't receive your policies from Intune.
To force check-in:
On the Android device, open the Company Portal app > Devices > Choose the device from list > Check Device Settings.
On the iOS/iPadOS device, open the Company portal app > Devices > Choose the device from list > Check Settings.
On a Windows device, open Settings > Accounts > Access Work or School > Select the account or MDM enrollment > Info > Sync.
Select the device to see policy-specific information.
Device Compliance shows the states of compliance policies assigned to the device.
Device Configuration shows the states of configuration policies assigned to the device.
If the expected policies aren't shown under Device Compliance or Device Configuration, then the policies aren't targeted correctly. Open the policy, and assign the policy to this user or device.
Policy states:
Not Applicable: This policy isn't supported on this platform. For example, iOS/iPadOS policies don't work on Android. Samsung KNOX policies don't work on Windows devices.
Conflict: There's an existing setting on the device that Intune can't override. Or, you deployed two policies with the same setting using different values.
Pending: The device hasn't checked into Intune to get the policy. Or, the device received the policy but hasn't reported the status to Intune.
Check the Tenant Status and confirm the subscription is Active. You can also view details for active incidents and advisories that may impact your policy or profile deployment.
Confirm a configuration profile is correctly applied
Select Devices > All devices > select the device > Device configuration.
Every device lists its profiles. Each profile has a Status. The status applies when all of the assigned profiles, including hardware and OS restrictions and requirements, are considered together. Possible statuses include:
Conforms: The device received the profile and reports to Intune that it conforms to the setting.
Not applicable: The profile setting isn't applicable. For example, email settings for iOS/iPadOS devices don't apply to an Android device.
Pending: The profile is sent to the device, but hasn't reported the status to Intune. For example, encryption on Android requires the user to enable encryption, and might show as pending.
Issue: You receive the alert Saving of Access Rules to Exchange has Failed in the admin console.
If you create policies in the Exchange On-Premises Policy workspace (Admin console), but are using Microsoft 365, then the configured policy settings aren't enforced by Intune. In the alert, note the policy source. Under the Exchange On-premises Policy workspace, delete the legacy rules. The legacy rules are Global Exchange rules within Intune for on-premises Exchange, and aren't relevant to Microsoft 365. Then, create new policy for Microsoft 365.
Can't change security policies for enrolled devices
Windows 10 devices may not remove security policies when you unassign the policy (stop deployment). You may need to leave the policy assigned, and then change the security settings back to the default values.
Depending on the device platform, if you want to change the policy to a less secure value, you may need to reset the security policies.
For example, in Windows 8.1, on the desktop, swipe in from right to open the Charms bar. Choose Settings > Control Panel > User Accounts. On the left, select Reset Security Policies link, and choose Reset Policies.
Other platforms, such as Android, and iOS/iPadOS may need to be retired and re-enrolled to apply a less restrictive policy.
Tässä moduulissa esitellään opiskelijat profiilien seurantaan, jotta voidaan varmistaa oikeat määritykset ja ratkaista ristiriidat useita profiileja käytettäessä.
Suunnittele ja suorita päätepisteen käyttöönottostrategia käyttäen modernin hallinnan, rinnakkaishallintalähestymistapojen ja Microsoft Intunen integroinnin olennaisia osia.
See a list of the errors, status code, descriptions, and resolutions when using MDM managed devices, getting access to company resources, errors on iOS/iPadOS devices, and OMA response errors in Microsoft Intune.