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Binding With GetObject and ADsGetObject

The GetObject and ADsGetObject functions are used to bind to directory service objects with no authentication. The application is not required to provide credentials when accessing directory service data. ADSI uses the security context of the calling thread. However, if secure authentication fails, ADSI attempts to perform a simple bind with a null user name and null password. If the simple bind succeeds, the user context for the binding is Guest. A simple bind uses plaintext authentication. Because no user name or password is transmitted over the network, this is not a security issue.

The GetObject function is used to bind to directory service objects in languages that support automation, such as Visual Basic. The GetObject function requires a moniker string. In ADSI, the binding string is the moniker string.

In languages that do not directly support automation, such as C or C++, ADSI provides the ADsGetObject function to bind to directory service objects. Alternatively, the MkParseDisplayName and MkParseDisplayNameEx functions can be used to achieve the same result as GetObject.

For a service running under the LocalSystem account, the security context used by GetObject and ADsGetObject depends on the computer on which the service is running. If the service is running as LocalSystem on a domain controller, the service has full system-level access to Active Directory. If the service is not running on a DC, the service has the access rights and privileges granted to the computer account for the computer on which the service is running; this is significantly less powerful than system-level access.


The following Visual Basic code example shows how to use the GetObject function to bind to an object.

Dim myUser as IADs
Set myUser = GetObject("LDAP://CN=jeffsmith,DC=fabrikam,DC=com")

The following C++ code example shows how to use the ADsGetObject function to bind to an object.

IADs *pObject;

// Initialize COM.

hr = ADsGetObject(L"LDAP://CN=jeffsmith,DC=fabrikam,DC=com", 
        (void**) &pObject);

    // Use the object.

    // Release the object.

// Uninitialize COM.